The next morning, Zane was finally alone and he decided to check the system messages he got when he killed the grade two spider.
'System show me the messages after killing the rank two spider' he thought.
<(+100 000 mana points)>
The first very weird thing Zane noticed was the new 'personality' of the system. The system didn't show these weird messages before like the (
Zane put those weird messages at the back of his mind and turned his attention elsewhere. It seemed that the system had some hidden quests which he completed.
However he didn't receive the rewards because of a certain Celestial, Cough** Aurora Cough**. That really pissed Zane off, however there wasn't anything he could actually do about it.
The system itself was made by Aurora anyway so she had rights over it. However now she was also messing with Zane's progress and he didn't like that, god or not.
Zane then checked the mana points he received from the spider and even though he saw the number yesterday, he was still surprised. Sure enough the stronger the creature the more mana it has.
'That's it?' Zane thought after looking over the system's messages. He had thought there was more to check but apparently that was it. Aurora stole his rewards and he got a hundred thousand points from the spider, nothing more nothing less.
Or maybe there was something else.
'System?' Zane thought.
'What happened to you' he asked.
'You were never actively communicating with me before'
'Okay why are you talking like that?'
'No it's okay the previous way is better'
'System power off'
Zane then woke up and wore his leather armor, which was on the side of the bed, before walking out the door. He could feel the sun at the top of his head, which meant it was midday.
"Good morning Golden Archer" Zane heard someone say.
He turned around and saw the silhouette of a woman.
"Good morning" he smiled "do you know where I can find the man I arrived with to the party yesterday" he continued, he was looking for Chris.
The lady gave Zane the directions to Chris' room. However before moving there, he made a mana ball form in his hand.
<(-10 000 mana points)>
This was the most concentrated mana ball he had ever made. Zane then threw it into the air and it exploded when it reached a height of 100 meters. The explosion was completely silent though.
The mana particles released from the explosion rained down on the village and Zane could now see everything in a hundred meter radius.
'Ill call it the sight bomb' Zane thought with a smile as he walked towards Chris' room.
"Good morning Golden Archer"
"Good morning Golden Archer"
Good morning Golden Archer"
'I thought only a few women where left in this village' Zane thought as he rubbed his nose in frustration.
'And why are they saying morning when it's obviously in the afternoon!?'
A couple dozen 'Morning's' later Zane finally made it to Chris' room. He could hear someone snoring inside and Zane was sure it was Chris.
He then knocked a few times but Chris continued snoring.
"Chris!!, Helloo!!" he shouted but Chris just wouldn't wake up.
Zane then pushed the door and was half surprised to find it unlocked. After opening the door he blew some mana into the room, since the mana bomb only worked outside.
"Figures" Zane said after seeing the sight of Chris. He was sleeping on the bed while two women where sleeping on top of him, all three people completely naked.
"Chris!!!" Zane shouted, and this time Chris woke up. Surprisingly though, the two bodies on top of him where still out cold.
"Hey bro what's up" Chris rubbed his eyes, or rather he tried to but the realized he couldn't move his arms on account of the 'weights' on top of him.
"I have no idea what happened last night, but i got a feeling i had fun" he said while looking at the sleeping women.
"Get your ass dressed, I will be waiting outside" Zane said as he left the room and closed the door.
"Good morning Golden Archer"
A few minutes later, Chris came out, still groggy.
"Let's go to the hall, i think that's where everyone else is." Zane said and Chris nodded before he staggered after Zane.
Opening the village hall door, Zane found the rest of the team. David was sitting in a lotus position with his eyes closed at the corner.
Clara was drinking some weird green liquid from a bowl. If her facial expression was anything to go by, the liquid tasted as bad as it looked.
Adam was doing his best to wipe off a white stain on his leather trousers. Zane didn't want to think of what made that stain.
"Well, you look like you had a good time last night" Zane smirked. It seemed like he and David where the only ones who didn't fully regret the events if the previous night.
Chris quickly went to take a sip of whatever Clara was drinking.
"I thought mages don't get hangovers" Zane said.
Clara looked at him with a hateful expression while Adam ignored him.
"That's what happens when a mage falls asleep drunk." David chuckled, his eyes still closed.
The door suddenly opened and Krine entered. "Good afternoon, or in your cases good morning" he greeted.
David stood up followed by Clara then Adam, they had recovered quite quickly.
"Morning Krine, thank you for your hospitality but we will be leaving now" David said.
"Of course. I hope you enjoyed the gifts we sent all of you" Krine smiled.
No one responded to his statement, it seemed they where all embarrassed, of course except.....
"Ohhh we really enjoyed" Chris said with a smile.
"Let's go!" David ordered and everyone stood up to leave.
"What about breakfast!?" Chris complained.