Charles was shocked to witness Zane threaten him with his own life. He never expected something like that to happen. Most people would try to run away or something.
Old man on the other hand was surprised but not shocked. During the month he had known Zane, he knew his character and this stunt was still in the range of possible moves Zane would do.
Charles suddenly started laughing "Nice try kid" he said as he continued moving towards Zane "You almost got me for a second there".
However, the resolve in Zane's eyes didn't falter. What did falter was Charles' smile when he caught sight of a red liquid flowing from the point were Zane's knife touched his neck.
He stopped his advance and narrowed his eyes. A dead mortal healer was useless to him after all, he needed Zane alive.
"Would he do it?" he asked Old man, who was also watching with wide eyes.
"I....i don't know" Old man said, he really wasn't sure whether Zane had the willpower or not. However the fact that his training made physical pain useless to his students was concerning.
'He won't do it' Charles convinced himself, all he had to do was dash towards Zane before he could slit his own throat.
Charles took a step....
The knife in Zane's hand made a fluid motion and blood splattered around the room. Zane had successfully cut his throat and blood rushed through his trachea and was flooding his lungs by the second.
'Huh that's weird, i thought i would be dead by now, i guess things work differently here' Zane thought. The pain he was feeling was unimaginable but the training helped.
'Hey Alex, how long until i die?' he asked his AI.
Zane couldn't fully understand what Alex was trying to say but he did find out that he has some seconds left to live. However, that could be fifty seconds or two seconds, Zane didn't know.
Any further attempts at communicating with Alex yielded no results. Zane didn't for once regret killing himself, that was because in his opinion, living as a slave was worse than dying.
The other reason Zane wasn't afraid of dying was that he knew for a fact that death wasn't the end. For him, death was just another chance to roll the dice and swindle the resident celestial into giving him a better life.
As long as Zane could still resist the natural reincarnation were he would lose his memories, he wasn't afraid of anything at all, and the centuries he would spend in the void would feel like a few seconds anyway so he really didn't have anything to fear.
Heck even the pain of death wasn't something he would even think about, For all intents and purposes, Zane was immortal.
On a distance planet made of what appeared to be diamonds, Aurora was sitting cross legged on a beach with her eyes closed. However her facial expressions showed discomfort.
Aurora was currently watching everything happening on Gyra Earth, the planet Zane lived on. She wanted to interfere and stop Zane's madness but she couldn't, without the vision orb, she was just a spectator.
'I guess there is nothing i can do, i will just have to come to another agreement with him' she thought with a helpless sigh.
Back on Gyra Earth, Old man was shell shocked, he couldn't believe that Zane killed himself that easily. He wasn't sure if even he would have that amount of willpower.
Charles was scared, as evidenced by the drop of sweat coming from his forehead, he just lost a promising Mage because of his impatience.
Charles wasn't really going to force Zane to work anyway, that wasn't the type of noble he was. He was going to discuss with Zane the terms of their agreement, however he wanted to do that in the safety of his own mansion.
Ten seconds had passed since Zane slit his throat and all this time, he hadn't taken his eyes off Charles and he didn't miss the fear in his expression.
'He thought i was bluffing' Zane thought, he had a good mind to laugh and curse at Charles before he dies but decided against it.
Zane had a very good resistance to pain but he still felt it. He knew for a fact that opening his mouth at the moment would multiply his pain, his lungs were getting flooded by blood after all.
'He isn't dead yet, he can be saved' Old man thought. However the only thing he had that could heal someone were healing tonics, which are supposed to be ingested through the mouth.
Currently it was useless for Zane to try and drink something since his stomach and mouth weren't connected. Pouring the healing tonic through the cut on his throat was also useless since the blood would dilute the medicine, making it useless.
In order for healing tonics to work, they had to reach the patient's stomach and get digested first before the healing mana stored in them would spread throughout the body, looking for the injury.
The only thing that could save Zane now was a healer, and a very good one at that. Old man knew a very good healer but he was currently out of the city, and the ones in the city would still arrive too late.
Glancing at Charles, old man noticed that he had a device in his hand, a communication device. It wasn't hard to guess that Charles was calling for help, however they both knew it was probably too late.
The only other exceptional healer they knew was Zane himself, and since he was still standing, Old man knew that Zane was still conscious and aware of his surroundings.
It was a long shot but....
"Zane heal yourself and we can talk this out you don't need to kill yourself" Old man calmly said.
When Zane had heard his name he turned his attention from Charles to Old man, feeling once more intense pain. Zane thought about Old man's words for a few seconds before turning to Charles.
Old man knew what this meant. Zane wanted to hear it from Charles himself.
Charles sighed "Heal yourself, i promise to come to a fair conclusion which will benefit both of us" he said.
Zane thought about it once more, joining a noble family wasn't that bad as long as the conditions also benefited him.
Coming to a decision, Zane quickly healed the cut on his throat, it didn't even take a long time, but he didn't know how much mana he used since Alex was offline.
The bleeding stopped but his lungs had turned into blood filled balloons. Zane thought of stabbing holes into his lungs from the outside to drain the blood but then realized how stupid of an idea that was.
Touching his uvula with his middle finger, Zane puked out about two liters of blood, along with his breakfast.