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Are you lonely?

It was a few days before Christmas and Atsumu was sitting in his car in some random car park, it had been a few hours since he had left the apartment that he shared with his 3 boyfriends, they were all going home for the holidays.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Chapter One.

It was a few days before Christmas and Atsumu was sitting in his car in some random car park, it had been a few hours since he had left the apartment that he shared with his 3 boyfriends, they were all going home for the holidays.

Sakusa had gone to Komori's place 2 days ago to spend Christmas with his aunt and cousins. That had left Oikawa and Iwaizumi in the apartment, Oikawa should of left just after Atsumu had to get his flight as his family had decided to have christmas on holiday this year and there was around 30 minutes before Iwaizumi would leave to get the train to visit his family.

Atsumu had left his two boyfriends in the apartment under the pretense that he was going home to spend the holidays with his mom and Osamu. He wasn't, he'd been asked not to go home by his mom, not that Atsumu was surprised by this, it had been the same when it had been other holidays and even his birthday he had told his boyfriends that he was going home for his birthday but instead he spent two days in a hotel two cities away from their apartment.

He knew that Christmas would of been the same for Christmas but he knew that his boyfriends would be spending time with their families so he could hide out in his car for a few hours before going back to the apartment and just acting like he had just arrived back home before any of his boyfriends would realise that he hadn't left at all.

Osamu had always been the favourite twin, the one his mom was never disappointed with, it had always been Osamu this and Osamu that, he was used to being second choice when it came between him and Osamu and Atsumu got used to it, nothing he'd do would be good enough for his mom and that was okay.

Atsumu had many friends, but occasionally he'd be asking himself if they were actually his friends or his brother's friends. Joining the high school volleyball team had been great for him until it wasn't. He thought after middle school and finding that no one on their team except for maybe Aran weren't his friends because he talked too much, or would go on random rants about volleyball and volleyball pros that he admired or they'd just call him annoying and loud. He thought that the high school team would be different and at first it had been.

He thought he had made friends, friends that were actually his. It was a lie and maybe Atsumu should have seen it coming, it started with the jokes and then the sly off handed comments. Then it had been the whole team arranging to hang out without him and when he had asked Osamu about it, he had rolled his eyes at him and told him that they'd rather not be babysitting him.

So Atsumu stopped talking to his teammates, the sly comments were met with fake smiles and him pretending none of them affected him. Atsumu had been late getting to practice having stayed behind to speak with a teacher about a essay he needed to write, he had reached the locker room and opened the door slightly to be met with the team talking about him, Atsumu didn't turn up to practice that day and when questioned by Osamu when he finally left the park he'd been sitting in he had made the excuse that he had gotten detention and thankfully Osamu and believed him.

It was fine, Atsumu needed to stop thinking about the past and focus on what he was going to tell his boyfriends about what he had done while visiting his family, thankfully he had a week to come up with a convincing enough story to tell his boyfriends.

He checked the time and let out a sigh before putting his seat belt back on and starting the car to drive back to his shared apartment. Iwaizumi should've left by now so it'd be safe to go back.

The drive had taken around 20 minutes, he turned off the car and got out and grabbed his empty suitcase from out of the trunk of the car before making his way into the apartment building. He sighed again as he made his way into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor, he leaned his head back slightly looking up and the top of the elevator and started wondering if his boyfriends would leave him too if they found out that pretty much everyone in his life left him behind and Atsumu found himself surprised that none of them haven't already broken up with him yet.

Maybe they won't leave him like everyone else but Atsumu still had his doubts that one day they'd decide that he was too annoying and loud for them and then break up with him. The doors of the elevator opening brought him out of his thoughts and he quickly made his way out of the elevator and decided to slowly walk to his front door.

He unlocked the door and walked in, making light work of taking his shoes off and pulling his suitcase behind him as he made his way into the living room, what Atsumu had not accounted for was the fact that Iwaizumi would still be home.

Iwaizumi walked out of the bedroom and caught Atsumu off guard, a confused look took over Iwazumi's face as he saw that his boyfriend was back "Atsu?"

Atsumu jumped as he heard his boyfriends voice, this was it wasn't it, this is where Iwaizumi leaves him after finding out everyone else leaves him "W-what are you still doing here?" He was panicking.

Iwaizumi quickly walked over to Atsumu and tried to calm him down, he didn't want Atsumu to have a panic attack. After a few minutes of getting him to follow his breathing, Iwaizumi said " My train was canceled so I have to get a later train…"

Iwaizumi watched his boyfriend before speaking again "Why are you back baby? I thought you were driving home?"

It was a simple enough question but Atsumu could find the words, he kept opening his mouth like he was about to speak and then close it again and if Iwazumi wasn't so worried about him right now he would have commented about how cute Atsumu looked.

"Come on honey, let's sit down" Iwaizumi took hold of Atsumu's hand in his own hand and led them both towards the sofa, sitting down, half pulling Atsumu down to sit with him.

"You can tell me you know, I'm not gonna be mad if it's because you forgot to pack something, " Iwaizumi jokes, trying to lighten the mood a little.

That was when he heard a sob and he quickly pulled Atsumu into his lap and started holding him close as his boyfriend told him everything. At first he didn't want to believe it, Osamu would surely want his twin there with him right?

Clearly that wasn't the case, Iwaizumi had decided as soon as he heard his lover say that he wasn't going to spend the holidays with family or friends that he'd be staying home with his boyfriend because there was no way in hell he'd leave Atsumu to be on his own.

Once Atsumu had calmed down and had eventually fallen asleep with his face in his neck, Iwaizumi quickly sent a text to his mom apologising that he wouldn't be down for Christmas giving her the short story of what had happened and promising to visit her and the rest of his family a few days after Christmas, she also made him promise to bring Atsumu along with him.

After that he canceled his train ticket, losing the money he had spent on said ticket but that didn't matter compared to Atsumu and spending time with him, he booked new train tickets for both himself and Atsumu.

He leaned his head down slightly to kiss the top of his boyfriends head before making a group chat with his two other boys and explaining what had happened and after Iwazumi convincing the two not to come back home and them telling him to make sure that he gives Atsumu loads of cuddles and telling him that they loved him that Iwaizumi was finally able to put his phone down but ofc he had also had to agree to do a Group FaceTime call later.

Eventually Iwaizumi had fallen asleep holding Atsumu close to him and was woken up around an hour later by him wiggling around in his arms "Hey " he softly whispered.

Atsumu sat up, still sitting in his lap. He blinked a few times and was about to speak but before he could say anything Iwaizumi beat him to it and explained what was happening and told him that his mom demanded he join him for his visit to see her.

Surprisingly he didn't have to convince Atsumu too much about the trip, but did find himself multiple times having to reassure him that none of them were going to leave him which led up to an extremely sappy speech from Iwaizumi.

They then spent the rest of the day baking Christmas cookies and baking cupcakes, Iwaizumi mainly just assisted Atsumu by giving him ingredients and helping with the decorating.

Iwaizumi ordered takeout and once it arrived they dished it up between them and had the promised FaceTime call with their two other boyfriends, both of whom gave Atsumu their own sappy speeches, some more tears were let out but after the call Atsumu found himself feeling safe and secure in his relationship with his 3 boyfriends.

Iwaizumi and Atsumu were cuddling up on the sofa, music playing softly in the background, and Atsumu was half asleep after an emotional day. Iwaizumi started singing softly as he held his boyfriend close

" are you lonely? "

Iwaizumi took Atsumu's hand in his and interlocks their fingers as he continued to sing

"our fingers dancing when they met, you seem so lonely"

Atsumu cuddled into his boyfriend more, feeling his eyes droop as he listened to him sing

"I'll be the only dream you seek. So if you're lonely no need to show me"

He lightly kissed the top of Atsumu's head before continuing

"if you're lonely come be lonely with me…"

Iwaizumi continued to sing the whole song even when he saw that Atsumu had fallen asleep. Once he had finished he carefully removed his lover off of him, turning off the music before carefully picking him up off of the sofa and carrying him into the bedroom. He carefully placed Atsumu in the bed, pulling the blanket over them both as he joined Atsumu in the bed and he was quickly met with his lover cuddling him, resting his head on his chest. Iwazumi couldn't help but smile, he lightly kissed the top of his head "i love you honey.."

He was met with silence, but it was fine he was where he was meant to be, it wasn't long after that Iwaizumi fell asleep himself, holding his lover close to him.