"C'mon Ichi. We should get home before Asuka wakes up."
Mei and Ichigo were walking home after sleeping over at Mei's house. Originally Mei was living with Ichigo, but they both decided that it would be best for Mei to find another place to live temporarily.
"Do we really though," Ichigo groaned,"I would've preferred to stay in bed with you."
Mei's cheeks flushed a bright red at Ichigo's comment.
"Yeah, well you wouldn't be so tired if you stuck to the original plan and went back home after we talked instead of drinking."
"Well, I guess your right."
"Not to mention, you have a student now. Even if she's a genius and learns quickly, she's still naive. You must take her training seriously."
"Alright, alright Mei," he said throwing his hands up,"you are right once again."
Ichigo and Mei made their way up the hill to the house. Mei went inside to cook some breakfast and Ichigo went to the back to prepare for training with Asuka. There he saw Asuka on the floor, clothes dirtied, asleep and practice sword at her side. Ichigo chuckled at the sight. He walked up to the sleeping Asuka and started to shake her.
"You know this isn't the right place to be sleeping Asuka."
Asuka groaned at Ichigos words.
"Ugh....five more minutes."
"Mei is making breakfast. The training I've got instored for you today might take a while. You should get some food so you don't starve."
Asuka grumbled then sat up rubbing her eyes.
"Alright then. What am I gonna be doing anyway?"
"You're going to attain your nature affinity."
"Ahh man. I don't think I should've eaten so much."
Asuka had just finished her breakfast but ended up over eating. She wobbled over to the tree Ichigo was sitting on. Sending her walking over, Ichigo looked up from the book he was reading and nearly burst out laughing seeing the state Asuka was in.
"I know I said you should fill yourself up, but don't you think ya over did it," Ichigo said chuckling.
"Shut it. Let's just get this over with already. "
Asuka made it over to to Ichigo and sat in front of him crossing her legs.
"Now first, I need to explain to you what nature affinities are and how you can predict what type of nature affinity you'll get."
Asuka just nodded her head.
"Nature affinities are abilities granted to us by the aeons to create and control all physical matter in this world."
Ichigo then created a small tornado in the palm of his hand.
"If you can detect it with any one of your six senses, there is a possibility that there is, was or will be someone who can tame it."
Asuka looked in awe as Ichigo let the tornado fly off his hand and into the branches of the tree above shaking the branches.
"Some affinities have special properties like plants. When ki is used to control or create a plant, it gains the ability to heal wounds."
"Ki? What's that? I thought people used anima."
"Oh yeah. I didn't tell you. Ki is anima. But that's what people from my country call it."
"Wait, you weren't born in this kingdom."
"Nope. I was born in the Land of Stars. But, I decided to live in this kingdom as a debt to repay the king."
"Dept. What dept."
Ichigo's soft expression darkened which did not go unnoticed by Asuka.
"Not now. We're training. Maybe another time."
'Suspicious 🤨🤔'
Asuka not wanting to press the matter decided to let it go.
"Alright, so humans can control stuff we can detect with our six senses. What about these aeon guys."
Ichigo pondered for a moment.
"Well, I'm not exactly supposed to tell you this. But I suppose there's no harm if it's you."
Asuka sat eagerly waiting for Ichigo's response.
"The aeons are the physical embodiments of some concepts or ideas."
Asuka tilted her head in confusion.
"'Some concepts or ideas'. What's that supposed to mean?"
"Stuff like heroism, happiness, courage, justice. Aeons are the physical manifestations of these concepts."
"Okay. I think I get it. But why only some?"
"That's because of demons. In this world there must be a sort of balance. Not necessarily in power, but in good and evil."
"So if aeons embody only the good concepts, demons must embody the bad ones right."
Ichigo smiled at Asuka's answer.
"Exactly. If there is an aeon which embodies justice, there is also a demon who embodies injustice."
Asuka nodded in understanding.
"Though, aeons are not the only beings demons oppose."
"They oppose us as well."
"Right again. Though it's a little different. Instead of them gaining abilities that oppose ours, the properties of the ability itself are opposed. An example would be fire. Fire when created with ki emits heat and light. For demons, fire would still be hot but from absorbing heat and light from its surroundings making it black in color. It also has the special property of absorbing anima. This opposing of abilities is why we instead of ki, their source of strength is called contra."
"Right. I think I'm getting."
"I know it's a lot to take in but for now, you won't need that info. I just wanted to tell you just in case something happened."
"Okay. So how do I attain my nature affinity?"
"It's pretty simple really. All you need to do is meditate for about four hours then drink this."
Ichigo grabbed a bottle from his waist which had a blue liquid inside of it.
"This is a special liquid infused with ki that will help in controlling your nature affinity."
"Really? That's all? I thought it would be a lot more difficult."
"Oh it is. Most people are not able to attain their nature affinity because the don't have the ki control necessary to control their affinity. See one thing people don't know is that everyone is born with the same amount of ki. The only problem is the ability to control it. Most people can't even amplify their physical attributes so the number of people with nature affinities is very small. About one in ten thousand. And even fewer can attain it at your age."
Asuka got herself in a meditation pose.
"Ok, about four hours. That's not too bad," Asuka then remembered something,"Wait, didn't you say something about predicting someone's affinity?"
"Oh right, I did say that. Someone's nature affinity is based on what type of personality they have."
"Personality? Why?"
Ichigo shrugged at Asuka's question.
"Not sure. It's just how it is. Just as you saw I have the wind affinity. That's because of my calm and composed personality. Martha is strong willed and yet very caring and kind. That's why she has the affinity of water."
"And Mei is not only kind and caring, but also is a nurturer as well. So she gets the plant affinity with the ability to heal. Right."
"But aren't personalities very complicated. Like, what if you were put in a situation where you were panicking or Mei felt fear? What happens then."
"Then the level of control you have over your affinity diminishes greatly. Remember this, what powers our affinity are control over our ki and the emotion we feel in that moment. That is why typically people are only able to obtain one nature affinity in their lifetime."
"Yes. There are exceptions to this. One person that comes to mind is the emporer of my country, Akira. He has both fire and wind affinity."
"How though? Those two are way too different."
"You would be correct. Typical emotions associated with fire affinity are rashness, pride and short tempers. But Akira is a special case. He didn't have much of a childhood because he taking care of other children on top of having a job. The way he acted around the kids is very different to how he acted around his fellow workers. That constant and sudden switching of personalities is what led to him getting two affinities."
Asuka nodded her head in understanding but then tilted her head.
"I guess that makes sense. But wouldn't that be bad."
"Why would that be bad," asked Ichigo.
"Well, since the emotion which powers the affinities contradict each other, wouldn't that mean you'd hinder one affinity while empowering the other?"
"Yup. That is the case. But there is a way to use two affinities simultaneously."
"How is that?"
"You have to mix the two personalities in a way that they don't contradict each other. For example, using rage to empower the fire affinity while simultaneously keeping a calm enough mind to control the wind affinity as well. This is an extremely difficult thing to do. Even Akira still has some struggle with it. But I doubt you'll have more than one affinity so there's no need to worry."
"Ok, so what affinity do you think I'll get?"
Ichigo sat for a second thinking before coming to a conclusion.
"If I had to guess, your affinity would most likely be earth. You have a strong will and unwavering determination but unlike those with the fire affinity, you still keep a rational mind."
"Earth huh. Sounds pretty cool," Asuka said with a cheeky grin.
"Now all you need to do while meditating is mold your ki at the center of your chest for four continuous hours and you should have your affinity."
With that, Asuka got in position began her meditation. Ichigo stood from where he was sitting and walked up to the hours and passed by Mei who was standing in the door frame.
"You know at some point you're going to have to tell her."
Ichigo froze at Mei's words.
"I know. But she's not ready for that yet."
Mei then walked up behind him and wrapped her hands around him from behind.
"You better not take as long to tell her as you did with me," she said sternly yet also in a joking way.
Ichigo just chuckled at her words.
"I promise."