Chereads / The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful / Chapter 40 - 0.18: New to the Ammo Guild.

Chapter 40 - 0.18: New to the Ammo Guild.

Seto kept staring at him because out of all the people, Gaiyato was the ONLY person he could see. "I…I can see you!"

"Uhh...thanks, I guess?" Gaiyato needed clarification.

"Like I can SEE, see you! I'm blind…I shouldn't be able to see you…how?"

Lennox waved his arm next to Seto, but he did not react. Gaiyato tried moving around, and Seto watched his every move.

"…Seto…" his mom came and hugged him. "This might signify that you're regaining your sight again!"

Noriko ran to Gaiyato and stared at him. "Oh, Hello, little girl. What's your name?"

She jumped around as she could hear what he said.

"Y-You heard him?!" 

She ran and hugged her mother while Gaiyato admired such a touching moment. "It seems like your kids don't have defects; their senses only react more towards people with a high amount of spiritas."

"Oh…is there a way to cure them?" Sayori asked.

"My wife is an expert in this…MIKU!"

A woman came to them with a lot of stuffed animals. "Yes?"

"Do you even need all those…never mind, these kids seem to react to me. Any chance of what might be the cause?"

She looked at them and walked away. "HEY, MIKU?"

"Sorry, I had to drop the animals in the portal. Now my hands are free…"

Miku looked into Seto's eyes, then examined Noriko's ears. "Alright, look at my index finger."

She waved it from left to right, yet no reaction. "Alright, now try again." She built some spiritas towards it, and now his eyes followed them through.

"Got the problem?" Gaiyato asked.

"Well, his eyes only react when he's in peril, while her hearing reacts to the same source. Your spiritas never dies down, so they can see and hear you."

"ENOUGH CHATTERING!" Skiros rose, blasted the destroyed table in ash, and quickly returned to Gaiyato. "Are you looking for some trouble, you bastard?!"

"I didn't even do anything; it was all..." Gaiyato pointed to Lennox, but he had already deserted the scene. "(Damn you, Lennox!) Alright, he left already… but regardless, you can't do squat to me. Don't you remember? I can kill you with just a piece of my hair."

Skiros flinched and avoided eye contact. "There we go; why don't you recruit these three immediately?" Gaiyato demanded.



Skiros hit his subordinate as he raised his voice toward Gaiyato. "It won't be a problem…I will recruit them right away…"

"But boss? We have a procedure that we follow. Don't tell me you'll give these nobodies a spot like that!"

Skiros looked right into his subordinate's eyes. "Another word from you, and I'll revoke your vice-captaincy, Eunice."

He stopped revolting and walked back to his post.

"Alright, Arial will show you guys to your room. Take all your belongings and settle until I call for you."

Sayori nodded and walked ahead with her kids. Eunice returned as Skiros was left alone. "You will regret this decision, Sir."

"I won't," Skiros smiled. "I said I'll recruit them, but they will leave this place on their own…mark my words there."


Noriko was helping Seto put his guild gear on. "Hey, that's a little tight!"

"You are thin for your age…" Arial said to him. "While you're with us, have a snack or two with me."

"Thank you, ma'am; I forgot to ask your name." He said.

"I'm Arial Marks, the main Slasher of the Black Bullets."

"A Slasher?" Sayori asked her.

"Yeah, it's a term for sword swinger. I assume you are a healer?"

"What gave it away?"

"Well, female to female wise…you did not request any armor. Not to mention your green pendant; that's a blessing, right?"

Sayori held it in her hand. "Yes, I earned it one day when I passed the medical exam in high school."

"OH, SO YOU WERE ALSO PART OF THE GHOST HIGH?!" A random man passed by with an intrigued look on his face.

"…Ghost…high?" Sayori asked.

"You know? The high school in Legon City?" They all stared at him in silence before he cleared his throat. "Sorry, I am Gonzales Goldin. I'm also a member of the Black Bullets; I heard that someone got instantly selected in our guild. I just HAD to meet you…but now that I've met you, I'm surprised you are a healer."

"Sayori Kaname, the pleasure is all mine. And no, they accepted me and my children."

"So you ARE from the ghost high!" Gonzales exclaimed.

"I think he's talking about Red Star High." A young boy appeared next to Seto with his guild gear. "Finally, someone my age; nice to meet you guys."

Seto stared at the mirror while feeling the boy hanging onto his shoulders. "Hey there. I'm-"

"Seto Kaname? Your name has already buzzed around the mansion since your arrival. I am Haruro Motsubi, an errand boy of the leader."

Noriko pulled him from his shirt, urging him to pick her up. "Aww, is this your little sister? She's so adorable!"

Haruro began to caress her against her repulsion.

"Alright, Enough chit-chat!" All the members walked into their room except for Skiros. "What seems to be rambling in here?"

Seto frowned as he recognized Eunice's voice. "Vice Captain!" As much as he hated him, Seto saluted him and refused to look in his eye.

"Glad to see that even without vision, you know who's in charge here. Let me tell you this…I hate every living being of your existence, so as long as you sit back and stay out of my way…" His attention drifted towards Noriko. "And that brat better learn her place as well; we have a mission. So consider this a test for your acceptance. Failure will not be tolerated." Off he went while everyone in the room began to gear up.

"What's going on?" Seto asked Arial.

"It looks like the ninth apprehension is about to begin, so we all have to suit up and get moving."

"R-Right!" Seto stood up and began looking around, forgetting he could not see. "I-uh…"

"Let me help out."


Arial helped him wear his body armor and gave him one of the spare weapons. "This should help you defend yourself, at least."

"Thank you so much…what did you just put in my hand?" He tried to reach for its top half, but they all stopped him.



They all laughed and then joined the other members at the exit.


Skiros lined everyone up while hand-picking his team. Gazing upon their composure played a major in his selection, but not a single reaction came from Seto. "Hmm?"

Seto stared ahead of his position because that would be a simple way of convincing someone they were making eye contact. Skiros being twice his size made that theory purposeless. "My eyes are up here, kid."

"O-Oh, sorry…" Seto stared up to where he heard the voice. "Captain."

"One," Skiros said and walked away. A few minutes later, he had a team of forty-seven members, with the Kaname family in the same unit.

"So Mister Skiros picked him first out of all of us?

"Wow, he must be special."

"But he's only been here for an hour."

"Still, he got that spot fair and square."

Seto began looking around him as everyone began to blurt about the captain's favoritism towards him.


Arial patted him on the back and walked away with him and his family. "Don't mind what they say, Seto. If they assume something, prove 'em right or wrong… that's my advice."