Chereads / Worlds Away (JJK AU) / Chapter 61 - Fear

Chapter 61 - Fear

Elska emerges through the portal first, gleefully shouting, "HOME!", followed by Itadori, then Toji who carries Gojo, Naoya and Choso.

Her first instinct is to run and jump onto her own bed, flopping supine while scanning the familiar scenery with a relief-tailored smile. Upon recognizing that Toji is carrying Gojo to the spot in the bed next her though, Elska jumps to her knees and peels back the dark blue bedding to make it easier.

"Finally, we can put you somewhere comfortable, Sati!", but she says it quietly; adoring her silver haired lover while missing his voice and inappropriate mannerisms. While her beloved helps to adjust Satoru's legs underneath the blankets she sighs over how drastically the two men's dynamic has change over the last months. 'There was a time when they literally fought to the death…', ringing in her mind as Toji glances over with a caring expression, invoking a reflexive smile from her.

Naoya stretches his arms feeling alleviated now that they're out of the compound. He looks over the two beds, shaking his head and chuckling at how they need that many in order to provide basic necessities. There are still moments where he's blown away by the polyamorous association he's now balls-deep in, never having guessed he'd willingly engage or allow his future wife to either. Stumped by the world flip, Naoya sits down beside Elska on the edge of the bed as she tucks Gojo in and patiently waits for her attention.

There's a palpable, ripening solicitude forming in the air however and everyone seems to sense it despite it not being discussed. Naoya's eyes dart to Satoru but the action produces a chill that rains down his spine. The Zenin of course, has the highest of hopes for Gojo's awakening and secretly prays that the Titers have it all wrong.

Gojo is already so powerful that aside from the turned who are an exception in this world, no one can really hurt him and Naoya notes that after seeing some of Satoru's strength up close. 'Technically, Gojo possessed the means to do whatever he pleases before being turned but he stays in line for the most part...when you actually think about it.' Naoya chuckles to himself after briefly replaying every atrocity of Satoru's and considers about how strange perspective can be. After hearing his princess's giggle though, the blonde is pulled from his mind as his eyes find Elska. She smiles at him while talking to Toji. Naoya smiles back.

'But WAIT.', The Zenin's veins constrict as stress washes through them, 'What do I do if Gojo does become a monster though?', the very thought plaguing as he stares into Elska and considers the unambiguous affection she holds for the shaman. Naoya nervously shakes his head. He's already figured Gojo will be even more outlandishly unstoppable than before but that's a huge fucking problem if he loses reason as a turned most certainly can.

Toji walks around to the other side of the bed where his cousin and Elska sit. "I know I said I'd feed you doll, but I probably need to fill Nanami in on some things first.", his voice regretful as he'd rather stay and provide sustenance instead. "Someone has to report it all though…", the responsibility of ensuring clear communication forcing his hand. "Doll, I guess Naoya will get his wish but I'll be back soon. I want to see Megs as well...make sure he's okay, you know?"

Itadori, who is still embarrassed by the situation he woke up to, insists, "I'll go with you! I need to find Nobara. I kind of gave her the impression that I was going to be back way sooner…" He hugs his brother one more time and says, "I'll be back too, after I smooth things out with her.", the confidence in his tone undetectable though he tries to fake it anyways.

Choso nods his head with understanding before turning his focus onto Naoya who's giddily positioning himself in a way that allows Elska access to his neck and lap. "I want to feed her too!", he whines, frowning to Elska's expression that tells him its not likely to happen right now. He visually follows his brother towards the door, becoming slightly annoyed by Naoya's attitudinal sigh.

"Cho you need to quit that. Your blood does the opposite of mine which is why we can't allow it.", Naoya furrows his brow to kindly express that the being is treading over into his territory. "I know things are different now but you don't get the same privileges as us.", he adamantly states while leaning forward and hooking Elska with his arm to pull her onto him. To his dismay, Naoya senses the slight depression in her presence from his rejection of Choso but he's unable to hide the discontent on his face.

Elska's eyes begin to glow as she watches her prince glare back, her fangs forming instantly as the sight of Naoya angry for some reason always inadvertently rouses her desires. Instead of piercing him though, she staves off her hunger to bring her focus to Toji as he nears to say temporary goodbyes. When the giant's rough hand cups her cheek, she closes her eyes to inundate her senses with his touch, loving the way it feels. "That's alright my beloved, I'll be here when you get back. Thank you for taking care of everything...", already missing him as he and Itadori walk out of the door.

Choso sits on the other bed, facing her and Naoya while thinking, 'Am I supposed to just watch?', bothered by wanting to feel Elska's bite again, wanting to hold up his end of the promise to the other her. The being swallows hard when Naoya adjusts himself to give her room to straddle his lap. A small whine looms under his breath; he can't even help it. Merely witnessing this interaction stokes something deep within him.

Elska gently plants her lips to Naoya's, giggling when she feels his smile form that causes her to kiss his teeth. They stare into each other for a moment, her thumb brushing across his bottom lip and studying how his eyes begin to glow too. "I'm so grateful that you can't stay mad at me! But...I don't know why I'm like this.", her lighthearted demeanor crushed by the haunting reminder that it seems she always wants more despite all and everyone she has.

Naoya chuckles while wrapping his arms and fastening his hold around her by grabbing his own wrists. "My princess, it would have been harder for me to understand before but now that I'm like you, it's not so bizarre. Being turned truly does mean wanting strange things.", he assures wholeheartedly even while battling the anger in his heart over Choso joining the equation. As Elska leans down to find his neck though, Naoya's complaints wither and grow to excitement. Having this kind of intimacy with Elska feels like winning the lottery every single time but while gearing up for his euphoria, Naoya's eyes take to the being a few feet away who's honed into their activity. He scoffs, "Don't be weird Cho!", raising an eyebrow to the hybrid's unabashed fixation on them.

Choso squints his eyes because he doesn't understand and rebuttals, "I am merely following my instincts.", but when Naoya moans to her puncture, Choso feels his lips part with anticipation.

He closes his eyes to listen to Elska drink from the Zenin; breathing erratically as his senses inform him of her already billowing pheromones. "I love that scent…", he tells himself, anxiously waiting for its inevitable rupture, longing to agonize under its mesmerizing spell. Without realizing it, his hand has already begun grabbing at his hardening flesh, desperate for relief.

Elska whimpers to Naoya's wonderful taste, the purifying peculiarities it brings allowing her to recuperate from famine. His groans fill her ears with pride but his love for her that she determines through his flavor fills her heart. Naoya's emotions pertaining to her are so fantastical that an arousing, erratic heat begins to build in her core, her thinking to him, 'My prince, take me right now.'

Naoya sighs heavily, "I will never deny you, baby…", biting his lip as he struggles to function and sloppily tugs down at his sweat pants. His eyes widen when she doesn't even give him time to free himself, her hand assisting the insertion while she continues to feed. The moan that escapes him when Elska's delicate fingers wrap around his shaft establishes the beginning of their equally ravenous pining. Naoya's having a hard time forming sentences as the bliss from her bite and the warmth from her body weighs as she guides herself over. "Wait…", he whispers as his gaze snaps to Choso, insinuating that the being should leave.

Choso folds his arms and informs, "No. I'm not going anywhere.", ignoring his friend's silent commands. Elska lifts her head from the Zenin's neck and closes the wounds before sending her needy eyes to him which makes Choso squirm in place. "Elska…", the being lustfully whispers as his brows angle in a way that expose his intentions to become permanent, "…You would benefit from my affections as well."

Elska almost silently gasps to the bold statement, knowing full well that Naoya will not have it. She's staring at Choso, trying to think of the best way to put it, being unsure if he can even hear, 'My prince will not share me with you.' The hybrids eyes flicker and widen which makes her feel like he received the message but as she's wordlessly expressing her sympathies, Naoya turns her face back to him.

"Baby…", he hums against her lips, "You're right, I won't."

It sounds harsh but Naoya's already planning to combat his abrasive tone with action. In a single motion he pulls Elska down, shoving half of himself into her and whimpering to feeling her stretch around his girth. With his mouth hanging open, his tongue brushes along the edges of his top row of teeth as she sinks down over him. His deep, satisfied moans sing through the air right as her pheromones rip through them and compete for his senses.

Choso shudders after huffing up the scent and watching her work down over Naoya's length. He's bewildered by the Zenin's intentions though and momentarily takes it as an insult until Naoya's eyes deviously meet his own. ' he trying to anger me?', but the being's thoughts are silenced when she wonderfully cries out. "Elska…", he whispers as she carefully starts riding Naoya right in front of him.

She throws her head back as she accepts Naoya entirely, his wonderful member always stirring thoughts of his perfection while inside of her. Trailing her hand down his bare chest, she takes in all of the wonderful details that comprise of her prince; his skin, his build, the vastness of his heart, the beauty in his soul. His mouth quickly latches to her breasts, his tongue flicking the hardened buds with the perfect amount of pressure and give, momentarily making her go a little limp. When his hands engulf her rear and help her with movement, her voice carries but she happily submits his control. "My prin-ce…", she whispers breathlessly, not wanting to subdue the audible feast of his length sloshing through her arousal.

Choso stands up quickly but doesn't move. He's not sure as to what he should do as Naoya's half-lidded, glowing eyes shift to him as his hips rise to meet her efforts. 'Should I…try to join?', he asks himself with complete muddle as he's sincerely unsure of what Naoya's thinking. He observes the Zenin grabbing her hair and tilting her head back while he marks her chest and instructing, "Is my baby enjoying being fucked in front of her newest turned?", he smacks her ass with his left hand when she whines, "Yes, Master Naoya, I am!" Choso takes a deep breath as he comprehends that his friend is purposefully displaying their bond to discourage any evolution between them. When the Zenin releases her hair, she falls forward into his chest but turns her head in his direction to land glowing eyes which causes Choso's to respond and illuminate. Their individual, opposing signals are creating calamity in the being's thought processing, his body twitching to the urge of forcing her teeth into him.

Naoya is reluctantly accepting the fact that he's enjoying this far more than he should. There's something about having Elska in front of someone else that longs for her that simply electrifies his existence. Even his aggravation that initially lived within over Choso's familiarity with her subsides as the being's obvious expression of envy lingers in view. Naoya's feeling more aggressive than usual though and is having to keep himself in check as the hint of acceptance to his friend entering her as well creeps unwarranted in the back of his mind, 'God, my brain is so weird now!' As if he's refueled by his own undesired debauchery, Naoya begins lifting Elska and ramming his hips upwards as gravity forces her back down. She doubles over and whimpers between gasps, the beautiful sounds rewriting any source of foulness in his mood from prior concerns. "Tell him baby…", he pants out, "Tell Cho how I make you feel.", his heart fluttering when she contracts and clearly relishes the way he's going about this.

Choso takes his first step towards them, taking advantage of Naoya's words as she turns to face his direction once again. He quietly gasps as her flushed expression becomes aimed at him, the visual trapping him with an invisible rope that lures him inches closer every time she breathlessly whimpers. He notices that Naoya is watching him but tries his best to ignore it as he reaches out for Elska's face. She doesn't pull away nor does Naoya snatch her back which confuses him further but he bears no complaints as she leans her head into his palm. Choso's gaze quickly falls to Gojo lying down beside Naoya and with the harsh reality of an opportunity like this arising again seeming scarce, the being decides now is a better time than any.

Naoya grunts when Choso dives in and sensually kisses Elska but it's more out of frustration for not completely hating what he's seeing. 'What the fuck is wrong with me?!!', he berates to himself until both of their eyes start to glow and it dawns on him, 'We want to dominate her just as much as she wants to be dominated…', the epiphany sending him into a fleeting stupor as he gathers the same thing happened with him and Toji at the Titer compound.

When Elska slams down into his pelvis, he's brought back to the current situation and finds himself even more resolved to make her unravel. But then Elska says something. Her voice is so tiny and full of shock when Naoya hears, "Wait! CHOS-", and darts his eyes up to them both, instantly growling. "CHO! WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING?!", Naoya screams out as his eyes fix to the being placing Elska's face to his neck after he'd just dug a deep scratch into his own skin and is forcing her to drink it.

Elska's presence immediately darkens, causing Naoya to fearfully freeze as he looks down and wheezes to not only being stuck beneath her but inside as well. "Shit.", he defeatedly surmises out loud with apprehension, "Fuck-fuck-fuck!"

Choso combs his fingers through Elska's hair as she laps up everything spilling out of him; adoring the way her energy feels once his essence has entered her. "Elska…go easy on him.", he lovingly whispers in reference to Naoya, "He's just afraid. You know this." When he registers her lowly voice humming in agreement, the being smiles with relief and turns to look at Naoya the best he can and explains, "She was really upset after you and Toji rejected her but I think it will be okay now." He becomes unnerved though when the Zenin remains panicked, hoping that she wouldn't actually retaliate in a way that would hurt him.

Naoya inhales sharply with wide eyes, not trusting that this will go smoothly at all and is now brought back to her previous threat, "You will regret defying me!", blaring through his memories as Elska's energy continues to surge and darken. He tries scooting from beneath her but she menacingly growls as if to warn him to not move. "Cho…I can't believe you fucking did that!", he shouts with uncertainty, not giving up on escaping, "Traitor!!!" The Zenin is losing his cool but suddenly hears her lowly words in his mind, 'Stay down.', but fear makes him ignore it and tries once again to shift away from her. Before Naoya knows it, splinters are dancing in front of his face as she sends energy into the corner of the headboard right next to him. He holds his breath and just in time, understands through his fear why she didn't want him struggling, 'They'll cut me again!', he concludes while studying how she's twisting towards the being. Naoya slams his body against the mattress as much as he can right as her wings rip through back and out into the open for display, their breeze rushing past his face.

Choso smiles to the her newly designed tips that show his dark red addition along the edges of her feathers but additionally, his color is displayed through throbbing arteries that branch from her brachial plexus and feed over her shoulder and under her arms into the coverts of her wings. Stunned, Choso can only grin with excitement but watches as the blood flow to them dyes into black.

"Baby, what the fuck?! What's happening to you?!", Naoya's view drags along her new creepy attributes.

Choso ignores the Zenin's questions and chuckles a little before telling her, "They're beautiful, Elska.", and gasps lovingly at the novel brown dashes in her eyes that rest near Toji and Naoya's colors when she lifts her head from his self-inflicted cut. "I'm apart of you as well now…", he coos before crashing his lips to hers and melting to her returned affection as they moan into each other passionately.

"My hybrid...", she soothes in her lowly voice after nipping his bottom lip, "Thank you for what you've done." She rolls her hips against Naoya while Choso's tongue caresses her own, miserably laughing away from the being as she picks up on Naoya's concern. Bringing her gaze down to him arrogantly, she smirks and threatens, "I will not hurt you but I will make you suffer.", she narrows her eyes, "How dare you think to go against my will?"

Naoya grits his teeth, glaring between her and Choso as he feels pinned and extremely vulnerable. 'What does she mean by that?!', he nervously wonders while trying to read her intentions, having no luck. She wraps her hand around his throat though, squeezing enough to keep his attention while she begins riding him again. He's so confused, not being sure of what will come of this or what she's currently even doing. 'Do I not affect her like I used to?', he wonders in awe as she incites moans from him against his wishes.

Choso moves over more towards Naoya and frees himself from his pants, whimpering when Elska bobs her head over him without hesitation. His knees feel weak for a second but he remains standing strong as his relief to finally enjoying this act with her in the physical realm gives him strength. He knows exactly what she wants and moans wildly as he starts to rock his length down her throat. Naoya's thunderous cries help fuel them both as Choso only desires to fulfill his master's wants and needs, even if that means taking advantage of Naoya's stupor. As he's becoming lost in the moment his satisfaction is dismantled when Toji rushes him and Choso feels his body slamming into the wall.

Elska releases an unholy shriek that shakes the room and swiftly climbs up her beloved's back to distract him from her hybrid. When Naoya jumps up on the bed she commands, "STAY!", and glares with distrust as her prince flattens with spasming limbs. 'Good…', she thinks, 'I've gained some more control now.'

Toji darts his frantic eyes over to his cousin and feels a cold chill as she's clearly somehow immobilized him. "What the fuck is going on here?! What are you doing, Choso?!", he shouts into the being's face while straining to choke him out while Elska claws at him. He shivers when that lowly voice giggles into his ear; causing him to slowly turn his head and see her villainous smile, "Doll…why…"

"Release my hybrid.", another command seething from her lips. She condescendingly laughs at her beloved as he expresses his perplexity to his arms vehemently retracting. Toji's eyes race to his hands that are soon resting at his side and he seems to stubbornly not accept that he's not in control. Elska walks Toji back, until his legs hit the bed to which she uses nothing but her fingertips to push him down so he's stuck laying next to Naoya. Lacing fingers with Choso, she pulls him behind her and basks in his obsession; her body responding to every indication of his hands against her skin. He wastes no time guiding his length up into her, her amorous gasp cascading into the air as he moans down into her ear.

Naoya growls in absolute abhorrence to what he's seeing and shouts, "What did you do to us!?", demanding an explanation as her half lidded, glowing eyes land on him. 'Toji what the fuck is going on here?!', he thinks to his cousin. 'I can't fucking move!'

Elska steadies Choso's movements by grabbing his hand and then takes a few steps until she's at the bed.

"I am your master therefore you cannot resist me…", she wickedly explains, "I believe I warned you of this.", her lowly voice softening as she reaches down and brushes the blonde hair away from his amber eyes. Bringing her view to Toji as well she adds, "I wasn't balanced enough before but things have changed." Her beloved's stoic scowl makes her wet, the idea of him sustaining that expression while fucking her senseless compels the action of sending her tongue into his mouth. She angles her wings in a way that hovers over both of the men, her core throbbing at the force she can now enact to subdue them if she needs to. Her back arches when Choso slips through her core and reaches around a hand to stimulate her further. "Fuck me my hybrid…fuck me while I dangle before them.", she implores, straddling half of each of her turned that are on the bed.


Suguru knew the moment they left; the absence of her presence depressing him horribly. He's managed to keep himself busy though since, checking in on Sain and speaking with the families of the maintenance Titers to express his dread over their passing. He's not even had the heart to go back to his own room until now and has spent the last half hour wandering through the compound as he also revolts to reentering his project room. When he opens the door to his yellow room and takes in the evidence of it having been occupied, he sighs before sitting down on his bed. After brooding, he swivels his neck to look at the spot where he once laid with Elska sleeping on his chest. He tortures himself with the memory of holding her there, how her hair smelled, the way his hand sprawled out and covered her stomach… the intense chemistry they experienced the night before this scene. "Do I mean anything to you, little one?", asking the ghosts of the compound as no one else is around. He flops back and outstretches his arms over head while contemplating that he might just be emotional over their abrupt exit. He knew that with Choso up and walking around again that things were going to be even more difficult than before since the hybrid still clearly has it out for him. "Why can't I just tell him the truth?", rubbing the bridge of his nose with exhaustion as he recalls the day Eso and him fought.

---The Past---

Kokoro wasn't the most diplomatic man but he was adamant about installing certain measures that would protect Suguru as this would in turn, ensure his place at the top as the pseudo leader. At the original base where Suguru operated out of, there was a collection of special curses as well, ones designed to be loyal to the Titer clan's goals. Using what is know as remnants, Kokoro was able to concoct creations out of these layering energies that are vastly unknown by most and infused them with weak curses that amounted from stored, fallen Titers of the past. A fun fact, most of these curses were born of Satoru Gojo's diabolical experiments and his murderous actions towards clan members. The foresight to manifest these loyal curses laid way to one of few reasons Kokoro allowed Gojo to get away with these horrendous actions for so long. The energy from his own clan, something that Kokoro was very much in tune with, was easier to control and fabricate than if he'd outsourced to the outside world's sorrows, something he didn't want to risk with someone like Suguru finally being born.

The day Eso returned from his search of more of his family members, he was greeted with an auspicious voice that gave a detailed description of Kechizu's death. Never having trusted Getou in the first place and not questioning what these faceless words spoken to him, he rushed through the base with absolute fury and despair, searching for Kechi and not handling the demise of his youngest brother well at all. Once met with Suguru in his office, he confronted him by unleashing his techniques without restraint.

--The Present--

Getou's eyes well up as he remembers trying to dodge the poisonous attacks, desperately wanting to explain the woeful situation. "I WOULD NEVER HURT KECHI!", he screamed relentlessly, over and over but found that it proved to be useless. Eso was not going to listen. Suguru refused to counter the techniques being used on him as part of him wallowed in severe culpability over the ordeal, his heart already shattered from when he held the small curse and had to end his pain.

Getou tosses over to his side, destroyed over the remembrance of hatred that seeped from Eso. It seemed like no matter what he did, the ones he cares about around him always died.

'I was so fucking powerless…', he reminds himself, tears spilling down and across his nose until their blending with the small saturated spot on the pillow under his cheek. Only now does he continue down this heartbreaking memory as it takes him through the adrenaline he felt as the office walls around him crumbled; everything Eso's energy touched rotting away instantly.

As Getou was backed into the corner of the room, he resolved to accept his fate, not actually hating the justice that awaited him for he was truly broken over Kechi. Eso bellowed out, "DECOMPOSE FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!", and aims his final attack at the battered, bleeding Getou.

Suguru didn't even close his eyes, knowing he deserved to suffer but the end never came. His view unfastened completely when Eso's screams swirled into his ear and he sat there, mystified by beastly curses that swarmed the shattered brother and tore him apart before the Getou could even think to help. He could only stand there, horrified as his flesh was torn into something that befitted a butcher shop.

The tile floor was unforgiving as Getou collapsed to his knees, not even being sure if Eso cursed him out of agony as it all happened so fast. When the sounds of their gnawing on his meat silenced, the guarding curses submissively began approaching him with love but Suguru instinctively crushed that entire section of the room causing his sanity to drift further away.

Suguru sits up in the bed and wipes away the evidence of his fragmented heart. Taking a deep breath, he resigns to changing out of his robes, currently being disgusted with what they stood for while he trudges up these debilitating memories. He saunters over to his drawers, aiming for fresh briefs as his sleep deprived mind begs him for solace. When he opens it though, he lifts and eyebrow and pulls out a skimpy pair of purple-colored lace panties and blushes as he automatically pictures Elska in them. An unexpected but much needed grin forms across his face, a cackle leaving his lips while he rummages through the drawer and finds one of her slips as well. He lifts the dark blue silk dress to his nose and inhales her natural scent, the wonderful aroma soothing his ruffled nerves.

"I miss you already, isn't that sad?", he whispers while lowering the garment but carries it with him back by the bed after grabbing black briefs. While he undresses, he thinks back to the way he felt while inside of her in his project room, the wanton expression she wore as he worked his hips. Suguru resents that he never got his own relief as they were interrupted by her heated lovers but sighs lustfully when recalling how she definitely did. "Perhaps I shouldn't question your feelings for me…", as he refuses to think that she feels nothing between them.

Sitting back on the bed but on the other side, he sees a piece of paper folded up on the nightstand excitedly snatches it. He swiftly opens it up as he can't imagine one of her turned wishing to correspond with him. It reads:

"Suguru, I'm sorry that we're leaving without saying anything but its best if we returned at this time. I know a lot has happened while we were here and that there are probably just as many gray areas now but I want to thank you for trying to set aside our differences to discuss the future and the army. I once thought of you as a monster who felt nothing but I've been corrected on this view after having learned more about you. I welcome our alliance and will work on expressing that to the others…although after our little…you know…it may be impossible. Toji said before that we could continue training but you'll have to come here, there's no way they'll be okay with me going back now. I hope Sain feels better soon! Also, thank you for the special roses. I was able to take one back. They really are beautiful.

Elska Oda

Suguru's spirit lifts as his eyes scan over it a second, even a third time.

'She does care…', the resolution sending a familiar wave of hope through his tattered soul. He cackles lightheartedly to her well wishes for Sain and finds himself tearing up yet again but this time, with odd rejuvenation as he contemplates on how she could still be so kind to him, even after everything.

"You seem to have a soft spot for the wretched, little one.", laughing through exhalation of his nose; rocked by the smile that seems to stain his face. He falls over to his side and places the note next to him on the pillow, elated by the letter left while tucking himself under the blankets. While he's settling into place, happily reviewing their recent encounters again, he's startled by a sudden buzzing that's occurring under his left leg.

"What the hell is that?!", he sits back up and throws the covers away to find a tiny pink mouse vibrator that has even tinier whiskers painted towards the tip.

"Really now??", he mischievously questions as he rotates it with his fingers, "Elska…what were you doing in my bed?", biting his lip as he imagines her servicing herself into a mess in the very spot in which he lays.

A deep and needy groan rumbles from him as he turns it off and places it on the bedside table, staring at it as sleep seems to not be as important now and wondering if he shouldn't check in on her. 'I can rest afterwards…I have my whole life to waste.', he assures himself while adjusting his growing erection and then donning his robe to leave and find another bowl.


Megumi goes to knock on the door, wanting to greet Elska and everyone else after having worried over them for so long.

'Will she be able to forgive my mom?'

He's spent more time with Sachiko and is glad for it as he was able to understand more about her position. 'She's just lost… but I know she wants to be around now.' Megumi can barely thinking about the situation without tearing up for how has he gone most of his life without the love of his parents to now abruptly having them both involved with him? It's a strange emotion that contains hope, love but also hatred and fear. Does he really get to have them both? Is this really something that can happen and be sustainable?

As Megumi's knuckles go to sound off his arrival, he notices the darkened presence which brings him to caution as he worries for what's happening on the other side. His breath becomes hitched when Elska's moans can be heard through the wooden barrier though and his hands sweat as they aim but then freeze over the handle. It isn't until he hears his dad furiously shouting "FUCKING STOP THIS!", that he snaps back and becomes severely concerned that something is wrong. "DAD?!!", he opens the door but is motionless with embarrassment as his eyes soak up the scene.

Elska lifts her head from Naoya, who she was forcing into a romantic kiss, and softens her eyes for the younger Fushiguro. "Megumi…", she calls out seductively, not missing his scared expression or the way his eyes wash over her exposed breasts that are hanging over the front of her slip.

Choso stiffens up and backs out of her, wishing the young shaman would not have waltzed in like that. He senses Elska's tactics of luring the boy and flashes his alarmed eyes to Toji, who's wide-eyed and clearly mortified. When she goes to step toward the junior shaman, the being grabs her arm and attempts, "Elska, you don't need this Zenin. You have his father.", but he's irritated by the way she yanks her arm away and continues to hone in on the young Fushiguro.

Naoya strains to lift his head and is met with success but wishes he could do more as he looks back and forth between her and the boy. "ELSKA, DON'T!", he begs, snarling after its clear she plans to ignore their protests. He cries out, "HE'S JUST A KID GOD DAMN IT!", dreadfully wishing to stop her more than ever. He's still reeling over how she's been cruelly forcing them to watch her and Choso, groping and lying over them as the newly turned took her from behind. He barely recognizes this woman.

"DOLL! FUCKING LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!", Toji grinds his teeth together, trying to sit up. "MEGS RUN! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, NOW!!!!", he screams as his abhorrence for this side of her takes to new heights, "I SWEAR TO GOD ELSKA, WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU ARE IN THERE, DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM!", he roars viciously as his innate energy accumulates and threatens the mental shackles she has over him, "STOPPPPPP!!!"

Elska giggles in her bareness, gently grasping Megumi's hand and holding it to gauge his confused reaction but she asserts, "It's a Zenin thing…", and pulls him against her exposed breasts and proceeds with, "…it's natural for you to desire me, Megumi. It's not wrong at all...", but then brutally sinks her fangs into his neck.

Choso calls for his wings and then nods to Toji to inform him that he won't allow for this to continue. He winces to the shock that appears over Megumi's features as she slowly lowers him to his knees, this having been his first time being bitten. 'Leave him alone, master. You shouldn't do this…'

Megumi tries his best to keep quiet but the excruciating ecstasy he feels from Elska's bite is overbearing to the point where he can't even think. When she moans into his ear and increases her presence, the stark reality of the maniacal ways she's acting surges him with caution. He sees Choso approaching from behind and with terrified eyes, pleas for clarification for what's going on.

"Elska…why are you doing this?", Choso puts a hand on her shoulder and lightly tugs to signal that he wishes to see her directly. "Are you trying to make me or them jealous?", he sincerely asks as if she's a child acting out.

Elska removes her fangs from Megumi and closes his wounds. Still holding his hand though, she turns to Choso and immaturely asks, "Is it working, my hybrid?", giggling to the bleak face he gifts her with.

Choso embraces her, sensually rubbing down her back as she whimpers, "No it did not. I'm upset that you would do that to him so carelessly. I thought you said you were going to focus." He grunts when she breaks their hug and practically drags the recovering Megumi to the bed. He frowns to what she's insinuating and decides, "I'm not going to be apart of this if you're going to involve him. It's unnecessary and distasteful, even for you, my pretty."

Elska growls, throwing Megumi down on the other side of Naoya, "I'm unsure if you're complementing me or teasing. I don't think I need to explain how I handle defiance, do I?"

Naoya puts an arm over Megumi as if to shield him and whispers, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?!!"

Megumi, who's still a little dazed mutters out, "I've…I've never felt anything like that.", not meaning to disregard Naoya's concern but honestly can't get past that euphoric rush that nearly caused his heart to explode. It actually freaks him out though, not having fully comprehended what her fangs could do; how they could feel.

"Megs, FUCK are you alright??!", Toji worriedly calls out, not being able to move yet. He sighs when his son finally answers yes but is scrambling to find a way out this. 'Is she doing all of this just because we wouldn't fuck her?!', eating away at his brain as he would never have expected any Elska to take it so far. He's sweating bullets to the possibility of her doing something even more inappropriate to Megumi just to teach him a lesson, or even worse, turning him. Unable to ignore the calm banter between her and Choso, his anxieties explode, forcing him to an unlikable conclusion. He whispers to Naoya, "What if we try doing what she wants, let's just get it the fuck this other Elska and get it over with."

Naoya wheezes, "Are you kidding me? That's INSANE. She might rip our dicks off!", there's not a single piece of him that dares to try this side of her, "This thing is fucking psychotic Toji!"

Elska turns around after hearing that last bit. She slowly walks over to Naoya and crawls onto the bed before straddling him. He squeaks nervously as she settles over his lap and brings her hands to cup his cheeks. "I thought you loved me, my prince, what of these nasty words?", after she speaks them though she leans down over Toji and makes out with him, more impressed by her beloved's newfound efforts to try. "Good boy…", she conceitedly seethes. She sits up to glare at Choso who is adamant about not giving her what she wants so long as Megumi remains so she snarls, "My Sati would do this without question. He truly is special.". Her eyes reach her silver shaman and quakes to what he'll become. "He may be too powerful…", she admits but continues on to say, "…but that means he will be the only one that can rule me.", a salacious whimper leaving her while envisioning all the ways the Silver Shaman may bend her to his will.

She's brought back to where they are again as Naoya scoffs and squirms a bit beneath her. "You are the most defiant turned in all of history, my prince.", wanting to break him into submission but also beginning to feel that draining affect he has on her. Crossed, Elska gets up and faces Choso, "I need your blood again.", demanding his assistance and being pleased when he ultimately gives in to her request.

Choso is disappointed by Elska's behavior. He understands that she's been cooped up for a long time but in no way does he condone this developing situation. He also cannot refuse her so he offers his neck and holds her dearly as she nuzzles her nose against his skin. His eyes shoot to Megumi, Toji and Naoya though, knowing it'll be best to convince her to stop this foolishness before she does something awful. He waits for Elska's fangs to pierce him but she stops and turns to face the wall, her expression morphed into excitement as her eyes begin glowing violet.

Naoya feels his body coming back to life as if the invisible weight that kept him and his cousin pinned is subsiding but he comprehends that it's because she's weakening by the second. He's almost able to sit up but is more concentrated on a way to get Megumi out of there. 'If I use my projection to run him out and then again to charge her, would she strike to kill?', he wonders uncertainly as he can't tell what's going through Elska's mind. He takes a deep breath and remembers his princess as she was; the beautiful, sweet minx that stole his heart.

A new presence enters the room and with mixed emotions, his eyes dart to Suguru who has randomly appeared but ultimately is thankful as he can sense the Titer is aware of something being destructively wrong. 'I never thought I'd be happy to see that fucker…', he surmises with surprise, knowing this may be the best chance he has of saving Megumi. Hoping that his coordination isn't as shotty as he fears, he grabs the junior shaman's arms and starts preparing to enact his plan.

Toji tries to warn Suguru as soon as he manifests but the words simply escape him as the Titer fumes over what he's seeing and says, "What the fuck is this?!" Toji rolls himself to the edge and forces himself upright as Elska now hones in on Getou. He sees her violet light and begs, "ELSKA STOP!" He knows she's been trying to turn him for some time now and resents the fact that he's unable to do a damn thing to block this from finally unfolding. A fleeting but massive breeze coils over him and he turns to see that Naoya took Megumi away and at least has that minor relief.

"My, my… the seductive Titer… what wonderful timing…", Elska's lowly voice visibly disturbing the tall long-haired man. She takes in his hesitation but casts it aside so she can open his robes to see his beauty once more.

"Els-...wha...", Getou can only wonder about all the red flags and is preparing himself to have to fight her turned because of her aggressive affections.

She whimpers to Suguru's wonderful body, wanting to feel it against her own again. Licking her lips, she sends him dead but dangerously glowing eyes as she backs him against the wall and trails wet butterflies across his chest. When he stiffens even more she taunts, "Don't you want to fuck me again?", laughing maliciously to his malignant disbelief. She licks the targeted spot on his chest, "Don't you want to be mine once and for all?", moaning to his dark brown eyes that swirl with the identifiers of a truly tortured soul. She doesn't allow him to speak nor does she acknowledge Toji's or Choso's loud attempts to change her mind. "HE IS WORHTY!", she frustratingly snaps without changing her view.

Naoya senses the ancient energy and crumbles to the knowledge of Suguru appearing. "No baby, you can't let her do this…", his stomach churning as he guesses the next worse possible scenario, Getou being turned. Reinforced by his need to dissolve all of this, Naoya engages his projection again and aims down the halls at his highest speed until he reaches the room and smashes into her and Suguru. Elska flies into the wall next to the bed, bouncing off it harshly and Getou drops to the ground unconscious. The room falls silent for what seems like forever as everyone collects themselves enough to assess if he'd made it in time.

Choso helps Naoya off the floor, "I think you did it! You were able to stop her!", he states with reprieve. Naoya glares at him though but the being shrugs it off and proceeds with, "I believe I am incapable of attacking her. For some reason...I am simply unable to do it…", his voice trailing off as he reanimates the veracity of this dauntingly dangerous fact. He's deeply involved with Elska though and wants to give her the world as she pleases yet he's only troubled by this revelation because of her trying to turn Getou. That's one of the few things he is against.

Naoya goes to pick up Elska, sniffling over hurting her now that he's not sensing the ominous presence anymore. "Princess, I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to...I swear I didn't mean to hurt you like that…but...I had to!", his voice trembling in despair as he comes to terms with how it's getting harder to reason or even influence that other Elska. His puffy eyes search the room, "HOW DO WE STOP THIS SHIT FROM HAPPENING?!!!", his deep cries surging the room with despondence, "FUUUUCK!!!"

The Zenin cradles Elska with culpable tears flowing down his cheeks until a terrifying thought triggers alarm, 'What if that thing wins and we lose her?!', anxiety smoldering in his chest as he truly wonders about that fucking monster really being a part of her at all. He turns to Toji, "There's no way in FUCKING HELL that's our princess…right?! What the fuck is that thing?!", nearly crying as he secures her flaccid body into his own. "There's no way…", he whispers while resting his lips into her head, "It can't be her..."

Toji is finally able to freely move but shakes off the eerie way Elska was able to manipulate them like that. His brow furrows as he meets eyes with his cousin, his own heart pacing rapidly with the truth of her being too much for them to handle. He also is hesitant to believe that his doll would actually harbor such debauched ruthlessness yet he sighs to recalling the fear he had once Megumi was trapped by her whims.

"I can't believe she went after my boy…", he states with pure shock, "I don't want to think that's her either…not anymore..." He's truly unnerved by how close that was and is unable to spring back to ease as he truly thought she was going to do something to Megumi. 'What if she had?', the failure he feels burrowing deeper than her nails could ever reach.

Choso kneels down next to Naoya and offers, "I was not going to let her get to Megumi, I promise."

"FUCK YOU CHO! YOU CAUSED THAT ENTIRE FUCKING THING!", Naoya's voice ricocheting off the walls as his bass can be felt. "You just said you can't oppose her so don't give me that shit! How STUPID CAN YOU YOU BE!? She was not in your control!" He furiously swats at the being, still shaken by how that other her seemed to know no bounds for her corrupted amusement, "What if she'd turned Megumi!? Do you not understand how serious this is?! FOR FUCKS SAKE CHO, DON'T YOU EVERRR PULL THAT SHIT AGAIN OR OUR FRIENDSHIP WON'T EXIST!!"

Ridiculed by Naoya's words, Choso's eyes brim with tears but then he shifts them to Toji and winces, "You just don't know her like I do! I'll admit that she was not showing her best side tonight but she's lonely and frustrated with her confinement…"

Toji scoffs with a level of hatred that no one has ever seen him exude, "I don't...I don't know if I can do this...I can't...I can't do this anymore..."

Choso's lip quivers when the giant's strange indifference to Elska emerges but then he feels Naoya's presence amplify and aimed towards him yet everything becomes still and silent as all of their eyes dart to Getou's body to reluctantly observe how he's violently seizing.