"What?" the young man rubbed his ears so maybe he could hear more clearly.
"I said, put your fist were your mouth is and let's fight" Zane repeated with his arms crossed.
With Zane's body strength, no mortal was stronger than him in the entire world. Even Aurora proved it to be so, otherwise she wouldn't have been so worried when Zane started Cultivating the body.
Zane was also confident in his prowess against other mortals because of his victory against the bandits. Zane had defeated them all single handedly so of course he would be confident.
When Zane repeated his sentence, the young man couldn't believe it. This BLIND man who just came today thought he could beat him. The young man had been training under Old man for the past eleven months.
Even though the mortals never fought against each other, they all knew that the young man was the most powerful of them all. It was not about strength but technique, reflexes, speed and endurance.
Zane reminded the young man of himself when he was just arriving at the training hall. Overconfident, he also looked down upon the others before training began.
"Teacher, allow me to show him the error of his ways" the young man slightly bowed to Old man.
Zane furrowed an his brows under the cloth 'Just you wait, i will show you who's blind.....well i am but..... argh forget i will beat you up so bad!' Zane internally scoffed.
Meanwhile, Old man combed his fingers through his knee-length beard. He had heard from Kane that Zane easily beat up six bandits so he knew that Zane wasn't weak.
Old man could also tell that Zane's body was physically stronger than the rest of his students. However he didn't think anything of it and summed it up to Zane being talented.
'I guess an exhibition match wouldn't be a bad idea' he thought.
"Fine, I will allow it for this time only. Kane will look over your fight. I don't want anyone getting seriously hurt." Old man said. He didn't want any of his students to hurt themselves, hurting them was the training's job.
The rest of the mortals shook their heads, they all felt sorry for Zane and only hoped that Keith would go easy on the poor guy.
Zane smirked as he looked forward to beating up this arrogant man. He didn't for once think that he would lose, he had highly compressed tempered muscles, what did his opponent have?.
His months of training can't possibly overcome pure strength. Zane could just knock the man out with a single punch!.
"I'm Keith" The man showed his hand for a handshake with a smile.
"Zane" Zane answered as he shook the man's hand.
The others quickly arranged themselves in a large circle with Zane and Kieth in the middle. Old man stood just outside the circle watching closely while Kane was inside the circle, ready to intervene if anyone was about to be hurt.
Keith took a fighting stance with his right leg in front of his left. His left hand was behind his back while his right was in front of his face with his fore and middle fingers pointing out and the rest tucked in, as if imitating a gun.
Zane scoffed at Kane's stance as he stood there naturally with his hands to the side. Weapons were obviously not allowed, neither in this fight nor the future tournament.
"Fight!" Kane said.
Kieth immediately started moving towards Zane, although very slowly. Even if his opponent was blind, he was taught never to underestimate anyone.
At this point, everyone knew that Zane had some method he was using to see, otherwise he wouldn't even be here.
Everyone, including Old man nodded at Kane's behavior. When fighting against a new opponent always tread carefully until you know their moves.
They then looked over at Zane, expecting him to do the same thing, however they noticed that Zane wasn't at his position anymore!.
Looking back at Kieth, they could see that he had a shocked expression. Zane had covered a distance of 30 meters in about two seconds!. However what shocked everyone was not Zane's speed, rather it was the fact that Zane was running towards his opponent!.
When Zane saw Kieth immediately stopping his slow advance, he knew that his speed had shocked him. He had also heard a surprised 'What!?' from the crowd.
'Let's end this quickly, I wanted to embarrass him in front of his friends but I'll just let him off this time' Zane thought with a smirk as he closed the distance between him and Kieth at a very fast pace.
Seeing Zane a few meters away from him, Kieth finally snapped out of his shock.
That wasn't the sound of Zane slamming into Kieth, no that was the sound of Zane's face slamming onto the ground.
When Zane reached three meters away from him, Kieth simply moved to the side and put his foot on Zane's path. Zane then proceeded to trip and fall flat on his face.
The room went dead silent as Zane fell. No one could believe their eyes. When Zane had wildly charged at Kieth, they had thought he had a plan or that it was his fighting style. After all no one would be stupid enough to simply run at their opponent.....right?
Well, Zane had done just that, he had proved that he IS that stupid. Old man felt like crying, he had put most of his hopes on Zane. He hoped for Zane to be the one he would take to the tournament. The only thing better that beating the other High Mages was beating them with a blind man!.
'Hopefully he is a very fast learner' Old man thought.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Kieth couldn't help but shout.
"You were just lucky" Zane defended as he stood up, it was a good thing he couldn't easily see facial expressions otherwise he would be very embarrassed at this moment.
Zane stood up and this time he didn't run like the last time, instead he walked towards Kieth with his hands up, in a boxing stance.
'Ohh he's finally serious, that's a strange battle stance though' Old man rubbed his beard. Thinking that Zane was just playing with Kieth before.
Upon reaching arm's length away from his opponent, Zane threw a punch straight Kieth's head. With one hand, Kieth blocked the punch using his palm.
Kieth, just like Zane was shocked at the result of that exchange. Kieth had been pushed back five meters by Zane's powerful punch. If it wasn't for his stance, he would have fallen backwards.
Keith didn't expect Zane's normal punch to have this much force behind it, Zane didn't even use a special technique or movement, he just punched normally!.
Zane didn't expect Kieth to remain standing. He was way stronger than Kieth but his opponent managed to stay standing after blocking a full power attack from Zane.
'He's strong!' Zane and Kieth thought at the same time. They both had questions for each other but decided to wait until after the fight.
Zane quickly threw another punch and Kieth did the same. The two fists met in the air, making and audible 'thud'. However, neither Zane nor Kieth moved an inch.
Kieth quickly capitalized and with his other hand, threw a punch to Zane's exposed mid section. Zane was too late to react and was punched away a few meters.
However he quickly got up and carefully approached Kieth once more who was surprised at how fast Zane recovered.
Zane threw another punch but Kieth easily dodged to the side and kicked Zane's thigh. Gritting his teeth, Zane threw another punch.
Kieth dodged to the side again, but that is what Zane was betting on, the punch was just a feint as Zane threw a kick with all his power to were Kieth was dodging towards.
Kieth saw the kick coming from a mile away and thought about blocking, however he remembered Zane's strength and did a split, watching the kick go over his head.
Kieth then easily swept Zane's only grounded leg, and Zane fell to the ground helplessly.
The fight continued with Kieth dodging all of Zane's attacks and counterattacking himself. It didn't take long for Zane to be on the very losing side.
This wasn't a fight anymore, it was just a powerful experienced fighter teaching a strong newbie the basics.