"The city?" I frowned, a little skeptical. From what I heard, the city was one of the places that was crawling with more zombies in a single block then there was in a small town. I couldn't understand why Alastor wanted to head there.
"Yeah the city, why? Is something wrong?" He asked me, confused. I was stunned by his obliviousness.
"Are you trying to get us killed? The city is the one place where I won't go!" I scowled. Alastor sighed,
"It won't be that bad I promise, besides, I can protect you." He tried to reassure me, failing spectacularly.
"I don't need protection." I huffed, quite offended. Alastor, apparently realizing his mistake, quickly tried to correct himself.
"I didn't mean it like that!" He tried to explain, but I cut him off.
"Right. Whatever. Here's what's going to happen. I will go back to my friends, and you can go wherever you want. Even if the place is a death trap." I said with a firm tone, not having the energy to let him fight back. Alastor, the dumbass, didn't catch on.
"It's safer if we travel together though..." Alastor weakly protested. I huffed, honestly. This felt like a moment in a cheesy romance novel, we've only known each other for a day and yet this idiot already got attached.
"You literally want to walk straight into a death trap. What do you think this is, an apocalypse novel with you as the main character? This is real life Alastor, and you only get this one to live." I scolded. Alastor finally relented,
"Alright. But I at least want to accompany you back to your base!" He offered. I sighed, I could afford to let him have this I suppose.
"Alright, then lets go." I said, standing up. He looked shocked,
"Wait, we're going right now?" He blurted out, looking like he couldn't believe what I was saying.
"Yes right now. If you think I'm going to leave my friends to fend for themselves without me there to ease the burden, then you're dead wrong." I explained, looking at him as if he was an idiot. He sighed, before gathering his weapons and helped me down.
It took awhile, but we soon reached the Walmart. However, something seemed... off about the entire area. I knew Alastor could tell as well. It couldn't be another hole right? I'm positive that Ace had fixed it. Cautiously, I moved aside some boards and entered the base, motioning for Alastor to follow me. Once we were inside, I carefully put the boards back. Then I took the chance to look around. Dead silence.
"Ace? Luki?" I called out, but I received no response. I prayed to whatever deity was out there that everyone was alright. I couldn't lose the only family I had left. Not when I didn't even know what happened to mine in the first place.
"Feral, I don't think it's safe here. We should really leave." Alastor whispered, trying to pull me outside.
"You don't understand! C.C? Trauma-Chan? Is anyone still here?" I called out again, desperate for an answer. But I once again received no answer. I started to get frantic, but before I could take things farther, Alastor covered my mouth.
"Be quiet Feral. Something isn't right, and we don't need you attracting attention." He scolded. "Besides, if what I think is true, they're probably on their way to the city themselves."