In the boundless universe of this narrative fiction, phenomena beyond human comprehension have become commonplace. Abstract entities like Azrael, which cannot be intricately described, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the world created by Anwar Sebastian, the author of this story.Anwar Sebastian, a figure who regards himself as the creator and caretaker of the universe he has crafted, possesses extraordinary power through words and ideas. For him, every word he writes is a mantra that brings reality into existence. He reigns over all the creations that unfold within the storyline, and his role resembles that of a god in his own fictional world.Azrael, on the other hand, is a mysterious entity unrestricted by the known laws of physics. His primary task is to oversee the time system and maintain the stability of the physical laws within the narrative created by Anwar. Azrael operates behind the scenes, ensuring that any changes in the storyline do not disrupt the consistency and balance of the fictional universe.When Anwar decides to alter the course of the narrative or surprise the readers with unexpected plot twists, Azrael becomes the figure who orchestrates these changes. He is an unseen yet powerful force, akin to the invisible architect of Anwar's created world.However, with this power, Anwar also acknowledges the immense responsibility he carries. Every word he chooses, every action he writes, has tangible effects on the characters in his story. Therefore, he must exercise wisdom in managing the universe he has brought to life.The relationship between Anwar and Azrael is a unique collaboration between a creator and the overseer of a fictional universe. They work together to maintain harmony between creativity and consistency, ensuring that this story continues to evolve with all its wonders.