Genius. Prodigy. Unrivaled. Peerless. Those were the words they called you. A man whose potential not even the heavens could not restrict. A man who was praised, loved and feared by all.
I remember the first time you entered our class. With that expressionless face, tall, brown hair and powerful anima, it gave a feeling of superiority and strength. The girls fawning over you and the boys only looked at you with envy. But somehow, no one noticed that look in your eye. No one noticed that look. A look so familiar to me. And I hated you for it. Someone with all the love one could ask for. "How ungrateful", I thought.
You weren't like me. I wasn't exactly bullied. But, I didn't have any friends. I wasn't good at written exams and I was too weak to help anyone in training, so I was just ignored. My personality didn't help my case either. Not even my parents wanted to be around me. Not that i cared much. I thought i didnt need anyone at that time. But you. You had it all.
In class you of excelled in all things. Whether it was written exams, or sparring with other students, you were on top. You even managed to attain your nature affinity at 14 years old. Something completely unheard of. You were praised all day till the sun went down and yet you still had that look.
It was only a matter of time the royal family took notice of you. The king, hearing of your prodigious nature ordered a spar against his son. The prince was another prodigy who was already stronger than some of the lieutenants in our army. It was a match all looked forward to see. The royal family, nobles classmates and peasants alike all gathered at the arena to watch your match with the prince.
Personally I had no interest. "Just two privileged assholes," I thought. I was prepared to just leave but then I noticed something.
You looked happy.
"Weirdo," I thought to myself, "Your about to fight the prince of our kingdom in front of thousands and your happy?" I don't know why, but that look made me hate you even more. You could only imagine the look of satisfaction I had at the end of the fight.
"I suppose your better than the others," said the prince standing over his defeated opponent,"but you shouldn't get ahead of yourself. Your only a slightly stronger peasant. But a peasant all the same."
Without even a wrinkle in his clothes, he turned and walked away from his bloodied opponent. People had come thinking this would have been a close match. It didn't even last one minute. Utterly defeated, you left with your face returned to the oh so familiar look.
One day, our class had sparring lessons in the stadium. Of course my opponent had to be you. The weakest fights the strongest, what a close fight. Needless to say I got my ass kicked we were told to get some water and rest.
While walking to the fountain, I couldn't help but look at you. That expressionless look.
"What do you want?"
"Wh..what so you mean?"
"Your looking at me. Why?"
"It's non of your damn business."
"Do you hate me?"
"I told you it's non of your buisness."
"Your not like the other students. You don't admire or envy me. It's only hatred I sense from you. Please tell me why."
"I....I just don't get it. How could you have that look in your eye?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Your not like me. Not at all. So how could you have that look in your eye?"
At my question, all you did was turn your head to the side.
"What do you mean "that look in your eye"?"
"Are you saying you like my eyes. Maybe you are like the other girls," he said apathetically.
"W..WHAT! That was not what I mean."
"Well, what did you mean?"
"They give off this sad and depressed look. It's infuriating."
"....Well? Say something."
"...That's completely ridiculous. If anything, it's you who looks sad."
"WHAT!? How could you ever get that impression?"
"You may think your a good actor, but to anyone paying close attention it's clear to see the tough act you put on is nothing more than that. An act."
"Act!? You know nothing about me. You know nothing of my life. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY KNOW HOW I FEEL!"
Yeah, I know. Real good job at proving him wrong.
"Pretending to be strong can only get you so far. You'll break if you don't change soon. Though, seeing as how you've been doing it for so long, you might already be broken."
"Shut the hell up. I already told you that you know nothing about me. Plus, you should really look in the mirror. For someone talking to me as if I'm on edge, you look just about ready to jump right off."
"I can assure you I'm far from it."
"Oh yeah. Then what was that look at the stadium when you fought the prince. After he whooped your ass, the gleeful look you gave at the beginning got wiped off just as fast. What? Did losing make you realize your not at tough as you thought huh. Mr. Prodigy."
It was their, just for a moment, I thought I'd seen your eyes soften. Just a little. He then quickly turned the other way.
"This conversation is pointless. Let's just get our water and part ways."
After I returned home, I lay in bed for a while, thinking about the earlier interaction.
"What was that? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to just back off like that."
It was then that I had realized something. Whenever anyone ever interacted with you, they would always talk about your strength. Nobody ever asked you about your life or how you feels. Nobody thought of you as a human cause of how strong he was. They put you on a pedestal and didn't even try to reach you leaving you all alone because they were weak. No wonder you were happy to fight a fellow prodigy in the prince. Finally someone who would fill that hole in your heart. But you couldn't reach him, as the weaker couldn't reach you. Too strong for the ordinary, but too weak for the true geniuses. Left all alone.
"So those eyes. That look."
It was at this moment, that I realized the real reason I hated you. Those eyes. That look. I had only realized now why they looked so familiar. Your just like me.
You were lonely.
The next day, I barely paid any attention to the lessons. I was in my thoughts the whole day wondering him as I was walking home. What I should do?
Quickly, I turned around to see who called out to me.
"Oh, it's just you."
"You look more depressed than usual."
"It's nothing. I've just been in my thoughts."
"Was it about what happened the other day."
"Well, there's no need to think too deeply about it. I came here to apologize if I had offended you."
I was a little shocked by this action.
" no no. It's all good.I guess I crossed some boundaries as well. So for that I apologize too."
"It's fine."
"Well then, I'll be going."
When you turned back around. I looked into your eyes.
"Yup. They're just like mine."
I then stuck out my hand.
"My name is Amanda. I promise, to become strong enough so that you won't be lonely anymore."
You stood their puzzled for a couple seconds, before giving a light chuckle. Then you stretched out your hand with a smile and grabbed mine.
"My name is Cassian. I'll be waiting for you to catch up."
(An: Thanks to all who read this one-shot all the way through. I appreciate it so much. Please, if there's anything you'd like to comment on do not hesitate. Any constructive criticism is gladly accepted. This one-shot is for two characters who will appear later in the main series I'm writing. I'll be writing another one-shot which I'll release in one or two weeks. I would appreciate if you went and followed my tiktok Trying to get to 1k which be amazing. Hopefully this is the first chapter of many 😁😁.)