The name on the paper made Ariana seem to know a little about what was happening to her just now.

This person might have been looking for her all this time because she didn't know how to reach him.  To him, he might heard the news of her losing her memories so he might have waited for a time like this to contact her.

Her intuition towards this person, when she read the diary hiding inside her bedroom, was that Carl was the one who helped the previous princess all this time.  He is not her secret lover or something as she thought at first before.

But first things first, she needs to know the contents of this paper first before speculating any further or she just hurts her head by thinking too much.

After a few minutes, Ariel and Ashton come inside the restaurant where Ariana and the others finally decide to waiting for them here.  Thankfully they come back fast.

"We lost him!" Ashton looked furious.

'Looks like he can get away easily even if these Princes are elite knights. ' Ariana started to feel more impressed.

"Don't worry brother Ashton. It's not his fault that I trip. I'm the one who suppose to apologize to him after all."

"Really? What a good heart you have. " Ariel sounds cynical there.

"Can't I be like that your highness? "

Ariana said while gritting her teeth. She could feel that her patience was tested there. Ariel is indeed a pain in the ass back in her real world but in this world he is way more than that.

"Looks like it's hard for us to get close."

"Stop it Ariel. Let's eat calmly. Ariana is already tired with everything that happened today." Aiden put a firm stop there at the same time making Ariel just close his mouth until they entered the carriage to return to the palace. Of course after stopping at Silver Palace first to drop off Ariana.

"Thank you so much for today." Ariana bowed slightly in front of the four princes who were now standing in front of her before parting away. They are now on the ground of Silver Palace.

"I really had fun today. To be honest, I never thought we could have this kind of outing with our current relationship. But still... Thank you. " Ariana decided to be honest here as she thought this might be the last time this is happening.

"What kind of relationship do you think we have? " In curiosity, Aiden asked.

Ariana didn't expect that question to be asked, but she decided to just go with it.

"I thought all of you hate me. Like the rumors that are circulating are saying."

The four of them looked kind of surprised by this honestly, but no one denied that. But Aiden suddenly came forward and put his hand on her head, touching gently.

"You are really a busy person. Being happy but at the same time still have time to think nonsense."

Didn't know why, she felt something prick into her heart now by this gesture. Her eyes even feel kind of sting, but she still refuses to acknowledge the 'sad' feeling she suddenly felt.

It wasn't long before Aiden pulled back his hand and took away the warm feeling that reached Ariana's heart before. She became speechless.

"Princess." Sir Robert came into the picture to escort Ariana inside.

"Your highness the prince." He then greeted the royal princes right after.

"Then, see you next time." Asher said the final words before the four of them moved away.

Ariana is still stunned in her stance.

"Is everything okay?" Sir Robert asked after seeing the princess face who looked troubled while seeing the princes left.

Ariana closes her eyes first before deciding to just forget what just happened to get a hold of her feeling. She could break in any moment if she didn't do that.

After organize her thought and everything seems okay, she opens her eyes again.

"Are you deciding to talk to me after all the silence treatment?" She started talking while accusing the innocent man who was standing next to her at that time. She's still remembered his blank face when she was at the knights' training ground before!

Sir Robert flinched a little, but he knew what she was talking about. He then started looking in another direction.

"Let's get in. The Duke asked me to escort you as you returned a bit later than the schedule."

Ariana started pouting after her being reminded of the Duke.

"Tch, it's not like he is worried about me or anything. Why does he trouble other people when he can do this himself."

"Its my job princess. Also, You should refrain yourself with your comment. Duke even lifted his order so that only one knight is needed to follow you now. I will change shift with Sir Josh, Sir Lucas and Dame Kay started today. But still, you need to remember that inside this palace has many eyes that will follow you so please stop doing dangerous thing."

'Zayn did what? Am I hearing that correctly? Maybe he was shocked while arguing with the princes before. ' Ariana couldn't hold back her laughter and giggled a little.

Robert only look at her without saying anything even if he finds it weird when she is suddenly laughing.

"Wait the minute, this is the first time you are talking at that length with me." Sudden realization make Ariana abruptly stop her laugh and now look at Robert seriously.

Robert also just realized what he just did now looked the other way. Denying that he was flustered by what the princess just discovered. His face even flushed a little which Ariana found cute.

How come such a bear-like person can be adorable like this when caught doing something unexpected?

"So, are you are deciding not to be angry with me any longer?"

His eyebrow moved slightly as he did not expect the question.

"It's not even my place to be angry, your highness. " He answered it quickly.

Ariana doesn't believe it and now shoves her face a little closer to the knight, to look at him properly without realizing that making him frustrated.

"Princess..." His voice sounded like a warning. Maybe afraid if the Duke sees this even if he done nothing wrong.

"Humph! I don't know if you are using to lie but I tell you this what happen before it's not because I want to hurt myself. So please believe me on that. I am already tired of the misunderstanding that happened but I hope at least Lily and you believe in me. I really mean it."

"I... Understand." Even though his tone was not convincing but at least, he answered her, so Ariana felt a little relieved.

"And I'm sorry."

"It's oka..."

"It's not okay at all Sir Robert. Please hear me out. I'm really sorry to put you in a tough position. You even got punished because of me. I really am feeling guilty. "

"It's my job so..."

"Yada-Yada..." Ariana didn't want to listen to that so she stopped him before stretching out her hand to get a handshake.

"So we're good now? "

Sir Robert had never felt so wrong in his life. He didn't know what he should do whether to grab her hand or not, but seeing her waiting, finally he held it.


In the distance,

Zayn clearly saw the interaction between Ariana and Sir Robert from the window of his office. He didn't show any discomfort or anything and still with his poker face.

"I can't get you at all Zayn." Jay who was there to work on some paperwork said after seeing Zayn with his serious demeanor. He has known for a long time that each time his friend becomes like this, everything must be caused by that one girl.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked, still not turning away from the window.

"I met the princess before after she was done talking to you. You know, that day when she barged here suddenly."

"So?" Zayn was indifferent. He didn't see the point of this conversation at all.

"She is different now with her personality and all. Its interesting I must say. She even looks at me in the eyes while talking as if she is always ready for a fight. So I hope you still remember about the pain that her family is causing you. "

Zayn finally turned his body to look at Jay who now added,

"My opinion about her never changes. I still hate her no matter what, and I hate it more that you got involved with someone like her. I saw all the pain that the royal cause all of us, and she got the same blood. That's the facts."

"It's up to you what you feel about her and I take care of my own business." Zayn said it straight.

"But why?"

Zayn now looked directly at Jay's face as if the question was hanging.

"I heard she asked to cancel the marriage but you refuse it. You know very well that this marriage is one way for the royal to control you but you refuse such a golden opportunity."

"I had my reasons and it's not like they can control me that easily. I can turn the table if I play my cards right. "


Once again, Zayn and Jay battle with their cold, sharp stare towards each other.

"Do you have feelings for her now?"