"I get it. I was even worried that you weren't scared."I told Roy.
He smirked." Don't think I am mostly scared. I'm never scared of anything."he explained and I smiled more.
He was cute. He was explaining to me so that I should not think he is always scared. That was evidence enough to show he rarely shows off how he felt about anything.
"Being scared is normal," I paused for a second contemplating whether to go on or not with what I wanted to call him."babe."there, I said it.
Instead of being shy like yesterday, I stared at him to see his reaction and he had the best reaction." I like it that you are calling me babe."he said and I shrugged to not make it a big deal.
"You call me all these names, I thought I should call you a name too."I told him getting away from him.
I started going through his closet for a shirt but every damn shirt had the same design and colour. Wasn't that boring? Damn.