The opening ceremony of the film festival was completed amidst a lot of sighs. After all, celebrities were trying to outshine each other, but in the end, they couldn't outshine Monica Baldwin's daily dress code. Monica, on the other hand, donned her last suit and left the limelight to the little stars, not grabbing any attention for herself.
Because all she wanted was to promote her movie "Ant Queen".
At the film festival, Monica often heard Meghan talk about the gossip in the Circle. Which female star had an affair and became pregnant, was caught cheating by her husband, which male star was caught by the media for dating multiple people at the same time, and someone who had been divorced for many years but never admitted it.
The entertainment industry is indeed all about fame and fortune.
Isn't everyone trying to climb up? Probably in their minds, Monica Baldwin, got here, because she married a good husband, right? That's the reason why she disregards these rules.