Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

Diana: "Maria you?

Maria smiled

maria: "Yes me why are you shocked, your always good at taking peoples joy away from them.

Diana: "What did i do to deserve this maria we are child hood friends"

Maria: "You stole everything from me! My Joy, ever since we were kids you were always Everyone´s favourite that`s not all, you got married to the same man that i have always love since my childhood. because of you i haven't gotten enough time to spend with Lucas. i couldn't bear him a child, i got pregnant and had a miscarriage twice all because of you!

(Diana burst into tears)

Diana: "Please don't hurt my baby"

Maria interrupted and smiled

Maria: Shut up!

You stole everything from me! Start saying your last wish Diana..

Diana: Look Maria I´m not guilty of anything you said because i know that i am innocent!

Maria filled with anger, Slapped Diana on the face

Maria: "How dare you lie about that"

Diana: (Talking in her mind) ("No matter what i have to save my baby from this cruel woman! Even if it means i have to retaliate back) "It not my fault for Lucas falling in love with me and not you!" ("This will trigger her anger") (Diana said to herself)

Maria Slapped Diana Once more, Making her furious.

"I have heard enough Maria!" Diana said

in response, Diana grabbed a stick, Ready to defend herself.

"So it two against one" Maria smiled

A man suddenly appeared and forcefully pushed her from behind. He took the stick from behind and struck Her on the back of her head twice. Diana, shocked and in pain, Placed her hand on the back of her head and saw blood. Maria, with a sinister smile, Took the stick and walked around Diana. She struck her on the head two more times with the stick, Causing even more harm. In the midst of this Chaos, Lucas, Feeling a deep sense of worry and concern, Screamed

Diana´s name, wondering where she could be.

Diana, even though she was feeling dizzy and had blood on her face managed to stand up and make her way towards her baby. But then, Maria smiled and took out a Lighter."Good bye Diana". Maria threw the lighter onto Diana´s body, Causing her to catch fire. Diana screamed in agony as she slipped and fell Off the cliff into the river. Tragically, the wind also pushed her baby down.

Meanwhile, Maria smiled and shook hands with the man who assisted her.

Maria: "Now she is gone from me and Lucas life, Thank you so much Joe for your help if not for you i would have been exposed today"

Joe: "Look Maria your my long time friend and i will do anything to make you happy"

(Maria smiled)

Maria: "Thank you so much Joe and remember this is our secret"

Joe: "I know that i promise never to spill we work together from now on i will be off now"

(She hugged him, and He left)

Maria walked towards the end of the cliff and smile

Maria: "now you will feel the pain you caused me Diana"

As a heavy wind blew everywhere, Maria quickly got into her car and drove off