Chereads / Monstrous Hero / Chapter 30 - Chapter 30- Movie Night

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30- Movie Night

POV- Nathan Cross

Placing a hand on hers I reassure her, "Yes, but you're basically a unicorn. Beautiful, funny, kind and considerate of others." She went to deny it, but I wasn't letting her downplay her positives. "No one else would have been as accepting of my mutation as you were May. And I'm so glad I got to come live with you. That you became my second mother." Her eyes were a little misty as she pulled me in for a hug, wetting my shoulder with the few tears that dripped from her.

Giving her a soft kiss on the top of her head as I rub her back, I comfort her as she sobs in my arms. 'Seriously, I was the one who said something emotional, so why's she the one crying over it?' We sat like that for probably 15 minutes before her breathing settled and she tore her face from my chest to look up at me.

"You have no idea how much that means, honey."

I smirked as a tease slipped from my lips, "I just spent 15 minutes getting cried on. I have a rough idea." She smacked my chest in response, her bright smile contrasting with the red, puffy eyes that only made her chocolate brown eyes shimmer in the fading light from the window. Reaching up to wipe away the traces of her tears, I again plant a soft kiss on her forehead. It wasn't sexual in any way, but a genuine expression of my desire to comfort the woman who sacrificed so much to take care of Peter and me. Reaching with my kagune, I grab a tissue box for her to blow her nose.

The next film we watched was another rom-com, which was perfect as it gave me an excuse to start drinking again, something May joined me in as she pulled another bottle from my room. Unlike before though, May was now sitting against me, her soft curves almost melting against my hard body with a large blanket covering everything from the waist down. The movie was an improvement on the last, as at least this one didn't have any whiny beta males or infidelity which I was disgusted to find was a growing trend in the entertainment industry. 'Don't they know people copy and fantasise about what they see in this crap? And how is cheating in a monogamous relationship supposedly entertaining? Anyway, at least this one has decent chemistry between the characters.' Between the cheese, wine and a small snack box of dried 'meat,' the two of us sat pressed together in the warmth watching as the film came to an end.

"It's getting late, should we call it here?" I asked, not wanting to tire out the emotionally exhausted woman in my embrace. Her eyes shot to me and her face shifted to a pleading expression similar to puss-in-boots. "Don't give me puppy-dog eyes, if you want me to stay here with you for a bit longer you could have just said so." Her smile shone through again like the sun after a cloudy day and I was momentarily stunned. Having her do it normally was one thing, but seeing her bright and excited face mere inches from my own as her saucy body was pressed to mine, her cleavage in clear view, was entirely another.

"What film do you want next? I've picked two and the tv show, so now you pick." Instead of offering a film I would normally watch, I decided to just leave it to chance, pulling out the list of May's 'Movies I need to watch,' uploading them into a random generator, and downloading the film in mere moments, thanks to Stark's very welcome access to his servers. "Secretary?" She asked coming back from the kitchen with a collection of chocolate. "Did you just pick one of the ones off here?" she continued, looking at the list now sat on the opposite edge of the deep, horseshoe couch that surrounded a table and almost filled the room. Really the couch could sit about 12 people comfortably, but here she was, sliding back under the blanket and pressing up against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"What happened to your dressing gown?"

She looked down for a moment then answered quickly, "I've been drinking, so my skin feels a bit flushed. Besides, you're my hot water bottle for tonight." A small part of me was amused by the potential implications of her words, but May had always had a terrible habit of accidentally saying inappropriate things, often in inappropriate places too. "Besides, you aren't even wearing a shirt, so why are you hassling me?"

"I'm not wearing a shirt because I don't sleep with one and couldn't be bothered putting one on to grab a coffee this morning." My voice lowered into a murmur I hadn't expected her to catch as I continued, "I don't sleep with anything." Her startled expression was what exposed the fact she'd heard as I backtracked, explaining that since I often slept at the tower or at Ophelia's I got into the habit of sleeping naked.

Instead of becoming embarrassed, she laughed. "So, we have that in common. I had to get used to sleeping with clothes on after we took Peter in, but before that, I was the same." Ignoring the provoked image of May sleeping naked, I started the film, desperate for anything that would settle down the thoughts in my head about the delicious ball of happiness snuggled against me.

The film told the tale of a young woman starting her job as a secretary for a powerful and wealthy man, who was an obvious OCD sufferer. The film's atmosphere shifted though as the movie took the romance to a whole other level. The rom-com and series from before had sex scenes and nudity, but it was often glossed over, and with the exposure to naked women I've had and May's presence, I wasn't really that aroused, but this was something else entirely. The relationship between the boss and secretary had been clearly set in their roles of hierarchy, but as the scene began I remembered another film with startlingly similar storylines. '50 Shades of Grey. This is the original.'

May flinched as the sex scene began, but with one arm wrapped around her and her body leaning against mine, she couldn't move without it being incredibly obvious. Watching as the scene progressed, tying up the young woman, gagging her as her lover trailed his fingers across her skin, I was reminded of some of what I'd done to Ophelia, and as my experience interacted with the scene before me, I could feel the shift in my body. The sudden increase in temperature. The dryness in my mouth.

Playing it off, I quietly mention that Ophelia had a gag just like that, and I felt May's entire body tense. She didn't pull away, but there was an obvious hesitance as her heart beat a mile a minute. As the film showed the use of a paddle, I described the one I used last week, doing the same for each new instrument of pain and pleasure that was introduced.

"The best bit isn't the pain, or the toys though, but the control. For a submissive, it's giving absolute control to someone you trust. The anticipation of pain and pleasure as they play with your body, unable to do anything and thankful you can't. For me, it's the feeling of submission and worship from my lovers that gets me going. That they would give anything and everything to be with me." A tingle ran through me at the image of Ophelia, Betty and Jessica's absolute submission, and as I pulled myself from my thoughts, I noticed my explanation to her question on why people did BDSM had another effect. May was like a furnace with the heat her body was producing, and while her heartbeat had increased, it was the growing smell that had attracted my attention…and thirst.

With one of her hands under the blanket, not so subtly pressed tight between her legs, there was no denying the need from the woman beside me, and again the desire to taste her that I had fought off months ago appeared, but now with more control. It wasn't a burning, all-consuming desire anymore, but a sweet seduction of my thoughts, and looking at the body still pressed against me, with her breasts squished against my ribs, I was absolutely considering it.

With the scene of being taken from behind while blindfolded and restrained in front of us, my words became a low growl in her ear as I asked, "Have you ever done anything like this?"

Her voice was slurred, weakened by the dryness in her throat and the light-headedness she was experiencing, "N-No. I h-…haven't." At this moment I realised I had her completely eating from the palm of my hand. 'Normally, anyone would have moved away, or shit down the situation, but instead, she answered.

Placing a feather-soft kiss, so gentle one might think they imagined it on her neck, my right hand pulled the blanket from our laps, removing the illusion of secrecy in her actions. She let out a loud squeak of panic as she clutched at it, but I wasn't going to let her hide behind a barrier, whether constructed by a blanket or her own feelings of guilt, shame and responsibility.

Exposed to the open air, her left hand was still fixed between her legs, having slipped inside her shorts sometime during the film. While she tried to quickly remove it, my left arm that wrapped around her held it in position and I licked up her ear, trailing my long muscle along her helix. Hearing the soft moan summoned by my actions I felt more excited than I'd ever been with a woman. There was something different about making someone you know deeply squirm beneath your touch that strangers just couldn't provide.

With my right hand now on her smooth thigh, my fingers rubbing into her soft, yet beautiful flesh, I ask the question I never thought I would when I chose to watch some films with my adopted mother. "Would you like to?" A loud groan climbed through her throat and her legs shook as a small jet of liquid coated her hand and the seat beneath her, not hidden at all from my sight. Pulling the drenched hand free from its vice while May remains dazed from her climax, I lick the juice from her fingers. With a taste like honey, a moan was summoned from within me as I tasted her on her fingers.

She came to as the waves of pleasure came to a stop, and her eyes focused on the hand I was still cleaning with my tongue. The hand that had been coated in her ejaculate when she came. When I made her cum. "You taste delicious May." Her face flushed with embarrassment and probably shame as she pulled it away from my grinning mouth. The movie continued in the background, and the sound of spanking and impact play performed a duet with the actress's gasps and squeals of performed pleasure, yet neither turned to watch it, and the two of us were caught in each other's eyes, guessing at the thoughts behind them.

Wanting her to break through her perceived sins, I lean into her, my lips within reach of her own if I only pouted. Her breath caught, but one of her hands moved to my chest, firm enough to indicate she meant to push me away, but weak enough to show she was of two minds about it. The hand I kept on her thigh shifted to give a massage into her sensitive meat and her heartbeat again quickened as it slid over her thighs, probably scared that I would push for her private areas. I can feel her breath still as she considers her options and I feel more strength being put into the hands on my chest. Just as I think she's going to push me away, however, she grabs me and pulls herself in, slamming her lips into mine.

Since I've come to this world, each girl has been a little different. With MJ, it was entertainment, and with Betty, I was curious. Wanda was passionate and lustful at the same time, while Ophelia was just sex on legs. Jessica was playful, but none of these girls had either the emotional connection or taboo appeal May did. With her soft lips against mine, my hands explored her body, massaging her inner thighs and her ass as I pulled her onto my lap. Feeling her moans through my teeth was delightful, but I wanted more, sliding my tongue against her teeth in askance, before invading her mouth that tasted of wine and blood, no doubt from biting her cheek like she does when she's stressed.

But with my hands all over her and my tongue performing a tango with her own, there was no way I was letting the opportunity slip from my fingers.