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After ensuring the kid was safe and the father was in custody for a multitude of charges, Bishop decided it was time to grab some lunch.
The speakers blasted Spanish tunes as she drove the patrol car into a corner street lined with food trucks and beach shops.
We all got out of the car, and my eyes immediately caught sight of Lopez and Bradford sitting at a central table, while Chloe and Lucy stood by a cart, scanning the menus.
Seems like this is a regular spot for the TOs.
"First day, you're buying, Boot," Bishop said nonchalantly.
"Alright, what do you want?" John accepted the tradition with a grin.
"Surprise me, but I'll be judging you on your choice," She replied, walking off.
Chloe and Lucy noticed us just as they stepped away from the cart, both of them chuckling at what they overheard. Their own TOs had apparently issued them the same challenge.
Nolan sighed, scratching his head as he turned toward me.
"Can you use your superpowers to help me out?"
I paused for dramatic effect, then took a deep breath. "Sure, but what's in it for me?"
He blinked, as did the others.
I was offering a golden tip to impress their TOs, and I wasn't doing it for free.
"Uh... How about I buy you lunch too?" John suggested after a moment of thought.
I considered it, then nodded. "Deal."
"Bishop's expecting a chicken shawarma, medium spice, extra garlic," I said, pointing to a nearby Mexican food truck. "Get it from there."
Nolan nodded, while Chloe and Lucy looked intrigued by how I figured that out.
"Uh... Tek?" Lucy stepped forward, her eyes pleading.
"Bradford's a pizza guy—no pepperoni, olives, extra cheese, and... pineapple."
"Pineapple?" She repeated, uncertain.
"Pineapple," I confirmed with a nod.
"Chinese for Lopez," I added before Chloe could even ask, and then I took a seat near the TOs, who were deep in conversation, discussing their rookies' progress.
Meanwhile, the rookies huddled together, talking about their morning experiences while waiting for their orders.
"So, how was everyone's morning?" John asked. "Enjoying yourselves yet?"
"I think someone here could use a hug," Chloe smirked, casting a glance at Lucy.
"Don't you dare," Lucy glared back with an exasperated sigh.
"What's wrong?" John asked, raising his brows in concern as Chloe chuckled.
"Her TO's being tough," Chloe teased.
"Well, that's their job, right?" John shrugged. "They're supposed to get in our heads, push our buttons, see how we react. It's not personal. Just figure out what makes your TO tick and turn the tables."
Lucy gave him a side-eye as she collected her order. "Really? How's your morning been?"
He shrugged again. "I think Tek made it easier than it should've been. Honestly, that kid's like Sherlock Holmes."
"Seriously?" Chloe asked, sounding skeptical.
"Trust me," Lucy chimed in. "He took one look at the guy with the bat and rattled off his entire history—and shut up my TO in the process."
Lucy shot a glance in my direction. I smiled, having overheard their entire conversation.
I gestured for them to join me, and they nodded in agreement.
They surprised their TOs with their choices. Bradford looked utterly baffled by how Lucy nailed his order, and Lopez seemed equally impressed. Bishop shot me a knowing look when she found herself holding a shawarma.
With that settled, the rookies sat down next to me.
"Oh crap," Nolan muttered as soon as he sat. "I forgot to get you something."
"What do you want?" Lucy offered, pointing at Bradford's stunned expression. "I'm buying after that look."
"A carton of chocolate milk, please," I smiled.
Nolan got up to fetch it, but then paused. "You're not eating anything?"
"I can't eat anything here," I replied.
They all furrowed their brows, and Chloe voiced their collective confusion.
"Why not? Too good for street food?"
"No, I physically can't eat street food," I clarified. "Super senses aren't great for my taste buds."
"What do you mean?" Nolan asked.
"Sure, I can see when someone's eyes move a millimetre, but I have to focus not to blind myself from the sun. And it's great to smell someone's pheromones, but not when you have to deal with it every second. I've trained myself to control it, but I'm still working on taste."
"Wow," Chloe nodded, impressed. "I never thought being a super had downsides."
"So, do you have something to eat?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah," I said, pulling out a box of sandwiches. "My butler made them."
"You have a butler?" Nolan asked, surprised.
"Oh yeah, he's the best," I grinned.
"Your family must be rich," Chloe commented absentmindedly.
"CHLOE!" Lucy hissed, glaring at her. Nolan and Chloe both froze by her sudden outburst.
I gave them a sad smile and answered, "They were."
Nolan hesitated before asking quietly, "Your parents?"
"Yeah, they're dead," I nodded. "Murdered."
Both of them gasped, while Lucy remained silent, already knowing my story.
Before the conversation could grow any darker, Bishop's radio crackled to life.
"7-Adam-19, return to 1401 West Sycamore. Situation has escalated."
"Told you we'd be back," I smirked, dropping the subject, I got to my feet and took a bite of my sandwich as we rushed to the car.
The sirens cleared the traffic, but by the time we arrived at the house, the shouting inside was loud enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear.
"Open up! Police!" Bishop shouted.
Nolan and Bishop drew their guns and rushed through the front gate, pounding on the door. There was no response.
I followed behind, calmly assessing the situation. I could already tell there were only two heartbeats left inside, both frantic. The overwhelming scent of blood and the beginnings of decomposition filled the air.
We heard the sound of glass breaking and furniture crashing as we approached the back door.
Nolan tried the handle—it was locked—so he kicked it in with force, splintering the wood, and charged inside.
John and Bishop moved in quickly, heading toward the living room. There, the wife was clinging to her husband's back, repeatedly stabbing him in the neck as blood sprayed everywhere.
"I'm never letting you go!" She screamed as Nolan and Bishop pulled her off.
I didn't follow them. Instead, I headed straight for the bedroom.
The shelves were knocked over, the mattress slashed open with tufts of cotton strewn everywhere.
The house fell eerily quiet as Bishop and Nolan subdued the woman. I heard the man taking harsh breaths in Nolan's arms, but I didn't need to check to know the outcome.
In the bedroom, lying on the shredded mattress, was a small, fragile body.
The child, motionless, with a screwdriver plunged into their head.
Carlos was dead too.
"That's a cruel fate," I muttered, turning away and walking out.
Looks like I've got material for the next episode too.
[A/N: Drop your comments... And your powerstones... And your pants! And face against the wall with your butt out cause Daddy's home!]
[E/d: Eww Man.]