Chapter 13 - The Clan

The duo swiftly escorted Mori back to the clan grounds where countless cultivators and masters flew about and darted in-between the sprawling plates and rough topped mountains covered in overbearing padagodas that carved into the cliff face and opened into countless tunnels and caves below the surfaces of the mountain. After they had finally arrived at lone courtyard near the Conner of one of the innermost mountains, the potbelleyed man flew again to go and send word of their arrival as the lady carefully locked Mori in a relatively comfortable room, he wasn't free but he was being treated more of a gest than a prisoner." They don't hate me at the very least, as long as I can get through the truth detector I'll be fine. She left him alone as she went to begin her cultivation, the buracracy of politics would mean it would at least be a day or 2 before they would be called to make a formal report. He gently licked his lips tasting the faint but metallic taste of energy in the air.' the qi isn't pure but it's heavy, probably ment to suppress my cultivation, if I had any in the first place. Rather this works just fine, his eyes glimmered as he began to draw countless concentric circles and diagrams across the floor. He couldn't control qi directly without his cultivation, and lacked any proper tools to manipulate it for him. " It doesn't matter cultivation is mearly a part of strength,a strong cultivator will still die a dogs death when unprepared. He may lack qi but he was a master in the art of how it worked, it would be childs play to manipulate the ambient qi as his own with just a couple of preparations anyway.

Mori took off his necklace and placed it in the center of the design, from there he cut a notch in his palm as he dropped some blood along the veins of the the diagram began to fill up the air buzzed slightly as the qi began to charge the blood and by extension operate the circuit, the neclace twisted as the sound of clicking gears resounded as the amulet constantly shifted as it's layers began to separate as certain runes and parts began to rearrange and change themselves with the help of the manipulated qi. His brain was on fire as his body became drenched in a cold sweat. The bubble like energy contained in the amulets eye seemed to twist and shift into itself as a sphere turning itself inside out as thousands of microscopic holes formed in the bubble making it resemble a the amulet finally reassembled and bound itself to him he tested it's new function. Instead of the protective bubble it formed originally,it now appeared like a net under his skin that wrapped itself around his muscles.the pale white blue bubble rippled as the blood colored murky qi inscribed words and directions on his skin. It was akin to programing a robot to move his muscles for him and respond for him.' it will force me back awake after the amulet runs out or it seems the location safe after a processing period. I'm only able to make it barly speak so it's gonna have to keep quiet and only speak the bare minimum, there was only enough space about 1000 different phrases so he tried to get them to fit together cohesively as best as possible.'while I may not be able to ignore the truth syrum I just simply have to not lie and I'll be ok. Artifacts don't lie they just state information,meaning I can make it say whatever I want. But I need to time this well otherwise I'm completely fucked. I'm about to be facing a master if they even detect qi movement I'll be dead on sight so the only option is to turn the automata on before I meet him, the only problem is...' He took in a deep yet shaky breath as he stedied himself, "I'll not be conscious for a second during the interrogation, I have to somehow use less than 1000 phrases with very little grammatical variety, to awnser all the questions of a greving grandmaster who would likely kill me if i had anything to do with it." He focused on as he went over the plans again and again in his head, " and so my unconscious mind needs to convincingly act human, apese the master and awnser all the questions smoothly without giving any hints that it's all pre recorded, and finally time it so from when I pass out to 5 hours after I have gotten out of the interrogation and in a safe location, otherwise the qi fluctuations will give it away that I was behind it all... This is just great." The time slowly began to drift away as he finalized his programing and adding as many fail-safes and protocols as possible to make sure everything went smoothly. Approximately 10 or so more hours passed before he could faintly hear footsteps in the distance.'five minutes, till she's here, 25 to get to the quarters, another hour for formalities, will 3 and a half be enough for the interrogation...' he forgot to breathe for a minute as he finally prepared himself for impact" if I never wake up after this, well I gave it my best shot." With a long exhale the flux of qi shimmered around him as his muscles and bones began moving strangely and his eyes rolled back as he fell asleep while standing at attention. His body writhed like a break dancer while a colder more mechanical glint found it's home behind his eyes

By the time the door opened the net like bubble had fully settled under his skin and all the qi fluctuations had disappeared, the only difference being his eyes were a little too cold, but that could be chalked up to nerves and the like." Hello Miss, Lu Ming.. I must say The Ming Clan, has been quite amicable." His muscles moved stiffly, only now we're the programed movements finally becoming smooth. The automata was mildly expressive though it still seemed a bit off. Luckily they were practically strangers, this ruse would never work if it was someone he knew, the craftsmanship is too rough for anything other than a simple talk to.

"Well Mr Mori, I'm glad your stay has been comfortable, if you'd be willing I do believe my master is ready to meet with you." She gestured forward for him to follow her. His body blinked for a moment before he moved into a slight bow with a subtle hand gesture,"If you insist, Ms. Lu, Lead the way."

As they walked they made simple chatter, his responses were short and curt, he moved a little stiffly but nothing was that amiss' he must be nervous, can't blame him from the looks of it he was crippled a while ago and is just wanting to stay out of the cultivation world.' she mumbled under her breath as she led him to a small seating alclove as she went to go discuss with her master. His figure mearly sat down in a slightly awkward and uncomfortable position but it was no problem. He stared blankly for the next 15 minutes or so before she arrived back before him.