Meanwhile at Leon's house.
"I see,so a person named James suddenly have an accident?"
Leon then put the phone down.
"He got karma huh,but who is that person?"
"It is said also that someone is hiding the evidence,someone high."
"But who it is?i should tell this to Angel first."
Leon then Video Call Angel.
When Angel answers the call,she seems to be in a bathub.
"Why did you called?"
"Uh...Why did you answer while in the bath?"
Angel then remembers that she's in the bath and closed the call.
"Damn,i wish i saw more."
Meanwhile at the hotel.
("Why did i answer it?")
("Am i really that dumb?")
("Or i'm just stupid?")
("What if he thinks i'm a shameless woman?what should i do?")
Angel have many question in her mind,that she cannot answer.
After sometime she decide to message Leon and says that she though it is an emergency so that's why she answered it.
"I understand it,and it really does seems like an emergency."
"Because your friend James got attacked by someone."
"Attacked?when,and where?"
"It is the time he leaves us,it is said that he got attacked when he's going home."
"Why did he get attacked?did he have enemy?"
"They said that he actually don't have,but i have a conclusion,it might be the person who's threatening your life."
"But why?"
"I actually have another conclusion,the person might have a like on you,you know how many person like you?"
"I actually don't know anyone Except Nick and Jake."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay then i'll call you if they know more."
"Bye too,i actually wished i saw more."
When Angel saw his message her face turned red.
She then put her cellphone down and submerge to the water.
At Leon's house.
"Ahahaha,she's really cute when being teased."
At morning.
Angel,woke up and get ready to go to Leon's house.
And when she leave the room,Nick is waiting for her.
"Should we go now?"
Before they could leave Nicks phone Rang.
"I will answer this first."
"Okay take you time."
After some time Nick returned.
"Should we go now?"
They then both go to the parking Space and ride Nick's car.
After 20 minutes,Nick And Angel Both Arrived at Leon's house.
They then enters the house and saw Leon waiting.
"I will prepare your breakfast first Leon."
"Take care."
Leon looks at Angel with teasing eye and Angel saw it.
She then runs too the kitchen like a scared rabbit.
When Angel leaves Leon talks to Nick.
"She's smooth isn't she?"
Nick looks quite confuse.
"I mean her sholder."
"How did you know?"
"Well,i called her last night and who would have expected that she's at the bathroom?have you seen it too?"
"No but i kissed her before,kinda."
"It's a secret heh."
What Leon didn't know is that,it's just an indirect kiss.