Chereads / RWBY Volume 9: Ruby Villain Arc Part 1: The Other Half / Chapter 1 - Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

RWBY Volume 9: Ruby Villain Arc Part 1: The Other Half

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

RWBY Volume 9: Ruby Villain Arc Part 1: The Other Half

Ruby: Nothing, I swear! 

Yang: Were you...Just talking to her? 

Ruby: Yang, I can explain-

Blake: I don't know what she did to you, but this isn't you!

Ruby: (She starts to look annoyed) I don't you ever knew me, Blake.

Blake flinched as a response, as everyone is surprised. 

Yang: What do you mean? Of course, she knows you! She's Blake.

Weiss: She's our teammate, Ruby.

Ruby: Oh, really, that didn't stop her from running off to begin with. But I suppose we are all supposed to be soo happy for you...In fact, you two deserve each other. I mean, you both let your loved ones down, and then walked away when things get too complicated and you don't know how to deal with them! Like Blake here did with Adam and you, after the Fall of Beacon. And like you, my dear sister, did with dad and now me. Raven would be soo proud of you!

Everyone was shocked at this, as Yang and Blake are stunned by Ruby's words, but then she stepped in front of Blake, gaining Ruby's ire.

Yang: What the hell, Ruby? What's wrong with you? 

Ruby: Yes, you should protect Blake again. That's all you seem to do now. Are you even your own person anymore?

Yang: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I remember you used to care. We did things together, played, trained, and now? Now all you do is related to Blake. (Imitating Yang's voice) Do you think Blake would like this Ruby? Sorry Ruby, I'm going to train with Blake! I just need her here with me! Earlier you let me yell at Weiss, but as soon as I turned to Blake, you stepped in. Face it, she's basically your entire world at this point. No room for that clumsy sister of yours when you can have "Blake" instead right? Some sister.

(Note: I don't think Yang's a bad sister, nor saying she's only focusing on Blake, come on now, I know she's distracted by her relationship with Blake, though, but still. I have mixed feelings for her, but I don't think she's a bad sister.)

Yang wanted to yell back, but she couldn't deny it completely at least since arriving here her focus had been mostly on Blake, but that didn't' mean she didn't care.

Jaune: Come on, Ruby. I know you're upset, and I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier. I was wrong. I should've seen there was something wrong…..

Ruby: See, now you admit it, because what? I'm a threat?

Weiss: Ruby…..

Ruby: Don't, Weiss. 

Weiss: What? But I-

Ruby: Care more about Jaune as your partner now? So much that you're willing to defend him? 

Weiss: No, Ruby, that's not true, I'm sorry we-

Ruby: Made it all about you?

Weiss: What?

Ruby: Jaune said it was all about me, when it wasn't, as leader, I always put you above myself, because I'd be a bad leader not too. But then, it's always been about you eversince we got here, your pain…..

Weiss: What do you-?

Ruby: You had to go on a rant about how you lost your kingdom, which by the way, you said you didn't wanna go back to, and how you feel lost, did you have any idea how that made me feel?

Weiss: (Shocked) T-T-That's...I tried to talk about Penny-

Ruby: After you were done making it seem like your pain was more important and expected me to give my shoulder for you to cry on, and so, I tried to be supportive and not show you my weakness, like Coco suggested.

Yang: Coco? She told you that shit?

Weiss: Ruby, I didn't mean-

Ruby: And let's not forget how snappy you've been and just expected me to push aside my pain for him.

Weiss: I didn't mean-!

Ruby: And now you want to be with Jaune? What, are you trying to replace Pyrrha?!

Blake covered her mouth, Jaune was shocked, so was Yang, as Weiss flinched, stunned by her words.

Weiss: N-No, that's-

Ruby: You're just a cruel and cold girl that think herself better than others, who thinks her pain is greater than others. You really are your father's daughter.

(Oof, I feel like I'm going a bit too far here, but I feel like this should show Ruby no longer holding back as another part of her breakdown, let me know what you think)

Weiss: (Shocked to the point of tears) H-How can you say that, Ruby?! I lost my home! My legacy! All of it! My family may not even be alive! AND YOU DARE SAY THAT TO ME?! I'm sorry for what I did, yet I would never do that to you if I wasn't feeling this way!

Ruby: Yeah, well, I was willing to put all that aside, you know why? Because I....I....

(I feel really bad for doing this)


(Sorry, White Rose fans, I may not be one, but I'm not trying to destroy the ships, hopes, and dreams here! 😔😢😰😓)

Everyone, including Neo and Roman, were all shocked, as the violin music took a pause, some even had their jaws dropped, as Weiss was at a loss for words. 

Weiss: ....What?

Ruby: ...But not anymore. And then, where were you when I was mourning for Penny? Oh, right, complaining about the rain.

The violin music played once more, as WBY looked confused, but then remembered the rain when Ruby was holding the sword, and their faces went to horror.

Yang: Wait, that was...

Blake: Oh, no...

Weiss: R-Ruby, we…..We're so sorry! We didn't meant to...We didn't…..We were just trying to get home so what happened to Penny wouldn't happen to anyone else! I swear we didn't forget about her!

Jaune: You what?

Ruby: And let's not forget you wanted me to help mourn Jaune's hostages, whom he insulted, but what about Juniper, or Little, huh? Are they stupid? Are they crazy? Are they untrustworthy despite everything they've done for us?!

Jaune: (Shocked) That's why you said...I didn't mean-

Ruby: You said Alyx saw this whole place as make-believe, yet you tried to decide what was best for them, tried to control them, and the story, which leads me to wonder, was Alyx ever the villain in the story...Or were you?

Jaune was horrified by Ruby's accusations, as he has a guilt-ridden expression.

Jaune: No, that's not true, I...I didn't...I tried...I tried to make it up-

Ruby: For what?


The room once again went silent, as Ruby is taken aback.

Ruby: ....What did you just say?

Jaune: I was the only one....

Ruby turned her shocked eyes to Weiss.

Ruby: ...You lied.

Weiss: I-I didn't know...How to tell you…..Or how you'd feel! I knew you and Penny were close, so-

Ruby: That's why you were trying to forget about her and wanted to help Jaune, youw ere trying to cover it up!

Jaune: Ruby, no! 

Ruby: You really just expected me to think Jaune would just kill Penny, I would've wanted to hear it from him, because I thought that he would never do that, that he'd never hit a fly (Weiss looks away in shame) Do we even know who The Winter Maiden is?!

Weiss: It's my sister, Winter! I swear Cinder didn't get it!

Roman: Oh, and speaking of Maidens...

Neo suddenly summoned an illusion of Raven, as she actually starts showing the Maiden flares of her red eyes.

Raven: Did you know that I'm The Spring Maiden?

Ruby: Wait, what? Raven?! That can't be....

She then looked at Yang.

Ruby: You...You went down to the Vault and got the Relic...

Yang: Wait, Ruby, hear me out....

Ruby: You knew...Raven was The Spring Maiden, and you knew?! Why didn't you tell us?!

Everyone looked at Yang, shocked as well.

Yang: Mistral was compromised, remember! The White Fang nearly destroyed it, and Lionheart had all the Huntsmen killed, so what was to stop Salem from attacking again? Also, Raven made it damn clear she didn't want anything to do with it, besides, we didn't need her anyway!

Blake: We could have gone to Vacuo, or just focused on restructuring Haven's defenses and Mistral's good faith in Faunus.

Yang looks betrayed that Blake is counter-arguing.

Weiss: This whole time….We wouldn't even need to go to Atlas in the first place had you told us! "No more secrets", remember?

Yang: But I-

Ruby: Yet you let me lie, and reported to a stranger, whom we didn't really know if she was actually to be trusted, and had the nerve to blame me for what happened to Atlas. But no, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!


Ruby simply stares at her, pupils shaking and her composure fading away. Yang doesn't mean that...Does she? She is Yang's sister, she has always been Yang's sister. She's talking to her sister right now, so why is she begging her to come back? Why is she demanding for her to come back if she is standing in front of her? Unless....Unless... She means she wants the old Ruby Rose back. The Ruby Rose who would always fake a smile whenever someone else frowns because her job is to pick people up and not picked up, the Ruby Rose who has to bottle every little pain and ache otherwise she is failing as a leader, the Ruby Rose who isn't an equal to her team but an idea on a pedestal held up so high when she cries for help they can't hear her. The Ruby Rose who shuts up. The Ruby Rose who puts her team before herself. The Ruby Rose who puts the world before herself. The Ruby Rose whose purpose in life is to hold up everything and everyone until her shoulders give way and she crumbles and her petals scatter in the wind. The Ruby Rose who is only wanted, no, only needed to shoulder the blame and all the traumas those failures bring. That is all Ruby Rose is anymore to them. To her own sister. And now, she doesn't want to be Ruby Rose anymore. 

Ruby: (Uttering out in a cold tone, eyes staring down at the ground as tears roll down her face) …...No.

Yang: What?

Yang growls out, however when Ruby looks up at her and she sees her sister crying all of Yang's rage vanishes as confusion washes over. 

Ruby: (Grits teeth as her body quakes) No. Ruby Rose is never coming back. Never.

Yang realizes in that moment that isn't an illusion or some Ever After trick but her actual sister. 

Ruby: (Turns to Neo, as she walks to pick up Little) Let's go. 

Blake: Ruby, wait-

Ruby: Get. Out. Of. Our. Way.

Everyone, however, had a bad feeling of where there was heading, especially with Ruby and Neo "going".

Yang: Ruby, that's Neo, she's-

Ruby: What? Our enemy? A villain? Tried to kill me? What about you?

Hurt appeared on their faces.

Blake: Ruby- 

Ruby: Isn't it obvious? Blake didn't do anything, while Yang and Weiss didn't even do enough. The rest of you might want to ignore it, I was crying out, screaming in pain, for help and you all... Did…Nothing! (Points at Yang and Blake) You spent the time holding hands, or making stupid puns, couldn't spare a single thought for your sister who lost a dear friend. Oh no, far too busy trying to trade spit with that one. (Points at Weiss) And you, princess, have to ignore your partner. Make one half hearted attempt, which was just you crying about Atlas, not even giving me the chance to express until you were done, and then ditch her every chance you get. Can't stay and make sure Ruby is ok with an assassin after her, have to go third wheel because of nose hairs.

Weiss flinched at the truth in the words.

Ruby: Then again it's not the first time you've done it. You even went to the movies with that one. (Thumbs towards Jaune) And what's more you made sure to take advantage of Ruby being ready to help you and wait on you hand and foot didn't you? Crying about leaving places in ashes while not realizing your partner was crumbling herself. Talking about how mature that one was. I knew you'd never care about a stupid kid like me...that I wasn't really...Precious to you.

More remorse appeared on her face.

Jaune: Ruby, calm down.

Ruby: You don't get to tell me to calm down…..Murderer.

Jaune: (Shocked) No, I didn't...I didn't have a choice!

Ruby: You could've healed her! All this time I blamed myself, for failing Penny, I thought my plan failed, that it was all because of me! But I see now, it was the one thing I got right. I saved my friend and all you had to do was get her through that door, yet you couldn't even manage that. I thought I wasn't fast enough to save Pyrrha, but the truth is I was never going to be, not with you weighing me down!

Jaune: (Hurt and shocked) Cinder was going to take her maiden powers, she begged- 

She took out Crescent Rose and shot a bullet, narrowly missing him, but grazed his cheek, damaging his Aura. 

Weiss: Jaune! 

Yang: Ruby, what are you doing?!

Ruby: I said get out of my way!

As she pointed Crescent Rose at them, Yang shot forward, her arm cocked back and eyes red. She buried her fist into Ruby's face and sent her flying back into the wall of the room, damaging Little Red's Aura, which led to Yang realizing what she did, as Ruby looked at her with rage and betrayal.

Yang: Ruby, I-

She was interrupted as she was sent tumbling backward as the flat side of Ruby's scythe slammed into her stomach. 

Ruby: Little, hide in my hood, close your eyes and cover your ears, okay?

The scared and worried mouse silently did, hiding underneath Ruby's hood as she puts it on.

Ruby: I'll take care of this.

Neo crossed her arms and furrows her brows, giving her a "really?" look. (Like she did with Cinder in Volume 7 just so you guys can get what I mean XD)

Roman: Kid, Neo's not your damsel in distress.

Neo pulls out her parasol in response, the pointed blade coming out, as everyone took a battle stance.

Weiss: Ruby...Don't do this. 

Ruby: I warned you...

(By the way, this fight scene is brought to you by Tool by Derivakat and Love From The Other Side by Fall Out Boy. Great, now I sound like one of those commercial guys giving ad revevenues, lol. 

But anyway, both of these two are great songs, Tool especially, because I feel like it fits great with Ruby's breakdown, and are inspirations for a song, don't know what to call it, and I'll need your help, but I'm imagining a song where it's basically like showing the hurt and betrayal Ruby's feeling, like Trapdoor, and also how she's starting to see the world from Neo and with everyone's acting towards her, as inspired by u/comprehensive-can680's father, who sounds like a good man and a GOAT, how Ruby is a sweet and innocent girl that deserves to go to Heaven, but is stuck on Remnant, which, thanks to the Gods, is basically Hell. I'd also like someone to come up with lyrics here, please.)

A set of gunshots from Gambol Shroud ran out, only for Neo to block them witb Hush, holding both bullets between her fingers, negligently tossing them back on the floor, and winking at Blake. What came next was chaos of shots, screams and frantic movement. With no delay or words exchanged, everyone charged at Ruby, wishing only to knock their crazed friend down. But the able huntress and (Clears throat) vertically-challenged criminal swept their attempts under a blanket of precise fire - constantly moving, dodging, changing position, drowning the glade in deluge of bullets and insults alike. Jaune sprinted towards Ruby, who looked both annoyed and amused as he swung the remains of his sword right at her, looking at the sword that was stopped an inch from her chest with her bare hand. 

Ruby: Oh, no, you got me. 

Weiss tried to move into Jaune's defense, as Neo actually kicked her back as the two had a solo sword fight (Which honestly, now that I think about, a Neo vs Weiss fight would've been cool to see). 

Ruby: How many people is it that you've killed or died because of you now? I've lost count. 

She then batted him to the side where he was shot from behind by Roman. 

Roman: Finally, some action again!

Meanwhile, The C.C was just sitting on the table, watching with interest. 

C.C.: How exciting, a battle betwen friends! Bonds now shattered, friends now enemies, is there anything other?!

Ruby: Well, who's next?

She held the scythe behind her with one hand, and made a "come at me" gesture with her now free hand. Yang and Blake sprang forward, as the cat Faunus used Gambol Shroud to throw Yang her way. Dropping to the floor, she let Yang sail by harmlessly overhead as she giggled when she heard Yang swear as she hit a wall. Still, her sister was rather determined which meant she'd be rebounding any moment now. She pretended to be unaware before she burst to the side in a swarm of petals and reformed, letting Yang crash into the table, destroying it. Blake silently descended, apologizing to her friend in her mind as she aimed her sword at her right side only for Ruby to sidestep at the last moment and knock her to the side with the flat of her blade which sent her rolling like she'd been hit with a fully charged punch from Yang. She struggled to stop the momentum only to be forced even farther back as Ruby's gun fired and a high caliber round slammed into her shoulder. Blake felt her aura flicker as Yang ran over to check on her, ignoring Rubes's disgusted look as she did so. 

Ruby: Come on Blake. I helped you fix that. I know you weighted it and you rely on it for a bit more speed, makes you a bit too predictable. Is that how you were able to get away from us and The White Fang so easily.

Yang: Ruby, stop it. 

Ruby: No, Yang, you let her off easy after Argus. Let's not forget things got tough, you ran away! From my sister, my team, and Vale! You showed me that you're a COWARD!!!

Blake looked toward her leader, shocked at what she told her. 

Blake: Ruby...

Ruby: I used to admire you, as funny as that is. Because you were this mysterious girl, that seemed wrapped up in tragedy like me. But you kept going, but now I see you for what you've always been: You're a coward, an even bigger one than everyone else. You ran away before, and you always do that. You then steal my sister and then use her as a convenient shield. And you just follow her lead like some kind of succubus. You're a worthless coward, and it's because of people like you, that allowed people like Adam to rise. Because someone had to be willing to fight for your people, and it certainly isn't you, no matter what you claim. You could've went back to your parents and tried to take The White Fang, but you didn't. And you ratted out about Amity to Robyn, a stranger none the less while letting me lie! The plan would've worked and Ironwood would have probably be mad at us for lying, but I could've talked to him and help him understand. I thought you changed, but no, you're still that girl who'd make The White Fang so proud.

(Yeesh, my Ruby is going for everyone's throats…..I'm so proud🥹😅😂🤣)

That seemed to be it, that even Blake's tolerance had its limits. With a wrathful cry, she threw her weapon, Gambol Shroud at Ruby's feet, intended on stranding her, but was thwarted as Ruby was behind her faster than she could blink, her scythe already in motion, finding purchase in soft flesh as Blake's aura flickered and failed as a bright arc of blood sprayed into the air and coated the ground underneath. Blake was sent tumbling on her side towards the edge of the room where she curled in on herself as she came to a stop with the blood slowly pooling beneath her. 

Yang: BLAKE! 

She slowly walked towards Yang, eyes cold as she raised her scythe to finish both off until Yang shot at her, the gunshot impacting her blade and knocked it off course, as Jaune ran to Blake's aid, kneeling by her and his hands green as he began boosting their auras.

Ruby: Ah Jaune. I knew I'd forgotten something. Then again maybe that's your semblance? Being so unremarkable that no one remembers you. Not me, not Cinder, not the paper pleasers. Do you think Pyrrha regrets dying for you?

Jaune's eyes widen, as he gets angry, just like he did at Haven.

Yang: Jaune, no!

But she was too late as Jaune gave a great yell and sprinted past them sword and shield at the ready as he leapt at Ruby, causing her to smirk and dodge his strikes by the faintest of margins using her semblance to move mere inches and make it look like he was swinging through her. After a few moments, she wrapped Crescent Rose around his throat, stranging him from behind as she examined him making sure to keep his body between Yang and herself and ignored his flailing strikes with his shield. 

Ruby: You know, one thing I do have something good to say is your aura. It's always been robust. 

She struck fast and hard hitting the small area between plates on his armor causing him to wretch even as his aura flickered but didn't break although he did drop his weapons, his fingers going slack. 

Ruby: Maybe I was wrong….

She let him go and kicked him in the center of his armor, denting it and sending him skidding across the room. 

(Now, you guys are probably wondering how Ruby fighting like this since she's so bad at hand-to-hand combat so much she relies on Crescent Rose, this is because not only is she thinking back to when she and Yang trained in Yang's Volume 5 short, as well with Tai, but also because, when you're super angry and feel betrayed, don't you feel like you wanna punch something?)

Ruby frowned over her shoulder at seeing Yang marching her way, as Neo was fighting Weiss, before she smirked and with a snap of her fingers her clones all turned into variations of Weiss, making the Heiress frown as she used her glyphs, which were countered by the fake Weiss's.

Ruby: Surprised you could tear yourself away from Blake's side to come over here. 

Yang slammed her fist together, her hair seeming to catch fire as her eyes grew red. 


Yang: I'm going to start beating you, and I'm not stopping until you stop. I already promised you I wasn't going to let you turn into another Hound, and I'm sure not gonna let you turn into some other monster.

Ruby: Monster? Me?! The only ones here are you. But yes…..You did say that. If only you'd meant it.

Yang screamed and threw a haymaker at Ruby who sidestepped the blow and tried to kick at Yang's leg only for her to grab onto it and pull, sending the girl toppling to the floor.

Yang: Nice try, but you know when it comes to hand to hand, you aren't beating me!

Yang raised her own leg, and tried to stomp on Ruby's chest, yet her younger sister petal burst both of them a few feet to the side and used the disorientation everyone seemed to feel to pull her foot from Yang and unfold her weapon before firing a trio of shots at her sister as she rolled away. Yang dodged the first two before she willingly took the third in her arm, her aura not even flickering as amplified as it had been.

Yang: (Sprints faster than before) Don't tell me you forgot about my semblance now!

Ruby: (Smirks) Of course not, nor did I forget that it only works until your body gives out.

Yang: Nope, aint' stopping til you stop.

Ruby: Yeah, so I can go back to being the one you dump all your expectations onto so you can go spend time with Blake. What a healthy relationship.

Yang sprang forward and tackled her into the wall of the room, cracks forming like a spiderweb as Ruby observed her. Yang didn't stop there as she separated her hands and clapped each over Ruby's ears simultaneously causing her to actually whine at the pain of having her eardrums ruptured. Ruby's eyes went red as it gave Yang a hard palm heel strike to the chest, sending her back a dozen feet as she took a knee. Ruby pulled herself to her feet, her scythe appearing in her hand once more as she leapt at them, her arms a near blur as she swung Crescent Rose in various complicated patterns she'd never shown before. In fact, the more Yang blocked or even tried to strike back the more complicated the attack patterns became, where at first, Yang was able to block or deflect most of the blows, within the first thirty seconds she was scarcely able to avoid one in a dozen as the cuts littering her body attested. The only thing keeping her in the fight was Blake constantly distracting Ruby with clones or ranged potshots and Yang's semblance powering her up to such a degree that, even Ruby was forced to avoid her counter attacks. Yang heaved great lungfuls of air and took advantage of the brief respite glaring at Ruby, who was barely breathing harder than normal. 

Ruby: And then there were you two...

Yang: One good hit.

Ruby: It wouldn't do anything.

Yang: Damn it, what's Weiss doing?

Weiss and Neo traded blows, the illusions hitting her.

Weiss (Illusion) #1: You're a disgrace.

Weiss (Illusion) #2: You destroyed your own home, damned your family to the Grimm!

Weiss: No…..I-I tried to-

Weiss (Illusion) #3: You even taken your own partner for granted, used her to bolster yourself, and protect the castle in your heart, but in return, you'd done less than nothing for Ruby. 

Weiss: I…..I didn't know-

Weiss (llusion) #4: That what?! That she loved you?! That you've forced her into a lifetime of pain because of Jaune's feelings for you, and then your feelings for Neptune?!

Weiss: I...

Weiss (Illusion) #5: Grandfather Nicholas would be ashamed of you…..

Weiss's eyes widened, as her glyphs start spiraling out of control.

Weiss: No, no, no, shut…..SHUT UP! SHUT! UP!

She slammed Myrtenaster in the ground, letting out a bunch of ice that exploded from the ground, as Jaune tries to help her out, only for Neo to quickly outmatch him. Yang used her gauntlets to launch her toward/ her sister, but Ruby raised a hand to counter before she found it restricted and frowned seeing Blake holding her in place and smirked. She used her free hand to throw a crystal of fire dust at her feet and cause a small explosion as she yanked on the restrained arm. Yang ignored the explosion and struck forward, feeling great satisfaction at the meaty sound her punch produced until the smoke cleared and her eyes widened in horror at seeing Blake's broken body lying on the ground until it thankfully vanished as the real Blake came from the side to stand next to her. 

Ruby: I thought we worked on your issues….

Yang swallowed loudly at the realization of how close she'd come to hurting Blake. 

Yang: How could you, Ruby?! You almost made me hurt Blake!

Ruby: No, I'm pretty sure that was mostly you. 

Yang: I refuse to stop, Ruby, you don't know what you're doing!

Ruby: Really? That's your big play? Do you really think all the pain and burdes you heaped on me and saddled me with is gonna get fixed just cause you said some words of encouragement once? Too little. Too late. You don't just tell a depressed person to believe in themselves and it magically makes it better like they hadn't thought of that and the problems all go away. I'm doing what my path leads me to…..And right now, you're in my way. 

She swings Crescent Rose to hit Yang across the face, making her twirl, as Ruby starts punching her across the face until she was pushed against the wall. Blake gets up, moving in to strike, only for Ruby to hit her with Crescent Rose, making Yang angry, as she slammed her fists to the ground, causing fire to spew out and hit Ruby while she was distracted, setting her cape on fire, as she quickly realized Little was flying out, and when she was just about to reach them, Yang, in her anger, launched a fire ball that exploded between them, sending them flying and crashing to the ground. As the smoke cleared, everyone looked to see what happened, as Yang looks to see Ruby kneeling down, her back turned to them, dropping Crescent Rose to the ground, as Little was in her hands.

Ruby: Little? Hey, Little? Wake up? Come on, wake up…..Hey....Buddy? Little? (Shakes her hands) Little? Oh…..Little? ...Little, talk to me. Wake up, wake up, come on, wake up...It's me, it's Ruby.

Her voice started breaking down, tears threatening to spill from the corner of her eyes, as Yang realized what she'd done.

Weiss: Yang, what did you do?

Yang: I-I-I didn't mean to-

Ruby: Y-Y-Your friend...No…..No...Not again...I tried to save you.... I tried so hard…..I wanted so badly for you to be alright...What good is all this if I can't protect what's precious to me?

Ruby broke down crying, sniffling, as Neo looked in sympathy and horror.

Yang: Ruby, I-

However, as soon as Yang speaks, Ruby starting shaking, in a rather violent way, she gently sets Little's body down, as she moves her hand to Crescent Rose.

Ruby: Y-Y-You're a dead woman...This time...Y-Y-You...(Turns towards JWBY, showing her teary-eyed and furious face) YOU DIE!!!!!!

Yang was shocked, as Weiss, Jaune, and Blake moved to stop her, but they had forgotten, due to years of fighting alongside Ruby, just how fast she truly could be. In less than a second, only rose petals stood where she had been, when there was a resounding "BOOM!" As Ruby decked Yang true and clean across the face, the shockwave sent Neo, Roman, The Cat, Weiss, Blake, and Jaune flying away, bolstered by some gravity-infused dust bullets from Ruby, as she had also taken out Crescent Rose in the blink of an eye, and Yang was sent hurtling through the air, still feeling the potent sting of Ruby's punch across her face. Ruby yelled, and swung Crescent Rose, as Yang blocked them. 

Yang: Ruby, please, I didn't mean-

Ruby didn't wanna listen (Cause she's about to go full Optimus Prime and Omni-Man on her ass), as she kicks her down, as Yang used Ember Celica to catch herself, as Ruby lunged right at Yang, swinging her weapon wildly. Yang effortlessly dodged the attacks, as she knew Crescent Rose was designed specifically to combat the rather dimwitted Grimm, not humans, and Yang knew all of its drawbacks, the big one being how slow and easy to predict its movements. 

Yang: Ruby, listen to me-

Ruby: I'm done listening! 

She quickly dodged another strike from Ruby, while Yang continued to dodge attacks and block them with her gauntlet and arm, but only if necessary, and then quickly realized Ruby was trying to back her into one of the trees to limit her options for dodging. Ruby swung at her again, but Yang jumped on top of Crescent Rose mid-swing, catapulting herself over Ruby's head and delivering a punch to her sister's back, before somersaulting into the ground. Ruby lost her footing from the blow, but managed to get it back and whirled around to face Yang, who was getting up from her tumble and quickly went back into her battle stance. A snarl formed on Ruby's face, and she let out a shout as she charged Yang again. Yang continued to play cat and mouse with Ruby, getting in a hit, whenever she could, as both of them realized they had started getting into a pattern. Yang knew she had to start doing something else, before she got careless, and so, tried bobbing to the right to try to get out of being cornered again, but Ruby was expecting that. In a whirlwind of movement, Ruby caught Yang with the blade of her scythe and with a gun-powered swing, threw her into the trunk of a large tree with a loud thud. Yang groaned as she tried to recover from being thrown like that, noticing her aura was flickering. 

Yang: Shit.

She returned her attention to Ruby, who was coming right at her, as Yang used her weapons to propel herself over Ruby, and then launched a round of slugs right at Ruby's back. Ruby took one hit, but quickly turned and blocked the others with Crescent Rose. The explosions of Yang's rounds connecting with her weapon so close to her face briefly blinded Ruby, allowing Yang to run right up to her and deliver a blow. Ruby groaned from the attack, but very quickly recovered, and her eyesight cleared up as well. Able to see her opponent again, Ruby went back to swinging at her, while Yang was done trying to play defense and switched to being much more aggressive, landing multiple blows on Ruby whenever she got the chance, then leaped back from yet another swing from Ruby, leaving some distance between them. Ruby started panting again, she was starting to wear down. 

Yang: Ruby, I know we had our differences earlier, and I know I messed up, but I don't wanna fight you-

But before Yang could finish, Ruby fired a third shot that hit her right in the stomach, it exploded on contact and shattered her aura, then responded with another flurry of attacks. Ruby swung again at Yang's head, though Yang quickly dodged it, but Ruby spun Crescent Rose around in her hands and swung it back around, catching Yang off-guard, unable to move out of the way and let out a pained cry as the blade made contact with her cheek, leaving a long gash across it, causing her a moment to wipe the blood from her cheek, shocked.

Yang: Ruby...

Ruby: Shut up!

Enraged, the younger of the two started furiously slashing at Yang, firing off shots at any opportunity, anything to land a hit on her. In the blink of an eye, Yang found herself backing into a thick grouping of roots and found herself losing her balance. Taking advantage of this, Ruby caught Yang's foot with the long end of Crescent Rose and knocked her to the ground, before folding Crescent Rose to her back, running up to kick Yang in the face, sending her into a tree, as Ruby punched her straight in the face multiple times, but her older sister caught her fist, headbutting her back, and tried to punch her, but Ruby blocked it with her palm, twirling to elbow her face, causing blood to spew out her nose, then elbowed her gut, before elbowing her face again, and finally punching her throat. 

Yang: (Gasps and coughs) Damn, sis, you've been holding out on me? And here I thought you'd be using Crescent Rose for the rest of your life.

Ruby: Do you really think this is a joke?

Yang: No, Ruby, I-

Ruby: I used to think you were some strong girl, like mom, but I was wrong, you're weak, maybe that's because you're Raven's daughter.

(Oof, Ruby keeps on coming)

Yang gets angry as she ran towards Ruby, trying to punch her, only for her youngner sister to catch it, twising it and punching her arm, a snapping sound being made as Yang yelled in pain, then Ruby grabbed her by the hair and through her into crashing into a tree. Ruby used her semblance, kicking Yang back, and in slow motion, she hit Yang, sending her face-first into a tree, and as Ruby does it again, memories of Ruby and Yang's sisterly bond were being shown, from their childhood to the events of the series. Ruby then grabbed a branch, hitting her across the face as it broke, blood coming out her mouth, before kneeing her in the face, sending her to the ground, her back pressed against the tree.

(Like this:

Go to 9:10 and 3:13)

Ruby: I was the only one. And this whole time I was led to believe that Cinder was the one who killed her, and NO ONE EVEN BOTHERED TO TELL ME THE TRUTH?! And not only that, you've all been taking everything from me, especially you, Yang, it's because of you Penny's dead to begin with, it's because of you, Atlas fell, and it's because of you, I'm like this! I struggled and been this last year and you've not paid attention.

Yang: I'm sorry, Ruby-

Ruby: Sorry? YOU'RE SORRY?!

Yang: We weren't asking you to be perfect!

Ruby: What?

Yang: I'm sorry for not noticing, and I'm sorry if we made you feel like that, but please, we never meant to do this to you and made you feel like you had to be perfect...We love you as you are.

Ruby: ...…..Heh…..Ha ha...…Haa ha ha haha! HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Ruby was laughing psychotically, tears pouring down her face while her sister could only look at her with horror.

Ruby: Was this your guys' idea of a joke!? Or is it because I'm just a kid?! Go on! Tell ME!

Yang: Ruby-

Ruby: Do you have...ANY idea of what I have to deal with?! The weight on my shoulders?! Cinder has two relics because of me! People died because of me! PENNY! My best friend is dead! Because of me! You always said you counted on me and believed in me, so I tried so damn hard to be strong, and now you're just throwing it in my face?! HAVE YOU BEEN LEADING ME ON THIS WHOLE TIME?! IS THAT'S WHY YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS NOW?!

Yang: R-Ruby, I'm begging you, we're family, I-AH! 

Crescent Rose whistled dreadfully, and Yang scream as the blade pierced through both her robot arm and shoulder, before with a shot, removed it, making Yang drop to the paper-clad ground with a savage scream. 

Ruby: You're not my sister. Never have been. Never will be. I see that now. 

Ruby raised her scythe, ready to finish her off, as JWB ran to see Ruby about to kill her own sister.

Weiss: No! 

Weiss was about to use fire Dust to try and incapacitate Ruby, only for Neo to stab her parasol blade into the revolver chamber, clogging it up and making it explode, sending a fiery blast, as Weiss saw where it was heading and instantly reached out with her hand, trying to summon a glyph, but she can't. She pulls and struggles as every agonizing millisecond counts down, but she can't. She put too much force, and lost too much of her Aura in her fight against Neo. She pleaded and cried, just begging for anything to magically reflect the fiery blast. But nothing came, all she can do is watch as the comes down towards her partner.

And what came next would forever haunt the others in their dreams: Ruby quickly turned, as her eyes widened, with the screen showing into the right side of Ruby's face, the fire reflecting on her eye, as the screen turns white, until suddenly, a high-pitched scream echoed throughout the forest, Ruby was lying on the ground, screaming and crying in pain, holding to the side of her face, as it was burning, while Neo quickly ran to her aid, kneeling down as she quicky summoned a water bucket to cool off the flames, but it still burned as half of Rubt's face was horrificly burned, and as a result, lost one of her eyes.

(Just like this, but without the red eye)

Weiss collapsed to the ground, in shock at what she has done. Everything just went numb for her, Ruby's screaming filled her ears as the rain began to die down. A monster, that's what she is. Despite having no blood on her hands, her mind paints a different picture. So transfixed on what she had done, that she didn't notice the fire spreading, as Blake helped Yang up, a tree fell down in between them.

Yang: Ruby!

Through the flames, the four saw Neo pick up the screaming Ruby, looking at them with venom in her eyes, before walking away. However, the fire also started to appear between Jaune and WBY, as the blonde looks down at his sword.

Blake: Jaune!

Jaune: Ruby…..Was right. I just...Wanted to save someone…..But I'm a failure...I let everyone down...I don't want to be me anymore.

He falls to his knees, as Juniper (Forgot to mention them XD) ran towards them, only for sinsister chuckling to be heard.

C.C: There, there, Jaune. It's okay, little Knight. I can be you instead.

He turned, hearing the Cat's voice, just to see them jump at him (Like Scar did at Simba during their fight in The Lion King) and jumped onto his chest.

Jaune: W-What?

A blazing pain suddenly tore through his body, forcing Jaune to scream and cry out as he watched the cat's claws dig into his skin.

C.C: Oh ho ho, I have been trying to wear you down for so long! Who knew that letting your friend get caught by Neo was all it'd take to succeed?

Jaune: (Groans) Y-You…..W-What are you…..Doing?!

He failed to push the cat off. He couldn't even lift a finger to stop it. His body…..It just felt so weak.

C.C: My purpose. When a poor little heart is broken, I can fill it with mine, that's all. But I'm afraid I haven't been entirely honest with you all. I'm not like the other Afterans here. You see, I've been cursed with curiosity! I have to know everything! 

They digged their claws deeper, into his skin, making Jaune groan more as its eyes turned black, revealing its sinister nature.

Jaune: N-No…!

C.C: But more than anything, I want to know why my creators left me here and went on to make all of you! 


The cat hissed and glared through the flames, that were being put out by ice. Jaune followed its gaze, only to lock eyes with his approaching friends, as Yang's eyes turned blood-red.

Yang: Get away from him, Cat!

And before Jaune could blink, they lunged, fist pulled back and ready to strike…But they'd arrive too late. With a nasty hiss, the cat's body lit up like lightning, releasing a screaming wave of particles that blasted Yang and the others point-blank! Yang flew backward, crashing into the wall alongside the rest of the team. Weiss's body slumped down as she grimaced, and she stared at the cat through her now blurry vision.

Weiss: (Groans, struggling to rise to her feet) Jaune, hang on…!

C.C: Oh, it's long past the time for that. This boy is mine."

Jaune gasped, reaching out as he felt the cat scratch at "something." Something inside him that shouldn't come out. Something that made Jaune.….."Jaune."

C.C: (Laughs( At long last, a broken host. Perfect for me to fill!

And then, before anyone could try to stop it, it pried Jaune's mouth open, gaping his maw wide so it could claw its way down his throat.

He gagged, his eyeballs nearly popping out of their sockets as tears ran beneath them. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. Was this what it meant to die?

Weiss: No!

Weiss raced forward, arm outstretched—

Faster. Faster. Faster. But the cat's tail slipped through her fingers.

Weiss: (No! Not Jaune too!)

She reached down, grabbing him by the shoulders. 

Weiss: Jaune, don't let it take you!

C.C: Oh, Jaune, the Rusted Knight, I must admit, I've long grown tired and bored of his sob story. Always too weak. Always too late. But no matter. Now that I'm in here. I don't need any of you anymore.

"Jaune" lifted his head, showing The Curious Cat's eyes and chesire-cat smile. 

C.C: Oh, yes. This will do.

He turned into a blue sparkling blur, flying towards the tree, as WBY looked in horror.

Weiss: ....What have we done?