Chapter 91 - 1.39: Re-Match!

Rin positioned Leah around his shoulder and walked towards the city's central district, suddenly hearing someone struggling by the corner. When he arrived, he found Ado trying to free himself from those ropes. "MMMM!!!"

Rin did not have the energy or enthusiasm to react.

"I'm too drained to laugh about this."

He shot a light beam to the ropes and set him free. "Whew! Thanks."

"What the hell happened to you?" Rin asked.

"It's a long story. What happened to Leah?"

"It's… also a long story."

They began to walk ahead.

"So, how many demoniacs did you kill?" Ado asked. But Rin remembered that he eventually set that aside.

"Oh…Uhhh-I killed 5 of them! What about you?!" 

"I killed 6 of them. And I have Adrian as an eyewitness."

"That's impossible!" Rin denied.

"No, he's not lying."

Adrian arrived also covered in battle scars, and some of his clothes were burnt. "He…killed all 6 of them. And I…was there to witness it…(sob)."

Ado and Rin didn't know why Adrian was crying over the matter, but just like they always did…they left the reason aside and kept walking.

"So, what trouble did you guys run into?" Adrian asked.

"Let's just say a team can always take down one ronin," Ado said.

"Never fall for pretty women. They will crystallize your balls and leave you for dead." Rin alerted.


Franco was sitting down, still staring at the screen. The battle between Tedashii and Motoroshi had finally ended, with Tedashii coming victorious. Makoto's injuries were reverted, but he was still low on spiritas.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to be yourself after you rest," Ryuko told them.

"And maybe next time, think with the left side of your brain from now on!" Uraka taunted Franco.

Yuro finally returned to the central district with Ado, Rin, Adrian, and Leah. Franco was pleased to see they were all doing well, but he still wondered how the coincidence came. He deemed that they were all in danger and felt their spiritas dropping, yet after the return of Tedashii, they were all saved simultaneously.


One of the members from Frost Bite arrived in a rush. 

"What is the problem, Kaen?" Eon asked.

"The store was thrashed when I arrived there. And Kate is not answering her phone!"

Eon could not believe it. Recalling her saying she was heading towards the central district to close the store, she relied on the safety of Makoto's presence.


He rushed towards Makoto and grabbed him on his shoulders.

"Hey, don't do that! He's still recovering." Ryuko reminded him.


Makoto barely had the energy to open his eyes. He was being rag-dolled, so he forced himself to pay attention. 


"Katherine said she would go by you when she closed the shop; WHERE IS SHE NOW??!!"

Makoto was shocked. "WHAT!?!?"

Eon dropped him. He then walked around, screaming her name. "Kate!!"


He quickly looked back and saw her run to hug him.

"You scared me. Where were you?" He asked.

Kate smiled when he asked.

"Sorry for worrying you. I came by from a mishap when I had to close the store. But the good news is that I found…THIS!!!"

She raised Suzuki from behind her back. Eon did not have a way of responding to this situation.

"Oh…what is that?"


"You know, Mom will never let you keep it…"

"IT?! IT'S A BOY!!"

She began to chop him on his head as Makoto got back up.

"Kevin!" She yelled and hugged him.

"Kate? What are you doing here?"

She took a step aside, and here they were. Genti was helping Tedashii out as they made their way towards the crowd. Makoto fell to the ground as if he'd seen a ghost. The entire Elite Force was just as shocked.

"Huh? What did I do now?" Genti asked, thinking the attention was on him.

Tedashii pointed at Franco, who was still staring opposite his position. He walked there and held his hand out.

"Hey, need a hand?" Tedashii asked.

"…how…?" Franco asked.

"How what?"

"How are you still…alive?" Franco turned around and slapped Tedashii's hand away. "I killed you, YET YOU'RE HERE IN FRONT OF ME?!"

All the captains and the Elite Force just stayed put and listened.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tedashii said, making Franco more furious.

"Are you kidding me?! Are you seriously playing dumb??!! You saw what happened during the Calamity apprehension! WE KILLED YOU!! SO TELL ME, WHY ARE YOU-"

"If you are also going to talk about this hole, it was from Rin's light attack for the last time."

All the others looked at Rin.

"WHAA??!! Oh, COME ON!! You guys were there!! How can you doubt me??!!"

They all held their chins and remembered what happened. It was clear that Rin had nothing to do with that hole. Franco began to walk away from Tedashii. 

"You can't walk away yet, Franco. You have something that belongs to me." Everyone stared at Franco. "I want the captaincy back!"

Franco chuckled. "So, you still want to let it slide? Fine then, what's your verdict?"

"Your prowess forces people to be repelled away from you. If I lay a finger on you, make me the captain again. All you have to do is make sure I don't."