Chereads / Monstrous Hero / Chapter 11 - I'm gonna seduce your daughter R-18

Chapter 11 - I'm gonna seduce your daughter R-18

Having exchanged contact info with Kate, it took mere hours before she messaged me asking when training would be. Inviting her to our morning training, I received a collection of emoji showing her frustration, but an agreement to meet tomorrow near the tower, so that we could sneak her in. Between her nervousness about meeting members of the Avengers and the exhaustion she experienced following Natasha's physical training routine, Kate was a wreck by the finish, leaving earlier to get her measurements taken and design a mask for her Robin, persona.

"Are you sure she'll be helpful? She seems nice enough but even Hawkeye realised he was underpowered," Peter asked, somewhat concerned for the sweet girl.

"One, it's important that people can see regular humans fighting alongside us, to make them feel they are being represented and are capable of protecting themselves. That they're not being forgotten. Secondly, If she can get Nat's skill, Clint's archery expertise and we dose her with Super Soldier Serum or even a suit like the Black Panther's which protects and provides utility, she'd be pretty strong right? More than capable of taking on random thugs?"

"Well, yeah obviously."

"Then mission accomplished. Not everyone needs to be an absolute powerhouse. Someone like her with her attitude and some political training, could end up having more use for the team than a regular mutant, just as Nat and Clint provide with their experience." Peter nods, accepting the idea, still unsure but understanding my thought process.

"Oh, and Clint's daughter is 12, so here's your 50 bucks." Before I left to have dinner with them, I joked about winning his daughter's heart, but Peter bet that I wouldn't be interested in her in the slightest, and wouldn't try anything on her. 'Probably got some inside information from Steve or Nat.' "Cheater."

Headed to school after a VERY cold shower, 'Why does Nat need to look so damn good in everything. All she was doing was stretching and I'm bricked up,' I meet up with MJ and Betty, who'd taken steps to be more friendly with MJ, who'd become more friendly with me, thereby sticking us together. "Alright class, your research task will be completed in groups of three, and you will be expected to present your collaborative essay on your selected text by Friday."

Betty looked at me and MJ, receiving nods in return, as we planned out where to go study. "I'm not having anyone at mine, May's home and she loves nothing more than distracting people by talking to them, sitting in the room and refusing to leave. So someone else's."

Betty offered her place, as although it was smaller, and they'd have to use her bedroom, the house would be empty because her mom, a news reporter herself, was overseas covering a story. Seeing no issue with this, I texted Peter saying I wouldn't be home so he could use it for his group, seeing as he had English in the next class after me.

The summer heat really hits us as we walk back to Betty's place, stopping quickly at a convenience store as I buy everyone some cold drinks. The rest of the walk is uncomfortable but teaches me something new about the pheromone skill. The conscious control I have over it through my force of will actually limits the amount I sweat due to heat, even the girls sweating more than me in the sun.

Entering the one-story house, we make our way into the most colourful room I've ever seen, with shades of blue, pink, purple and green splattered across the room like a Pollock painting. "" That's all I can say looking at our surroundings, the posters on the wall of boybands and female singers tell a story though. 'Guys put up bikini models, girls put up boybands, so based on that and her eagerness to have her 7 minutes in heaven with that theatre chick, she's either bi or at least curious. Not my issue though, No sir. I'm just a good man here to read a book and write an essay. Alone in a room with two girls. Dammit, that shower didn't help much.'

With the 2 girls sat on the bed, reading the set text, "Pride and Prejudice," and me, with little choice in such a small room sit on the floor, my back against the bed, as I prepare to re-read the text. 'Who hasn't already read this text by the time they're in high school, it's a classic?'

After a few minutes of reading, I get bored, offering to make a coffee for everyone. Bringing them back was difficult, not because of balancing the drinks, but because I got lost, quietly opening doors to find the right one. 'Bathroom, Master Bedroom of a very hot mom, no. Bad Nathan, move on. Spare room, and Betty's room, where both girls, still suffering from the heat despite the fan, had shed layers, Betty even replacing her t-shirt and bra with a tank top and shorts, while MJ sat in front of the fan, in a t-shirt and jeans. "Wow, really struggling with the heat huh? I didn't think it was that bad," rewarding me with a glare from MJ, who, recognising that my enhanced body doesn't care much, hated me for it.

"You can borrow a pair of shorts Michelle, I really don't mind," Betty as sweet as an angel offered the sulking MJ. Ignoring them temporarily I look for a spot to put the coffee, identifying the bedside drawers as the only place available for them. Leaning over to place them on the drawers, I spot something interesting visible from inside her now-opened draw. 'Hmm, a vibrating egg huh? And a brand new box of condoms, still wrapped. Only a cautious virgin would keep the box itself wrapped, as anyone experienced would know that the time spent removing the plastic wrapping could kill the mood. Plus it's hard to do in the dark.' Placing the coffee down, I turn to Betty, a wicked grin on my face as I subtly make her aware of the open drawer, MJ too distracted stripping her jeans to notice our silent conversation.

Now that both girls, in soft, satin shorts lay on the bed, I was finding it harder to focus on Mr Darcy's romance. Instead I was more interested in running my hands up their legs and planting my hips into their asses again and again.

A quick shake of the head and a sip of coffee focuses me again, but the slip in concentration let a concentrated wave of lust coat the two girls. "Uhh, this heat is shocking," Betty groans, and based on her flushed face I would have to agree. "And seeing you sit there right next to us wearing jeans and a shirt is making us feel worse, just looking at you in all that clothing is making the room feel hotter, so strip." Grabbing at the tops of my shirt, she pulls it up and over my head, throwing it to the corner of the room on top of her own clothes and MJ's jeans. "There, that's much better isn't it Michelle," she asked not even waiting for a response, taking advantage of her position above and behind me to rub my neck and back, as although my pheromones, limited the amount I sweat, I still did sweat, if only a light amount, smelling sweet, rather than acrid. Her hands gliding over my shoulders felt amazing, but her reflection in my phone, licking her fingers triggered a response from my body.

Checking my pheromone skill, I see that I still have control, so how could they be so...' Ahh, that's it, rather than forcing a buildup of lust through active exposure, my momentary laps of focus simply triggered the lust already present in the girls, which is somewhat scary in Betty's case.

The reaction from watching her lick her hands, covered in my sweat made the jeans even more uncomfortable, my shaft pressed against the tight material as I look up at Betty's smiling face. A quick glance at MJ showed that although a little nervous, the third person having spooked her slightly, she was no less affected than Betty, having already experienced pleasure with me, and now desperate for it again. "So MJ, same rules as before?"

Biting her lip for a moment, she shakes her head. "I'll tell you when I don't feel comfortable."

Moving my gaze back to the blonde rubbing my chest and neck, she answers the unasked question. "As long as your girlfriend here is okay with it, I'm down for anything." Her response drawing a laugh from me and MJ, "What?"

Wiping her eyes and moving closer to me, her face now next to mine, MJ replies, "We're not dating, and until after that party, we weren't even friends. So you don't need my permission, go nuts Betty." As if the words were a spell, Betty leaned forward, her lips reaching mine as MJ sat, rubbing my chest, watching as Betty's breathing grew rough and heavy, our tongues dancing along each other before I turn around, sliding my hands up her legs, my fingers kneading into her soft thighs. Feeling the moan against my mouth, I seperate momentarily, watching MJ sitting behind Betty with a hand up her shirt groping her chest, and the other inside her shorts, watching as I move along her friend's jaw, planting kisses soft as air. Moving up to her ear I whisper as quietly as I can, "She's rubbing herself while watching us." The response is instant, as Betty's thighs squeeze hard and her breathing hitches for a moment, signifying my continue. Coating her neck in soft licks and bites, my teeth scraped across her milky skin. Pushing her back into the grip of MJ, whose hands had already begun tracing Betty's skin, running down her hips and around her waist. Now, with the news girl trapped between us, I lean forward, over our prisoner and kiss my fellow warden, MJ. A smile on blooms on her face as she bites my ear, "I'll take the top, you take bottom?"

As responding with words would ruin Betty's surprise, I simply kiss her again, then switch to Betty's chest, lifting her tank top and exposing her peaks. Making my way down, my lips barely touching her smooth skin as I pass her sternum, and her stomach before stopping momentarily where the shorts began. Sliding the soft satin shorts off simultaneously with her underwear, I rest her thighs on my shoulders, kneading her soft legs as I watch MJ playing with her friend's nipples, her breasts filling her hands. A soft blow on her lower lips causes the girl to twitch, and the sounds I'd been hearing became muffled as the girls kissed, their breathing hard and arousing. Sucking the juices from Betty her volume increased, but when my fingers began to play with her clit, she managed to squeal, shaking her hips in a daze.

MJ went to move but I just look at her, shaking my head. I reach into the bedside drawers and remove the packet of condoms, 'still in date, yes.' Making quick work of the wrapper MJ goes to move again. "I want you to watch, that's all. You can stay where you are and help her through it." The growing grin on her face made me wonder if she'd not been trying to leave, but jump the queue. Sliding off my own jeans, the bulge clear as day as my body strained to escape it's fabric prison. Seeing Betty still in a daze I slap her ass, jolting her from her stupor, letting her recognise the situation, my crown now rubbing across her slit, over and over, from top to bottom, rubbing the head against her button which every stroke. Feeling her push her hips forward I no longer hesitate, pushing inside her until I hit the barrier. As I go to look up at her again for confirmation, MJ pushes down on her shoulders, driving her down my shaft until she slams into my base, my crown pressed harshly against her cervix. Stopping to let her adjust, I begin pulsing forward, retracting back till half of my pole is outside her, before thrusting smoothly, slamming deep into her, MJ again softening the groan by taking her lips, her hands cupping her breasts as my own pull on her hips, increasing the depth I can reach and the power of the thrust. Increasing my pace, I slide my left hand from her hips to her clit, my fingers gliding around and over it, until as her buildup arrives, I squeeze it, causing an even better reaction, her juices now all down my legs, on my chest and all over the floor. Switching to a rapid pace, unsustainable for long, the fast, solid thrusts into her already sensitive cervix driving her wild, bringing her to her third climax as I reach my first. Her eyes glazed like a doll I roll her onto the bed, climbing my way towards MJ as I skip straight to her breasts, her diamond-hard nipples teased, flicked, pulled on and sucked as I listen to her call my name, her fingernails like claws in my back. Leaning back to grab another condom my phone rings. 'I'm a little busy,' I think, ignoring it as I keep playing with her breasts. As MJ's buildup hits the border I rub my shaft along her slit, letting the underside run along her clit as I push my hips forward repeatedly, unaware of just how close she was as she groans and her legs shake.


"Urrgh, what the hell?" Answering the call despite MJ's glare at being interrupted, I hear Clint through the phone.

"Hey, I need you and the other two to check out a warehouse, so I want to see you here in 15 minutes."

"It would take me that long if I left right now!" I hiss, the venom palpable.

"I heard you're doing an English assessment right now, so think of this as an escape, now get moving." 'If he didn't genuinely sound like he was trying to help me I would just stab him.'

"What I'm doing is having a three-way, and you're interrupting. So if there's nothing at the warehouse, I'm warning you now. I will wait until your daughter develops, and I'll seduce her. Also, everyone I see is dead, I'm pissed." I can hear him choking on his spit at my first statement, then a series of insults spew out of him as I threaten to shag his daughter.

Getting dressed, I whisper the situation to MJ, who although disappointed, understands priorities, unaware my priority is getting my dick wet. With a quick kiss to both MJ and the half-unconscious Betty, I make my way to the Avenger's Tower.