Chereads / The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful / Chapter 72 - 0.50: A Brand-New Canvas.

Chapter 72 - 0.50: A Brand-New Canvas.

As Seto slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sweet melody of birds chirping outside. However, his sense of calm was quickly replaced by panic as he realized that he couldn't see anything, and as he tried to move his hands, he felt a tight rope around his neck, making it difficult to breathe. 

Suddenly, he heard a soft voice calling his name. Noriko is still trying to sway him back to consciousness. Though his mind was still foggy, he tried to gather his thoughts and remember how he ended up in this nightmare.

"…Noro?" She untied the knot he made and cried. Seto hugged her and apologized as she hit his chest in anger. "It worked…we are okay now."

She stopped moving and wiped her tears, signaling to him she did not want to be left alone.

"Huh, what do you mean?" He ran to the house, and there was no sign of anyone else inside. "Mom?" He kept calling, yet nothing. Noriko stood by the door and gesticulated that they had been alone for a month.

"But that doesn't make any sense! I wished all the people killed by the villains to be revived!"

"And that was where you went wrong, kid." A man said as he entered the house.

"Noro, who's there?"

"Don't worry, I aided you back then against Gaiyato. My name is Motoroshi; I am a member of Hajiman…"

Seto synced with Noriko to quickly regain his sight. "…yeah, I remember you. You acted as Miku to distract Mister Gaiyato at the last minute."

"Correct, I assume you were looking for your mother right now?" He nodded his head. "It is all because of your wish that she isn't here, Seto."

"But why is that?!"

Motoroshi took a seat inside and laid his feet on the table. "The Father of All can be a blessing and a curse to those he endows with wishes. The reward dupes people, and they forget about the consequences. You are paying that price as we speak."

"…what do you mean?" Noriko asked.

"Seto, your wish was for all the people killed by the villains to be healed…and to return to before you offed yourself?"

"Yeah, that was my wish. So where is our mom?" Seto said in a quivering tone.

"As your wish stated, all the people killed by 'villains' would be revived. Skiros, even though he followed foul acts against the law, was a hero the time he killed your mother." Seto finally got the jest and could not say a word. "You were a villain when you killed him…renouncing him alive after your wish. Like he said: Word-play may not be how you think of the wish."

"…I see, that is what he meant." Seto lay his back against the wall and covered his face, unresponsive to the news. Noriko held him close, feeling remorseful.

"But it's not over, kids," he said. "I didn't come here to tell you that. I'm here to take you with me."

Seto slowly got up and stood in front of Noriko. "Where are you taking us?"

"It's up to you, but for your safety…you can pick your future outside."

They both walked out of the house and saw all the members of Hajiman and the Anti-Ronins on both sides.

"Hey, kiddo! Glad you are still alive." Felicia said as she hugged them.

"Miss Felicia… you're alive? But how?"

"Your wish revived those killed by villains. Gaiyato went against the heroes too during that battle, making him a villain by default." Motoroshi said.

Seto looked around the crowd for a familiar face. "MISTER AZAHII!!" He ran to him with excitement.

"Hey, maggot. You're still kicking?"

"But I thought that I killed both you and Mister Gaiyato?"

"You were a villain, weren't you?"

Seto was at least glad his bad wish had some fortune.

"Seto, good to see you again." Mercedes approached them. Noriko smiled when she saw him and joined Seto.

"Mister Mercedes! I haven't seen you since the last time we synced."

"Yes, but I'm here because I came to surprise you."

Seto was confused as Melvis revealed a giant canvas. He stared at the artwork and dropped to his knees. "Whoa…when did you make this?"

"With your prowess, of course." The Kaname family, Gaiyato, Malcolm, and Lanna, are depicted in an illustrated collage. The Kanames with the Hajiman emblem, Gaiyato is wearing a Rebirth cloak, and Malcolm and Lanna have their AR stars. "Your prowess allows whatever you draw to become a reality. And since I made this before the incident…" Someone grabbed both Noriko and Seto up in the air. The sight of the matching gray hair confirmed that it was their mother. "…then she is bound to be in the picture."

Seto hugged Sayori and Noriko, trying his best not to cry in front of them. "Thank you..all of you."

"Well, it wasn't supposed to take place like this. Firstly, we were supposed to take all the hostages and auction them to which side wanted them. Secondly, you cheated using a future-wise prowess! And thirdly, we got an inexperienced family, and you guys got THREE captains?" Motoroshi complained.

"I mean, Malcolm DID kill the president…how could I let such a talent in the hands of HAJIMAN?" Mercedes and Motoroshi kept arguing as the others fought about something for no specific reason.

The Kanames stood aside and looked at the two organizations. "Kids, is this what you want?" Sayori asked. "If we agree, then we'll be villains forever."

"If it weren't for that drawing, we would have lost you, Mom," Noriko said.

Seto just smiled at the canvas one more time and looked at them. "It's inevitable; that's my prowess after all. So I know what I want to be…"

He jumped onto the roof to catch everyone's attention.

"My name is Seto Kaname…and I am the major 2 of Hajiman!!"