Sabaody Archipelago, a bustling hub of commerce and activity in the world of "One Piece," welcomed the arrival of the "Innovator's Hope" with a cacophony of voices and vibrant colors. The archipelago's renowned mangrove trees and bubble-covered streets provided a picturesque backdrop for the bustling trade.
Arjun and his crew had decided to make a brief stop on Sabaody to restock supplies and conduct maintenance on their ship. As they went about their tasks, the locals couldn't help but be drawn to the gleaming vessel and the curious gadgets that adorned its deck.
Among the onlookers was a draco girl, her scales shimmering in various shades of blue and green. Her sharp eyes caught sight of Arjun's face, his gadgets, and the ship itself. She was captivated not only by the brilliance of his inventions but also by his appearance.
Approaching Arjun with a confident stride, the draco girl declared, "You there, with the wondrous ship and intriguing devices, you will be my slave."
Arjun, a modern man from another world, was taken aback by the audacious demand. He had encountered many challenges on his journey but had never been confronted with such a request.
"Slave?" Arjun replied incredulously, his brows furrowing. "I'm here to share knowledge and help communities. I won't be anyone's slave."
The draco girl's patience wore thin, and she signaled to one of her armed guards. The soldier raised his weapon and fired a shot at Arjun, expecting the modern-looking man to crumble under the attack.
To the surprise of everyone present, the bullet ricocheted off an invisible energy shield surrounding Arjun. He was left unharmed but deeply offended by the act of aggression.
Arjun had always sought to avoid conflict, and this situation was no different. Without engaging further, he swiftly made his way back to the "Innovator's Hope." However, as he reached his ship, he discovered a crowd of pirates gathered around it, their greedy eyes fixed on the marvel before them.
The chapter ended with Arjun facing a dilemma, surrounded by potential trouble in the heart of Sabaody Archipelago.