He woke up on his sleeping bag. He laughs a little bit thinking about the fact he didn't even get in his sleeping bag before going to sleep.
He realizes he sleep with his face mask on and takes it off. He gets used to all the air entering his lungs before he gets up and gets changed.
After he changes he goes to his cooler to see if he has any food. It's a bit sad that he can't buy a fridge. When he doesn't have any food he's left with a choice.
Does he get food or does he wait to get something at the cafe. After a few seconds of thought he decides to go get food since he's going to have to buy groceries anyway.
He goes and grabs his bag, grabbing out of it. He turns his phone on going to his planer. He looks to see if he has anything to do. He sees that he needs to go see Dream and his heart speeds up.
No, no, no. Not today. Not today. Is fate trying to get him killed!
He bumps against the back part of the tent and slides down it. He tries to breathe.
"In and out, in and out." He whispers to himself slowly calming his breath.
He clicks off the planer and goes to messages. He clicks Niki's contact.
"Sorry, I won't be in today."He types closing messenger as fast as possible so he doesn't have to see Niki's reply.
He gets up and decides to get groceries before he meets Dream. He'll eat after he meets Dream. If he is still alive after meeting Dream that is.
He leaves his tent and heads for the tube line. When he gets there he sees Ghostbur or at least the man Ghostbur turned into.
Ghostbur notices him almost immediately. They runs over to him.
"Hey, Tommy was it?" Ghostbur asks.
"Hello, I am Tommy and your Ghostbur right?" He asks back, seeing if this is Ghostbur.
"Oh, no I'm Revivbur." Says Revivbur he's apparently called.
"Oh, ok big man." He says taking a step back with a little jump when Revivbur gets a little closer.
"Are you ok, you seem a little jumpish." Revivbur says taking a step back which calms his nerves a little bit.
"I just have to meet up with a "friend" and it's putting me on edge." He says voice sour when he says friend.
Revivbur makes a concerned expression.
"It doesn't sound like their your friend." Revicbur says taking a step forward.
"Well if I don't meet them they would still find me and i don't even want to think about what will happen this time around. He says shivering at the thought of what happened last time. Why am I even telling this to a stranger I meet on a train?"
He looks at the floor away from Revivbur.
"Well probably because you want help, and lucky for you I think I can help you. Revivbur says with a smirk. I know a place even if they found you they wouldn't be able to do anything to you." Revivbur offers him a hand.
"They don't have to abide by the law." He says in a voice just above a whisper.
"Well this place is semi-legal." Revivbur says, taking another step over to him.
"Well where we going a go?He says taking the hand Revivbur is offering him.
Revivbur pulls him over to the seats.
"We sadly have to wait for the train."Revivbur says falling back onto one of the seats.
"Theater kid. He whispers, goes and sits by Revivbur. You're surprisingly kind for someone I have met once."
He leans back in his seat existed from the initial panic attack he had a few minutes prire.
"Well it isn't every day a random kid asks a ghost why it was on a train." Revivbur says putting his arm on the back of the seat.
"Well it's still weird big man." He says looking at Revivbur.
"Says the child that is accepting help from said stranger he meet on a train once. Revivbur shots back.
"First, I'm an adult, thank you very much. Second, nothing you could do could be worse than what he does." He says with a shiver.
A train pulls in and Revivbur gets up.
"That's our train." Revivbur says, grabbing his hand pulling him up.
They start walking to the train. He starts to feel happy to not have to worry about Dream, if only only for a second.They get to the train and sit down in some seats that weren't taken.
"So you're gonna tell me where we're going now?" He asks, looking at the people in the train.
"Should have looked at what train this was, but if you need to know we're going to the semi-legal country of Las Nevadas!" Revivbur says, in a smug voice.
He looks at Revivbur like they lost their damn mind.
"Don't look at me like that Tommy. Revivbur says. You need to hide from someone so I'm taking you somewhere they wouldn't expect you to hide!"
Revivbur puts their arms up, waving them around. He lets out a breath leaning back in his seat.
"So how long is the ride?" He asks, looking at the roof.
"An hour or 2. You can go to sleep if you need. Revivbur says, with an almost comforting tone.
He closes his eyes. Listening to the train move.
He's suddenly shook awake.
"Hey Tommy wake up, we're at Las Nevadas now." Revivbur says.
He opens his eyes and gets up.
"Ok big R I'm up." He yawns looking over to Revivbur.
"Then let's go!" Revivbur says, grabbing his hand.
Revivbur leads him out of the train. The lights of the station burning his eyes, but he doesn't flinch. The place smelled of vanilla which is weird for a tube line.
The stairs weren't that far from the tube, so it didn't take long for Revivbur and him to get out of the tube line. Las Nevadas lived up to its reputation. It was awesome! Revivbur seemed to tell he was excited.
"Want to go get some better clothes than that?" Revivbur asks, pointing to his clothes.
"Don't have the money, big man." He says looking at the floor.
"I'll pay!" Revivbur says, with a smirk.
He looks at Revivbur like they just gifted him the world.
"Really!" He squeaks, rocking back and forth.
"I got money to spear." Reviver says, waving their hand.
"You're the weirdest person I have ever met. He says as he starts walking by Revivbur. We just met yesterday and you are already buying me stuff."
"From what I have found out about you in that amount of time I could write it off as a charity case." Revivbur says, side eyeing him.
"I am not a charity case you multy personality, ghost , zombie, cunt!" He stretches.
Revivbur bursts out laughing.
"I'm going to have to tell my brother that one."Revivbur says between laughs.
They walk for some amount of time throwing insults and bickering. Revivbur stops and turns in front of a store. He looks over at the store and he feels his mouth drop.
Holy shit that's a fancy looking store. He looks around at the other stores by it and there just as fancy.
"This looks too fancy for just getting some kid a thing of new clothes." He says, looking at Revivbur.
"Willbur would gut me if I didn't get a kid that can throw more insults than Techno, a pair of good quality clothes." Revivbur says, throwing a arm around him so it's obvious they know each other.
"Who's Techno and Willbur?" He asks.
"Techno is my twin brother, and Wilbur is another me." Revivbur answers.
"Ok!" He beams.
They walk in and some people do double takes at the two. He realizes that Revivbur's clothes are actually pretty fancy. This bitch is rich.
"What would you like today Mr.Soot, seems like you brought a friend!" Someone says.
He looked over to see a woman in a suit and was smiling at Revivbur and him.
"What do you think would fit my friend Tommy over here?" Revivbur asks the woman, pointing over to him.
The woman looks over to him.
"I know something!" THe woman says, spinning around. The woman walks over to the right corner of the store.
Revivbur follows after them dragging him along. It didn't take long to get to where the woman was and his eyes light up when he saw the clothes. They looked amazing! The woman laughed at the excitement on his face.
"I'll let y'all pick out y'alls clothes now." The woman said walking away.
"Get whatever you want Toms." Revivbur says.
He ignores the nickname and walks around. Revivbur follows behind him. He gets a blue sweater with some designs on it and a little brown antic looking peers like thing with a snowflake on it.
The 2 items were like 190 euros! Which in his opinion is way too expensive for just 2 items!
Revivbur pays and leave. When he got out the door Revivbur wasn't there. In his place was a man in a yellow turtle neck like Ghostbur's just without the blue stuff and the rip. The man is also wearing wire glasses. I walk by the man.
"Are you Willbur?" He asks the man.
"I am, you must be Tommy!" Wilbur says with a smile.
"I am Tommy." He answers.
"So you're the one Revivbur has been hanging out with!" Wilbur says, rubbing his head.
His head starts to get fuzzy from the head rub, but it doesn't feel bad. He feels a little disappointed when Willbur stops giving him the head rubs. Willbur grabs his hand and pulls him with them.
They chat a bit. They go to a few stores and get food.
"Wait, I just realized it's getting pretty dark." Willbur says, taking a bite out of their burger.
"Yah, it is. He says, looking at the sunset. I should probably start heading home."
He gets up from the bench he was sitting on with Willbur.
"Are you going to be safe getting home alone?" Willbur asks, concern written on their face.
"My 'friend' probably thinks I'm in Pogtopia or something since he couldn't find me." He replies, starting to walk in the direction he thinks the tube line is.
Willbur doesn't follow him and he's a bit sad about that.
"¡Hola, buenos notches!" Says someone behind him.
He doesn't stop to see if they were speaking to him because he knew who it was. Mexican Dream really found him in Las Nevadas.
Tonight will be a long night.