2 years after the last day of school
This day was the culmination of a grand event in the history of stock day, and for me, it marked the obvious beginning of my retirement. It was the Bears versus the Bulls, and the Nifty and Banknify were soaring at an all-time high. The Bulls were determined to propel the market to unprecedented heights, while the Bears were equally resolved to reduce it to ashes.
I woke up early, my mind buzzing with anticipation. After a quick calculation of the market's ups and downs, I decided to indulge in some well-deserved gaming. My new gaming setup had arrived just yesterday, and it was a beauty – my very own ZONY VR headset with reality touch. It was mind-boggling to think that I had transitioned from a high school graduate with a meager 33,000 rupees (or 400 dollars) to my name, to a homeowner with a house built in less than two years. My part-time businesses, once struggling to break even, were now on the verge of generating profits with just a little push in the right direction.
But let's leave the financial talk behind for now and dive into the heart of the matter – the brand-new Quanta game, tailored for cutting-edge technology.
Carefully, I placed the VR headset around my eyes. It fit snugly, gripping my head like a vise. As I powered on the headset, my vision abruptly plunged into darkness. I initially thought it was a glitch and patiently waited, but nothing happened. I tried a few other switches, and suddenly, I felt a sharp jolt shooting down my spine. It was painful, but the discomfort faded quickly as a screen materialized before me.
[\Pain synchronization complete\]
[\Sensory synchronization complete\]
[\Attempting to update, please wait: 10... 20... 30... 40... 50... 60... 85... 95... 99... 100%\]
[\Restarting in 3... 2... 1...\]
[\... done, beep\]
[\Starting game: Quanta 0\]
'Wow,' I muttered in awe when I saw my character, a spitting image of myself, standing at a towering 6 and a half feet. I had pure white hair, silver eyebrows, and dark black eyes with a hint of red in the pupils, a trait inherited from my father's side.
'Let's go!' I exclaimed with enthusiasm as I customized my character and started the teleported to the novice town hall of ancient Japan. Since I had always been fascinated by Japanese culture, I chose to play on the Japan server.
[\Error: Failed to load the map, insufficient data\]
[\Synchronization failed, attempting in 3... 2... 1...\]
[\Trying to force teleport to nearest location\]
[\Found ancient India\]
[\Downloading: 10... 20... 40... 60... 90... 100% done\]
[\Customizing user experience and initial stats\]
[\Please log in within 12 hours. This situation is unprecedented, and as compensation, a proper reward will be provided by Quanta\]