Chereads / The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful / Chapter 26 - 1.10: Miku is on the job.

Chapter 26 - 1.10: Miku is on the job.

They gathered their hands and shouted ELITE FORCE from the bottom of their lungs, and joy spread all over their faces once more. Genti and Suzuki finally woke up, happy to see everyone beaming again, but didn't spot Tedashii. He held on to Genti as he was also confused about why he wasn't with them.

"Hey, guys. Where is our captain?" he asked, but nobody had a way to elucidate to him. Franco walked towards them and tried to clarify the situation. "Your captain is right here! IT'S ME~!!♡"

Genti didn't take that humorously at all. "ENOUGH WITH THE DAMN JOKES! WHAT THE HELL DID HAPPENED TO TEDASHII…"

"If you don't let go of me, I might not spare you," Franco said as his eyes began to glow furiously. "Don't you remember what happened? You were there yourself."

Genti tried to think back to what he was referring to and recalled him and Suzuki falling to the ground as they saw Tedashii rise. "I…remember us falling to the ground. What happened after that?!"

"Tedashii used your spiritas to heal HIS wounds, fought us, and then left astray after the battle. We took you guys back with us since we felt it was the right thing to still wanna fight after all that?"

He let go of Franco...but couldn't believe Tedashii would ever do something like this. The person he marveled, gone, as if there was no thread of friendship between them.

"Why would he do that? I thought we were…mates.."

Franco felt Genti's devotion to Tedashii. So, he also had to find a way to gain his trust. "Listen, Shark boy. I may not be like him, but I would love for you to be part of our team. I saw that you're pretty strong! So what do you say?" Genti did not reply at all. So Franco sighed. "Tedashii would have loved us to stick as a team, you know?"

Genti's eyes began to shake. "Well…If he would have loved this, I'll long as we get along."

The team was glad he agreed, but Suzuki didn't believe anything Franco said while glaring him a glare as he tried to alleviate him. "Hey, there, little buddy. You look a lot like Tedashii, you know? Why don't you join in as well?"

Suzuki felt energy emitting from Franco, hit his hand away and ran out of the room. None of the others understood why he responded like that, but as they felt restful enough, they prepared to meet Martin again for their verdict. Genti had no choice but to run after Suzuki, for he was the only person part of their team with Tedashii.


Suzuki kept running down the corridors as he bumped into Haze. "Hey, there, kid. Are you lost or something?"

Suzuki stood up and began humming as he explained his situation to Haze. However, Haze was not like Tedashii and understood nothing. When Suzuki realized that he just appeared outlandish, he walked away without any means to bother him. Haze was confused about what had happened, but he just let it slide and returned to work. Suzuki walked out of the camp to the tree, where he met Tedashii for the first time. He just sat down and gazed at the tree, hoping that Tedashii would return. Genti came and recognized this was where he saw Tedashii carry Suzuki down to the forest. The act of kindness made him admire him, so he picked him up on his back and walked to Legon City.

 "Don't worry, Su. It's you and me against the world. Until Tedashii comes back, I'll take care of you…I know he will."


Franco and his team arrived at the cafeteria room, the designated meeting point for all test participants. Looking around, they could only see two other individuals, both ronins, who appeared to be the only survivors. It was unclear if they were part of the same team as them. They took their seats and waited for Martin's arrival while the silence in the room was palpable. Finally, he arrived at the cafeteria accompanied by his two bodyguards.

"Congrats, Ronins! You guys truly deserve to be the candidates for Quarts 10. I'm impressed and glad that you cooperated so well during this task. However, this might be our last encounter because, after this, you will all be taken to see the president and start preparing for the battle to defend Legon City. Gaiyato was supposed to be your mentor, but it seems he's facing some family problems, so he hasn't shown up."

As much as they tried to hide it, Martin could see the guilt in their eyes. He knew that they were responsible for the death of Tedashii. But if Gaiyato were to find that out, it would be out of his hands to stop him.


Gaiyato arrived at his house with Tedashii cradled in his arms. Despite the overwhelming grief he felt, he refused to give in to tears and instead walked stoically into his home. His wife rushed forward to greet him but let out a horrified scream when she saw the state of Tedashii. 

"HONEY WHAT HAPPENED?!" She came close to him to try to relieve his stress. Gaiyato hugged her and then kept walking to their room. He laid Tedashii there and took a seat on the couch. "You think you can do something to save him?"

"Uhm, I'll do my best."

She drew a magic circle on the ground and then asked Gaiyato to help her place Tedashii inside it. Then, she focused on the recuperation process.

~Wind Prowess: Healing Breeze.

Spiritas began to flow from her hands around Tedashii. She tried to concentrate as much as possible, even though she knew it was almost too late for any miracles. The wound in his heart was too deep, and he lost so much blood after the apprehension. "Gaiyato, what happened to him?"

"It's all my fault…"

"What do you mean, darling?"

"I didn't do anything; I knew this would happen."

She went to sit next to him and tried to console him. "Sweetie, you can't blame yourself for this. It isn't your fault."

"Miku, I…could have saved him. He shouldn't have been found out in the first place; if word goes out...then he will know..." He laid his head on her shoulder. She didn't know why he set all the guilt on himself, so he decided to explain everything to her. Still surprised to have heard all that, she understood where he came from.

"Gaiyato, you were just doing what was on your contract. I know you held back because you didn't want to lose your job."

"What am I going to tell my sister? I brought him here, and yet I'm the reason he is dead under those 62 hours…this can't be. I promised them they would see him again; what a lie…"

He was so down, but she had an ace up her sleeve. "The one-eyed Ronin! He is well-known for his signature mask as one of the greatest fighters in the Rebirth guild. Yet married but still not a father, why is that?!"

Gaiyato didn't want to be bothered by her compliments, which gave her more reasons to continue. "I, Miku Aoi! I am one of the luckiest women on the planet to have a man like him, don't you think~?"

As much as he tried to stay serious, he broke into laughter at what she said. "And is that why you can't get a job?"


He lifted her in his arms and spun around. They both laughed with a kiss to make it more sensual. "But that is why you are the best wife in the world."

"You know, actions speak more than words. Why don't you prove it to me?"

Just before Gaiyato went for the second kiss, Hade walked in without notice.

"Gaiyato thank good…WHOA!... am I interrupting…?"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU IDIOT!!" the couple said simultaneously.

Since he was spooked, he ran back outside. Gaiyato took a sigh and then went to grab his guild coat again. "Miku. If you notice anything with Tedashii, please keep me posted."

"WAIT, Your Leaving?! But I still have something to tell you!"

"Keep it for when I come back. Business beckons, baby!"

"Wait Gaiyato…GAIYATO-!!"


Before she uttered another word, he closed the door behind him and followed Hade. "Humph, men are always like that. Leaving the house to us women."

She sat down on the chair, growling, then looked back at Tedashii.

"Oh Teddy, what happened to you?" she asked and continued trying to heal him.