"The release of 'Crafty Concubine' has been scheduled for the 15th day of the first lunar month, which is primarily aimed at beating 'The Forensic Empress'. If both are period dramas, the one aired first would definitely enjoy greater advantages. Firstly, audiences prefer watching what's already available, and secondly, if they're aired consecutively, viewers might get fatigued. More so, 'Crafty Concubine' has even secured the best streaming platform and has gotten prime time slots. This is certainly not to our advantage."
During a meeting at Ocean Entertainment Group, a higher-up raised his concerns.
"Kimberley Briar has always been well-liked by the average Joe and her image has been well maintained. Despite her previous unpleasant experiences with us, the control 'Crafty Concubine's' crew has maintained overall is commendable."