(Shin POV, Shin's house)
It's been a week since I passed out, and I have gained significant control of my Electro-Kinesis. My mastery for it has finally caught up with it's Flair Rank, and my Telekinesis has caught up with Electro-Kinesis. I'll just show you:
[Voided Abilities:
[Telekinesis, (C) 23%] {Mastery: (C) 52%}
[Electro-Kinesis, (C) 35%] {Mastery: (C) 5%}]
On my way to school, I was playing with my abilities when I realized that I could hide my lightning with Electro-Kinesis. In theory, It seemed smart.
It takes multiple tries, but eventually... I get to school. It's hard to hide this stuff. Maybe when the Flair Rank reaches B, I might just have to get better mastery over it.
My idiot self is thinking about possible ways to hide my power while increasing it's effectiveness, and I bump into a person.
Shin- "Oh, I'm sorry." I look down at the person who apparently fell when I bumped into them, and I see a rather cute girl with extremely light blue hair.
She hurriedly picks up her stuff, and I help her out a little bit.
"I didn't mean to bump into you, I was thinking too hard about... Things." I say as I hand her a stack of papers that I gathered. Now that I look at her, I haven't seen her before.
Shin- "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before." She breathes in, looking a little nervous.
Girl- "Y-yeah, I'm new here. I just got here today, are you hurt?" I look a little taken aback.
Shin- "Hurt? I should be asking you that, since you fell." She shakes her head slightly.
Girl- "I'm fine." She pauses for a moment. "Do you know where room 3-C is?" Oh, this girl is Aiya Lemir. 'What a great start to my day.' I think sarcastically.
Shin- "Yeah, it's-" I tell her the way to get to my classroom, and she thanks me. Aiya then turns and walks away after a short goodbye. I am almost dying with laughter.
"Holy crap! She's not at all how I thought she was! When she introduces herself to the class, she's like an ice princess. I better use this to tease her, it's prime real estate." I walk around the school, searching for someone being bullied.
I come across this kid being bullied for his lunch money, so I beat the crap out of the bullies.
Bullied- "T-thank you!" He begins to run off, but I grab him by the scruff of his neck.
Shin- "Now that I've helped you, I need a favor." The kid sighs, like he knew that he shouldn't get his hopes up.
"I need you to verify that I saved you, if someone asks. Oh, and take these losers to the nurses office." The kid looks surprised, but nods and does what he's told.
The bell rings, signifying that I'm late to class. I walk up to the window of my classroom, and peer inside. Aiya is standing up at the front of the class giving her introduction, and I notice the crowds reaction to her icy personality.
I swing open the door to the classroom. "Sorry for being late, there was this kid getting bullied." I close the door, and the teacher nods.
Teacher- "Well, as long as the kid is fine." I nod and walk to my seat, ignoring the panicked look in Aiya's eyes. The teacher tells her to sit in the open desk to my right, and the panic in Aiya's eyes just grows. Nobody else seems to realize that she's panicked right now, probably because of her beauty and ice-like persona.
All through morning classes she 'secretly' stares at me, trying to gauge my personality.
(Aiya POV, Class 3-C)
This boy, he caught me off guard earlier. I was too unprepared for the encounter, so I couldn't start acting. He knows what I'm really like, and it's only a matter of time before he tells somebody.
All throughout morning classes, he seems to not really pay attention in class. During breaks, only one person has talked to him. Even during the next break in between classes, he barely even responded to his friend.
Only one class until lunch, and that's where I'll confront him.
Lunch approaches quickly, and I am immediately surrounded by people with their meaningless questions. I brush past them all with an icy stare, following the boy to the cafeteria. He gets his food, and immediately heads outside.
He sits down, and I approach him.
Aiya- "You." I didn't really think about what I was going to say, so I just stand there and look at him hoping that he would initiate a conversation. He shifts his leg, and rests his chin on his palm.
Shin- "'You' what? Are you going to just stare at me, like you did all of this morning?" I feel my face heat up.
How did he notice? Was I staring too much?
I see a corner of his mouth rise slightly, as he offers a place to sit.
"I noticed that you didn't bring any food, do you want some of mine?" I contemplate his offer, trying to see if he's deceiving me.
Sensing no malicious intent, my body moves to sit next to his. He raises an eyebrow, looking at me confused-like. Is there something on my face?
I move my hand to check if something was indeed on my face, and when my hand touches my face I notice how hot it is. That's when I realized, I've never been this close to a boy that's not related to me.
The boy takes a pile of food out of seemingly nowhere, and places it in front of us.
Aiya- "Where did that come from?" With a blank expression, he leans back and points to a bag that sits beside him.
He starts eating, without any regard for me. I pick up a sandwich and bite into it.
Shin- "So, why have you come looking for me?" His sudden question made me choke on the food in my mouth, but it turns out fine after he hands me a water bottle.
Aiya- "Well... I... Can you not tell anybody how I'm really like?" My nervousness is seeping out of me like crazy.
Shin- "I wasn't planning on doing that, I see how carefully you put your act together." I give a sigh of relief. "Look at the upside, now you don't have to act like someone else when you're around me." His statement makes me realize something, he is the only person that I can be myself around.
Aiya- "Okay. I guess you don't seem too bad, I don't mind getting closer to you."
Shin- "Moving a little fast, aren't we? Sorry, I'm not really interested in you that way."
Aiya- "Wha?" I look at what he said, and think back to what I said before. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant getting closer to you, like as a friend!" He places his hand on my head.
Shin- "I know, I was just messing with you. Let's be good friends, okay?"
I meekly nod my head, too embarrassed to do much else.
"Well, I'm going to go. Lunch is almost over, are you coming?" He gets up, and I follow him to the classroom.
(Shin POV, in-route to his house)
I got Aiya's friendship, WAY easier than I expected. But due to this miscalculation, I have to wait even longer to bring her to my side. Her real personality is different than what it shows in The Weight of a Tempest.
I guess her personality shifts when her whole family is murdered in front of her eyes, I can't tell why it would do that. Sarcasm out of the way, I am nearly ready to tackle the Cursed Artifact's dungeon.
As I walk past a bank, I notice that it's being robbed.
Shin- "Isn't B supposed to mean relatively safe!? Why are things like this happening almost every couple of days?" I run into an alleyway, and pull out my newly repaired suit. I make sure that an electrical pulse is sent out to fry any cameras, just in case there are any.
Once I change into my suit, I run up to the bank. I send another pulse of electricity to see if the cameras are on, which they are. Clicking my tongue, I fry them too. I look inside and see a group of four people blasting their Flairs, while others are ducking.
One girl launches a slash of air, and I intercept it as it's about to hit an old grandma.
F Thug- "What the!? Who are you?" A smirk emerges on my unseen face.
Shin- "Hollow, of the Abyss." She looks enraged before she notices that her attack did no damage.
She sends an even bigger air slash at me, and I use [Gluttony] to devour it. She sends a few more before she realizes she's outmatched.
F Thug- "Hey Ga- Uh, a little help someone?" The other thugs turn to see me, and they start firing all of their stuff at me. Three attacks are launched at me, all at once.
I 'eat' all of their attacks, wanting to steal their Flairs. I then get an idea, What if I used [Gluttony] directly on a person.
The moment that thought appears, I dash to a guy with a fire based Flair. I hold him up by the throat and use gluttony, he slumps over unconscious. I drop his body and walk over to the other thugs with fire in my hands.
It seems direct contact while the Flair is in use drains them of all of their stamina, while it allows me rudimentary control of their Flair.
My smile just gets wider, as I think about all the ways I can abuse this.