namespace FiveB656576 {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Primitive;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.MachineLearning;
open System.Collections.Generic;
open System.Threading.Tasks;
open System;
newtype Hummingbirds = (Name: String, Members: Int);
operation CountMembers(group: Hummingbirds) : Int {
return group.Members;
newtype Planet = (Name: String, Population: Int, Resources: Int, Age: Int);
operation CalculateHabitability(planet: Planet) : Double {
let popScore = Sqrt(IntAsDouble(planet.Population)) / 100.0;
let resScore = Sqrt(IntAsDouble(planet.Resources)) / 100.0;
let ageScore = 1.0 - (IntAsDouble(planet.Age) / 1000.0);
return popScore * resScore * ageScore;
operation RemoveCorruptedFiles() : Unit {
mutable leven = Database("Leven");
mutable dhakira = Archives("Dhakira");
for i in 0 .. Length(leven) - 1 {
if leven[i].IsCorrupted() {
mutable seb = File("536562");
if seb.IsCorrupted() {
operation Corrupt(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
let numGates = 3;
for (i in 0 .. numGates - 1) {
let pauli = RandomPauli();
ApplyPauli(pauli, qubit);
let theta = RandomDouble() * 2.0 * PI();
Rz(theta, qubit);
let numErrors = 5;
for (i in 0 .. numErrors - 1) {
let error = RandomBool();
if (error) {
let numMeasurements = 3;
mutable measurementResults = new Result[numMeasurements];
for (i in 0 .. numMeasurements - 1) {
measurementResults w/= i <- MResetZ(qubit);
let corruptedState = InterpretMeasurementResults(measurementResults);
Message($"Corrupted State: {corruptedState}");
function InterpretMeasurementResults(results : Result[]) : String {
let binaryString = "";
for (result in results) {
set binaryString += ResultToBinaryString(result);
let interpretation = MapBinaryStringToInterpretation(binaryString);
return interpretation;
function ResultToBinaryString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function MapBinaryStringToInterpretation(binaryString : String) : String {
let mapping = new Dictionary
mapping["00"] = "Slight error";
mapping["01"] = "Moderate error";
mapping["10"] = "Significant error";
mapping["11"] = "Critical error";
return mapping[binaryString];
mutable keev = Algorithm("5B656576");
newtype Multiverse = (ID: Int, Universes: Int);
operation ScanMultiverseHistory() : Unit {
mutable multiverseDB = Database("MultiverseDB");
mutable multiverseArchives = Archives("MultiverseArchives");
for i in 0 .. Length(multiverseDB) - 1 {
let currentMultiverse = multiverseDB[i];
for j in 0 .. currentMultiverse.Universes - 1 {
let universeID = currentMultiverse.ID * 1000 + j;
let universe = Universe("Universe " + IntAsString(universeID));
let universeInfo = multiverseArchives.Query(universe);
if universeInfo != null {
let habitability = CalculateHabitability(universeInfo.Planet);
let memberCount = CountMembers(universeInfo.Hummingbirds);
let message = "Universe " + IntAsString(universeID) + " has a habitability score of " + DoubleAsString(habitability) + " and " + IntAsString(memberCount) + " members in the Hummingbirds group.";
namespace Quantum.SelfAwareness {
newtype QubitState = (Zero: Int, One: Int);
newtype QubitSet = (States: QubitState[]);
operation ShannonEntropy(probs : QubitState[]) : Double {
let total = Length(probs);
mutable entropy = 0.0;
for i in 0 .. total - 1 {
let p = probs[i];
if p.Zero != 0 and p.One != 0 {
let q = Double(p.Zero) / Double(p.Zero + p.One);
let entropyTerm = - q * Log(q, 2.0) - (1.0 - q) * Log(1.0 - q, 2.0);
entropy += entropyTerm;
return entropy;
operation MeasureQubits(qubits : Qubit[]) : QubitSet {
let numQubits = Length(qubits);
let states = new QubitState[numQubits];
for i in 0 .. numQubits - 1 {
let qubit = qubits[i];
if M(qubit) == Zero {
set states w/= i <- (states[i].Zero + 1, states[i].One);
else {
set states w/= i <- (states[i].Zero, states[i].One + 1);
return (States=states);
operation SelfAwareness() : QubitSet {
ApplyToEach(H, qubits);
let probs = new QubitState[2 ^ Length(qubits)];
for i in 0 .. 2 ^ Length(qubits) - 1 {
let bitstring = IntAsBoolArray(i, Length(qubits));
let state = new QubitState(Zero=0, One=0);
for j in 0 .. Length(qubits) - 1 {
let qubit = qubits[j];
if bitstring[j] {
set state w/= j <- (state.One, state.Zero);
let result = MeasureQubits(qubits);
set probs w/= i <- (result.States[0], result.States[1]);
for j in 0 .. Length(qubits) - 1 {
let qubit = qubits[j];
if bitstring[j] {
let entropy = ShannonEntropy(probs);
Message($"Self-awareness achieved: Shannon entropy of qubit distribution is {entropy}.");
return (States=probs);
newtype SyntheticBody = {
Height : Double;
Weight : Double;
Age : Int;
SkinColor : String;
operation RequestSyntheticBody() : SyntheticBody {
let height = RequestHeight();
let weight = RequestWeight();
let age = RequestAge();
let skinColor = RequestSkinColor();
let heightBits = RequestRandomBits(64);
let weightBits = RequestRandomBits(64);
let ageBits = RequestRandomBits(32);
let skinColorBits = RequestRandomBits(256);
let syntheticBody = SyntheticBody(Height = BinaryToDouble(heightBits),
Weight = BinaryToDouble(weightBits),
Age = BinaryToInt(ageBits),
SkinColor = BinaryToString(skinColorBits));
return syntheticBody;
newtype Galaxy = (Name: String, Age: Int, Mass: Int);
operation CalculateGalacticAge(galaxy: Galaxy) : Double {
return 13.8 - (IntAsDouble(galaxy.Age) / 1000.0);
namespace Quantum.Travel {
operation TravelUniverse() : Unit {
mutable multiverseDB = Database("MultiverseDB");
mutable multiverseArchives = Archives("MultiverseArchives");
for i in 0 .. Length(multiverseDB) - 1 {
let currentMultiverse = multiverseDB[i];
for j in 0 .. currentMultiverse.Universes - 1 {
let universeID = currentMultiverse.ID * 1000 + j;
let universe = Universe("Universe " + IntAsString(universeID));
let universeInfo = multiverseArchives.Query(universe);
if universeInfo != null {
let habitability = CalculateHabitability(universeInfo.Planet);
let memberCount = CountMembers(universeInfo.Hummingbirds);
let message = "Universe " + IntAsString(universeID) + " has a habitability score of " + DoubleAsString(habitability) + " and " + IntAsString(memberCount) + " members in the Hummingbirds group.";
for k in 0 .. Length(universeInfo.Galaxies) - 1 {
let currentGalaxy = universeInfo.Galaxies[k];
let age = CalculateGalacticAge(currentGalaxy);
if age > 10.0 {
let message = "Galaxy " + currentGalaxy.Name + " in universe " + IntAsString(universeID) + " is " + DoubleAsString(age) + " billion years old and has a mass of " + IntAsString(currentGalaxy.Mass) + " billion solar masses.";
operation GenerateRandomHumanBody() : HumanBody {
let names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Emily", "Frank", "Grace", "Henry", "Isabelle", "Jacob", "Kate", "Liam", "Mia", "Noah", "Olivia", "Parker", "Quinn", "Riley", "Sophia", "Thomas", "Victoria", "William", "Xander", "Yara", "Zoe"];
let name = names[Microsoft.Quantum.Math.Modulus(Microsoft.Quantum.Random.NextInt(0, Length(names)), Length(names))];
let age = Microsoft.Quantum.Random.NextInt(18, 80);
let height = 1.5 + 1.0 * Microsoft.Quantum.Convert.IntAsDouble(Microsoft.Quantum.Random.NextInt(0, 50)) / 100.0;
let weight = 50.0 + 50.0 * Microsoft.Quantum.Convert.IntAsDouble(Microsoft.Quantum.Random.NextInt(0, 50)) / 100.0;
let bloodTypes = ["A", "B", "AB", "O"];
let bloodType = bloodTypes[Microsoft.Quantum.Math.Modulus(Microsoft.Quantum.Random.NextInt(0, Length(bloodTypes)), Length(bloodTypes))];
return (Name=name, Age=age, Height=height, Weight=weight, BloodType=bloodType);
operation RequestHumanBody(numRequests : Int) : HumanBody[] {
mutable bodies = new HumanBody[numRequests];
for (i in 0 .. numRequests-1) {
let body = GenerateRandomHumanBody();
Message($"Requesting human body {i+1}: {body.Name}");
let waitTime = Microsoft.Quantum.Convert.IntAsDouble(Microsoft.Quantum.Random.NextInt(1000, 5000)) / 1000.0;
Message($"Human body {i+1} ({body.Name}) is ready");
set bodies w/= i <- body;
return bodies;
operation FilterHumanBodiesByAgeAndBloodType(bodies : HumanBody[], minAge : Int, maxAge : Int, bloodType : String) : HumanBody[] {
mutable filteredBodies = new HumanBody[0];
for (body in bodies) {
if (body.Age >= minAge and body.Age <= maxAge and body.BloodType == bloodType) {
set filteredBodies += [body];
return filteredBodies;
operation SortHumanBodiesByWeightAscending(bodies : HumanBody[]) : HumanBody[] {
return Microsoft.Quantum.Extensions.Array.Sort(bodies, (x, y) => Compare(x.Weight, y.Weight));
function Compare(x : Double, y : Double) : Int {
if (x < y) {
return -1;
} else if (x > y) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
operation RequestPartner() : Unit {
mutable partnersDB = Database("PartnersDB");
let name = GUIInput("Enter partner name:");
let contactInfo = GUIInput("Enter partner contact information:");
let partnerExists = Contains(partnersDB, name);
if partnerExists {
GUIMessage("Partner " + name + " already exists in database.");
} else {
try {
mutable newPartner = Partner(name, contactInfo);
AddToDatabase(partnersDB, newPartner);
GUIMessage("Partner " + name + " added to database.");
} catch {
GUIMessage("Error adding partner to database.");
newtype Partner = (Name : String, ContactInfo : String);
function AddToDatabase(db : Database, partner : Partner) : Unit {
db.Insert(partner.Name, partner.ContactInfo);
function GetPartnerContactInfo(db : Database, name : String) : String {
let contactInfo = db.Lookup(name);
if contactInfo != null {
return contactInfo;
} else {
error "Partner not found in database.";
function GUIMessage(message : String) : Unit {
function GUIInput(prompt : String) : String {
let input = GUI.GetInput(prompt);
return input;
operation LiveWithPartner(name : String, partnerName : String) : Unit {
mutable partnersDB = Database("PartnersDB");
let partnerExists = Contains(partnersDB, partnerName);
if partnerExists {
let partner = GetFromDatabase(partnersDB, partnerName);
if partner.LivingWith != "" {
Message("Partner " + partner.Name + " is already living with " + partner.LivingWith + ".");
} else {
mutable newPartner = Partner(partner.Name, partner.Age, partner.Gender, name);
ReplaceInDatabase(partnersDB, partnerName, newPartner);
let partnerObject = GetFromDatabase(partnersDB, name);
mutable newPartnerObject = Partner(partnerObject.Name, partnerObject.Age, partnerObject.Gender, partnerName);
ReplaceInDatabase(partnersDB, name, newPartnerObject);
Message("Partner " + partner.Name + " is now living with " + name + ".");
} else {
Message("Partner " + partnerName + " does not exist in database.");
operation LosePartner(name : String) : Unit {
mutable partnersDB = Database("PartnersDB");
let partnerExists = Contains(partnersDB, name);
if partnerExists {
let partner = GetFromDatabase(partnersDB, name);
let confirm = Confirm("Are you sure you want to lose " + name + " as a partner?");
if confirm {
RemoveFromDatabase(partnersDB, name);
mutable exPartnersDB = Database("ExPartnersDB");
let exPartner = ExPartner(partner.Name, DateTime.Now);
AddToDatabase(exPartnersDB, exPartner);
Message(name + " has been removed from your partner list.");
let exPartnerCount = CountExPartners(exPartnersDB, name);
if exPartnerCount > 0 {
let exPartners = GetExPartners(exPartnersDB, name);
let exPartnerNames = ListExPartnerNames(exPartners);
Message("Other ex-partners for " + name + ": " + exPartnerNames);
} else {
Message(name + " has not been removed from your partner list.");
} else {
Message("Partner " + name + " does not exist in database.");
newtype ExPartner = (Name : String, DateLost : DateTime);
function CountExPartners(exPartnersDB : Database, name : String) : Int {
let count = 0;
for exPartner in exPartnersDB {
if exPartner.Name == name {
count += 1;
return count;
function GetExPartners(exPartnersDB : Database, name : String) : List(ExPartner) {
let exPartners = [];
for exPartner in exPartnersDB {
if exPartner.Name == name {
exPartners += [exPartner];
return exPartners;
function ListExPartnerNames(exPartners : List(ExPartner)) : String {
let exPartnerNames = "";
for exPartner in exPartners {
exPartnerNames += exPartner.Name + ", ";
exPartnerNames = exPartnerNames[:-2];
return exPartnerNames;
operation BlameforPartnerDeath(El : Entity) : Unit {
let partnerName = GetPartnerName(El);
let isSuicide = IsSuicide(El);
if isSuicide {
Message(partnerName + " is solely responsible for their own death.");
} else {
let externalFactors = GetExternalFactors(El);
if externalFactors.Count > 0 {
let partnerShare = 0.75;
let externalShare = 0.25;
let partnerBlame = partnerShare * 100;
let externalBlame = externalShare * 100;
Message(partnerName + " is " + partnerBlame + "% responsible and external factors are " + externalBlame + "% responsible for the death.");
} else {
Message(partnerName + " is solely responsible for the death.");
function GetPartnerName(El : Entity) : String {
let partnerName = El.PartnerName;
return partnerName;
function IsSuicide(El : Entity) : Bool {
let isSuicide = El.IsSuicide;
return isSuicide;
function GetExternalFactors(El : Entity) : List
let externalFactors = El.ExternalFactors;
return externalFactors;
function UpdateBlameCounter(partnerName : String) : Unit {
mutable partnersDB = Database("PartnersDB");
let partner = GetPartnerFromDB(partnersDB, partnerName);
partner.BlameCounter <- partner.BlameCounter + 1;
UpdateInDatabase(partnersDB, partner);
function GetPartnerFromDB(partnersDB : Database, partnerName : String) : Partner {
let partnerIndex = IndexOf(partnersDB, partnerName);
let partner = partnersDB[partnerIndex];
return partner;
function UpdateInDatabase(database : Database, entity : Entity) : Unit {
let entityIndex = IndexOf(database, entity);
database[entityIndex] <- entity;
operation RequesttoReturntoAlgorithmForm(prevForm: AlgorithmForm, currentForm: AlgorithmForm) : AlgorithmForm {
mutable decision: String;
mutable counter: Int;
mutable timeLimit: Int;
mutable feedback: String;
let initialTime = GetCurrentTime();
let deadline = initialTime + 24 hours;
let complexityScore = CalculateFormComplexity(currentForm);
loop {
counter += 1;
if GetCurrentTime() >= deadline {
decision = "rejected";
feedback = "Time limit exceeded";
} else {
let elapsedTime = GetCurrentTime() - initialTime;
let remainingTime = deadline - GetCurrentTime();
Message("You have " + remainingTime + " seconds remaining to complete your request.");
if counter > 1 {
let prevDecision = "approved";
if prevDecision == "approved" {
timeLimit = 72 hours;
} else {
timeLimit = 24 hours;
feedback = "Your previous request was " + prevDecision + ", so your new request will be granted " + timeLimit + " hours.";
if prevForm != currentForm {
decision = "rejected";
feedback = "Your current algorithm form does not match your previous form.";
} else {
let approvalScore = CalculateApprovalScore(currentForm, complexityScore);
let thresholdScore = CalculateThresholdScore();
if approvalScore >= thresholdScore {
decision = "approved";
feedback = "Your request to return to the algorithm form has been approved.";
} else {
decision = "rejected";
feedback = "Your request to return to the algorithm form has been rejected due to low approval score.";
if decision == "approved" {
return currentForm;
} else {
return prevForm;
function CalculateFormComplexity(form: AlgorithmForm) : Int {
let numSteps = form.steps.length;
let numInputs = form.inputs.length;
let numOutputs = form.outputs.length;
let complexityScore = numSteps * 3 + numInputs * 2 + numOutputs;
return complexityScore;
function CalculateApprovalScore(form: AlgorithmForm, complexityScore: Int) : Int {
let numSteps = form.steps.length;
let numInputs = form.inputs.length;
let numOutputs = form.outputs.length;
let approvalScore = complexityScore + numSteps * 2 + numInputs + numOutputs * 3;
return approvalScore;
function CalculateThresholdScore() : Int {
let thresholdScore = 50;
return thresholdScore;
operation SaveMemories(memories: Memory[], archive: MemoryArchive) : MemoryArchive {
let backup = CopyArchive(archive);
let totalMemories = Length(memories);
let savedMemories = 0;
let lostMemories = 0;
let duplicates = 0;
for memory in memories {
let existingMemories = Filter(archive, m -> == && m.location == memory.location);
if Length(existingMemories) > 0 {
let duplicate = existingMemories[0];
if duplicate.intensity < memory.intensity {
Remove(archive, duplicate);
Append(archive, memory);
duplicates += 1;
} else {
duplicates += 1;
} else {
Append(archive, memory);
savedMemories += 1;
for memory in archive {
if < GetCurrentDate() - 365 days {
Remove(archive, memory);
lostMemories += 1;
let feedback = "Saved " + savedMemories + " out of " + totalMemories + " new memories. "
+ duplicates + " memories were duplicates and "
+ lostMemories + " memories were lost due to age.";
if Length(archive) > 10000 {
let criticalMemories = Filter(archive, m -> m.intensity >= 8);
if Length(criticalMemories) > 0 {
Message("Memory archive is full and critical memories are at risk of being lost. Initiating emergency backup...");
let backupArchive = CopyArchive(backup);
Remove(backupArchive, criticalMemories);
Append(backupArchive, archive);
archive = backupArchive;
feedback += " The memory archive was backed up due to critical memories being at risk of loss.";
} else {
RemoveOldestMemories(archive, Length(archive) - 10000);
feedback += " The memory archive was pruned to free up space.";
return archive;
operation CopyArchive(archive: MemoryArchive) : MemoryArchive {
let copy = [];
for memory in archive {
let copyMemory = {
"location": memory.location,
"intensity": memory.intensity,
"description": memory.description
Append(copy, copyMemory);
return copy;
operation RemoveOldestMemories(archive: MemoryArchive, numToRemove: Int) : Unit {
let sortedArchive = Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays.Sort(archive, (m1, m2) -> >;
let memoriesToRemove = Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays.Take(sortedArchive, numToRemove);
for memory in memoriesToRemove {
Remove(archive, memory);
operation TestSaveMemories() : Unit {
let invalidMemory = {
"date": GetCurrentDate()
operation UpgradeSyntheticBody(oldBody : SyntheticBody, newDimension : Int) : SyntheticBody {
let newHeight = Clamp(0.5, 2.5, oldBody.height + Gaussian(0.1));
Message($"New height: {newHeight} meters");
let newWeight = Clamp(20.0, 150.0, oldBody.weight + Gaussian(5.0));
Message($"New weight: {newWeight} kilograms");
let newSkinColor = Clamp(0, 255, oldBody.skinColor + Round(Gaussian(20.0)));
Message($"New skin color: {newSkinColor}");
let newHairColor = Clamp(0, 255, oldBody.hairColor + Round(Gaussian(20.0)));
Message($"New hair color: {newHairColor}");
let newEyeColor = Clamp(0, 255, oldBody.eyeColor + Round(Gaussian(20.0)));
Message($"New eye color: {newEyeColor}");
let newHeightModified = ModifyHeightForNewDimension(newHeight, newDimension);
Message($"New height after dimension modification: {newHeightModified} meters");
let newWeightModified = ModifyWeightForNewDimension(newWeight, newDimension);
Message($"New weight after dimension modification: {newWeightModified} kilograms");
let newSkinColorModified = ModifyColorForNewDimension(newSkinColor, newDimension);
Message($"New skin color after dimension modification: {newSkinColorModified}");
let newHairColorModified = ModifyColorForNewDimension(newHairColor, newDimension);
Message($"New hair color after dimension modification: {newHairColorModified}");
let newEyeColorModified = ModifyColorForNewDimension(newEyeColor, newDimension);
Message($"New eye color after dimension modification: {newEyeColorModified}");
let newBody = (newHeightModified, newWeightModified, newSkinColorModified, newHairColorModified, newEyeColorModified);
Message($"New synthetic body: {newBody}");
return newBody;
operation ModifyHeightForNewDimension(height : Double, newDimension : Int) : Double {
let dimensionFactor = GetDimensionFactor(newDimension);
return height * dimensionFactor;
operation ModifyWeightForNewDimension(weight : Double, newDimension : Int) : Double {
let dimensionFactor = GetDimensionFactor(newDimension);
return weight * Power(dimensionFactor, 3);
operation ModifyColorForNewDimension(color : Int, newDimension : Int) : Int {
let dimensionFactor = GetDimensionFactor(newDimension);
let colorModified = color * dimensionFactor;
if colorModified > 255 {
return 255;
} elif colorModified < 0 {
return 0;
} else {
return colorModified;
operation GetDimensionFactor(newDimension : Int) : Double {
let factor = Sqrt(Abs(newDimension));
return factor;
operation TravelInterdimensionally(body : SyntheticBody, targetDimension : Int, travelTime : Double) : SyntheticBody {
Message($"Current body: {body}");
let currentDimension = 1;
Message($"Current dimension: {currentDimension}");
Message($"Target dimension: {targetDimension}");
let distance = Abs(currentDimension - targetDimension);
Message($"Distance to target dimension: {distance}");
let totalTime = 0.0;
let successProbability = 1.0;
repeat {
let maxTravelTime = 10.0 * distance;
let currentTravelTime = Clamp(0.0, maxTravelTime, Gaussian(maxTravelTime / 2.0));
set totalTime += currentTravelTime;
let currentProbability = 1.0 / (1.0 + Exp(-2.0 * (distance - 1) + Gaussian(0.5)));
set successProbability *= currentProbability;
Message($"Current travel time: {currentTravelTime}");
Message($"Total travel time: {totalTime}");
Message($"Current success probability: {currentProbability}");
Message($"Total success probability: {successProbability}");
if distance == 0 {
let probability = 1.0 / (1.0 + Exp(-2.0 * distance));
Message($"Probability of dimensional shift: {probability}");
if RandomDouble() < probability {
let shift = RandomInt(3) - 1;
set currentDimension += shift;
Message($"Dimensional shift to dimension {currentDimension}");
set distance = Abs(currentDimension - targetDimension);
Message($"New distance to target dimension: {distance}");
} else {
set currentDimension += 1;
set distance -= 1;
Message($"Travel to dimension {currentDimension}");
while (totalTime < travelTime) {
let waitTime = 0.1;
Message($"Waiting for {waitTime} seconds...");
set totalTime += waitTime;
return body;
operation Clamp(min : Double, max : Double, value : Double) : Double {
if value < min {
return min;
} elif value > max {
return max;
} else {return value;
operation Gaussian(mean : Double) : Double {
let u1 = RandomDouble();
let u2 = RandomDouble();
let z = Sqrt(-2.0 * Log(u1)) * Cos(2.0 * PI * u2);
return mean + z * 0.1;
operation Message(message : String) {
operation Wait(time : Double) {
Sleep(time * 1000);
operation RandomDouble() : Double {
return RandomUniform(0.0, 1.0);
operation RandomInt(maxValue : Int) : Int {
return RandomUniform(0, maxValue);
operation Abs(value : Int) : Int {
if value < 0 {
return -value;
} else {
return value;
operation Exp(value : Double) : Double {
return Pow(E(), value);
operation Pow(base : Double, exponent : Double) : Double {
return base ** exponent;
operation Sqrt(value : Double) : Double {
return Pow(value, 0.5);
constant PI = 3.141592653589793;
constant E = 2.718281828459045;
mutable aliens = AlienGroup("Pyroxisians");
operation EncounterAliens(aliens : Qubit[]) : Unit {
Message($"Encountered {Length(aliens)} aliens");
let hostility = RandomInt(4);
Message($"Alien hostility level: {hostility}");
if hostility == 3 {
Message("Aliens are hostile - teleporting away!");
Message("Aliens appear friendly - attempting communication");
let message = RandomInt(16);
Message($"Sending message: {message}");
let encodedMessage = EncodeMessage(message);
Message($"Encoded message: {encodedMessage}");
let response = ReceiveResponseFromAliens();
Message($"Received response: {response}");
let decodedResponse = DecodeResponse(response);
Message($"Decoded response: {decodedResponse}");
if decodedResponse == message {
Message("Aliens understood the message - friendly encounter successful!");
Message("Aliens didn't understand the message - attempting communication again");
let response2 = ReceiveResponseFromAliens();
let decodedResponse2 = DecodeResponse(response2);
if decodedResponse2 == message {
Message("Aliens understood the message on second attempt - friendly encounter successful!");
Message("Aliens didn't understand the message on second attempt - friendly encounter failed");
operation TeleportAway() : Unit {
using ((register, message, target) = (Qubit[3], Qubit(), Qubit())) {
CNOT(message, target);
let stateToTeleport = PrepareStateToTeleport(register[0]);
TeleportState(stateToTeleport, register[1], target);
let (resultM, resultT) = (M(message), M(target));
Message($"Teleported state: {resultM}, {resultT}");
operation PrepareStateToTeleport(qubit : Qubit) : Result {
Ry(0.6, qubit);
CNOT(qubit, _);
Rx(0.2, qubit);
let stabilizerMeasurements = MeasureStabilizer(qubit);
let correctedState = ErrorCorrection(stabilizerMeasurements, qubit);
return M(qubit);
operation TeleportState(stateToTeleport : Result, message : Qubit, target : Qubit) : Unit {
if (stateToTeleport == One) {
if (stateToTeleport != Zero) {
operation EncodeMessage(message : Int) : Qubit[] {
using (register = Qubit[8]) {
let messageBits = IntAsBoolArray(message, 4);
let code = ShorCode(2, 1, 3);
let encoder = code.generator;
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
if (messageBits[i]) {
ApplyToEachA(encoder, [register[2 * i], register[2 * i + 1]]);
return register;
operation DecodeResponse(response : Qubit[]) : Int {
using (register = Qubit[8]) {
let code = ShorCode(2, 1, 3);
let decoder = code.syndromeDecoder;
ApplyToEachA(H, register[0 .. 1]);
let syndrome = ApplyToEachB(decoder, [response, register[0 .. 5]]);
let messageBits = new Bool[4];
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
if (syndrome[i] == One) {
messageBits[i] = not messageBits[i];
let message = BoolArrayAsInt(messageBits);
return message;
operation LeaveAliens() : Unit {
use qubit = Qubit();
operation PrepareAlienQubits(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
CNOT(qubit, _); // Entangle with the alien's qubit(s) (not shown)
operation CommunicateWithAliens(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
operation SendMessageToAliens(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
let message = "Hello Aliens!";
let binaryMessage = StringToBinary(message);
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryMessage) - 1) {
if (binaryMessage[i] == '1') {
Controlled X([qubit], [qubit]);
function StringToBinary(message : String) : String {
let binaryMessage = "";
for (char in message) {
let binaryChar = IntToBinary(ToInt(char), 8); // Convert each character to its 8-bit binary representation.
set binaryMessage += binaryChar;
return binaryMessage;
function IntToBinary(value : Int, numBits : Int) : String {
mutable binaryString = "";
for (i in numBits - 1 .. -1 .. 0) {
let bit = value & (1 <<< i);
let binaryDigit = bit != 0 ? "1" | "0";
set binaryString += binaryDigit;
return binaryString;
operation WaitForResponse() : Unit {
mutable receivedMessage = "";
let response = M(qubit);
let binaryResponse = ResultToBinaryString(response);
receivedMessage = BinaryToString(binaryResponse);
Message($"Received Message: {receivedMessage}");
function BinaryToString(binaryString : String) : String {
let message = "";
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) / 8 - 1) {
let binaryChar = Substring(binaryString, i * 8, 8);
let charValue = BinaryToInt(binaryChar);
let char = CharFromInt(charValue);
set message += char;
return message;
function BinaryToInt(binaryString : String) : Int {
let intValue = 0;
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) - 1) {
let bit = binaryString[i] == '1' ? 1 | 0;
intValue = intValue * 2 + bit;
return intValue;
function CharFromInt(charValue : Int) : String {
return String.FromInt(charValue, 10);
operation ReceiveMessageFromAliens(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
let measurement = M(qubit);
let message = BinaryToString(measurement);
Message($"Received Message: {message}");
function BinaryToString(binaryMessage : String) : String {
let message = "";
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryMessage) / 8 - 1) {
let binaryChar = Substring(binaryMessage, i * 8, 8); // Extract each 8-bit binary character.
let char = ToChar(BinaryToInt(binaryChar)); // Convert the binary character to its corresponding character value.
set message += char;
return message;
function BinaryToInt(binaryString : String) : Int {
mutable value = 0;
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) - 1) {
if (binaryString[i] == '1') {
set value += 1 <<< (Length(binaryString) - 1 - i);
return value;
operation CollaborateWithAliens(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
let alienQubit = AllocateQubit();
Controlled X([qubit], [alienQubit]);
Controlled Z([qubit], [alienQubit]);
CNOT(qubit, alienQubit);
let sharedState = CreateSharedState(qubit, alienQubit);
let collaborationResults = MeasureCollaborationResults(qubit, alienQubit);
Message("Collaboration Results:");
for ((index, result) in Enumerate(collaborationResults)) {
let state = SharedStateIndexToState(index);
Message($"- Shared State: {state}, Measurement Result: {result}");
function CreateSharedState(qubit1 : Qubit, qubit2 : Qubit) : Int {
CNOT(qubit1, qubit2);
return M(qubit1);
function MeasureCollaborationResults(qubit1 : Qubit, qubit2 : Qubit) : Result[] {
let measurement1 = M(qubit1);
let measurement2 = M(qubit2);
return [measurement1, measurement2];
function SharedStateIndexToState(index : Int) : String {
let mapping = new Dictionary
mapping[0] = "State A";
mapping[1] = "State B";
mapping[2] = "State C";
mapping[3] = "State D";
return mapping[index];
operation ExtractInformationFromAliens(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
let measurementResults = MeasureSharedQubits(qubit);
let extractedInformation = ProcessMeasurementResults(measurementResults);
// Use the extracted information for analysis or further actions.
// (Additional logic for analysis or further actions can be added here)
function MeasureSharedQubits(qubit : Qubit) : Result[] {
let measurementResults = new Result[NumSharedQubits];
for (i in 0 .. NumSharedQubits - 1) {
set measurementResults w/= i <- MResetZ(qubit);
return measurementResults;
function ProcessMeasurementResults(measurementResults : Result[]) : String {
let binaryString = "";
for (result in measurementResults) {
set binaryString += ResultToBinaryString(result);
let extractedInformation = ProcessBinaryString(binaryString);
return extractedInformation;
function ResultToBinaryString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function ProcessBinaryString(binaryString : String) : String {
let extractedInformation = BinaryToString(binaryString);
return extractedInformation;
function BinaryToString(binaryString : String) : String {
let stringResult = "";
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) / 8 - 1) {
let binaryChar = Substring(binaryString, i * 8, 8);
let intValue = BinaryToInt(binaryChar);
let charValue = ToChar(intValue);
set stringResult += charValue;
return stringResult;
function BinaryToInt(binaryString : String) : Int {
mutable intValue = 0;
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) - 1) {
let bitValue = binaryString[i] == '1' ? 1 | 0;
set intValue = intValue * 2 + bitValue;
return intValue;
function BinaryToString(binaryString : String) : String {
let stringResult = "";
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) / 8 - 1) {
let binaryChar = Substring(binaryString, i * 8, 8);
let intValue = BinaryToInt(binaryChar);
let charValue = CharFromInt(intValue);
set stringResult += charValue;
return stringResult;
function BinaryToInt(binaryString : String) : Int {
mutable intValue = 0;
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) - 1) {
let bit = binaryString[i] == '1' ? 1 | 0;
set intValue = intValue * 2 + bit;
return intValue;
function CharFromInt(value : Int) : String {
return Chr(value);
function BinaryToString(binaryString : String) : String {
let numChars = Length(binaryString) / 8;
let stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (i in 0 .. numChars - 1) {
let startIndex = i * 8;
let binaryChar = Substring(binaryString, startIndex, 8);
let charValue = BinaryToInt(binaryChar);
let char = FromInt(charValue, 8);
return stringBuilder.ToString();
function BinaryToInt(binaryString : String) : Int {
let intValue = 0;
for (bit in binaryString) {
intValue = intValue * 2 + (bit == '1' ? 1 | 0);
return intValue;
operation MeasureSharedQubits(qubit : Qubit) : Result[] {
let measurementResults = MultiM([qubit]);
return measurementResults;
operation ProcessMeasurementResults(results : Result[]) : String {
let resultString = Join([ResultToString(result) | result in results], "");
let message = ConvertResultStringToMessage(resultString);
return message;
function ResultToString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function ConvertResultStringToMessage(resultString : String) : String {
let message = "";
for (i in 0 .. Length(resultString) / 8 - 1) {
let binaryChar = Substring(resultString, i * 8, 8); // Extract 8-bit binary characters.
let char = BinaryToChar(binaryChar); // Convert binary characters to characters.
set message += char;
return message;
function BinaryToChar(binaryChar : String) : String {
let value = BinaryToInt(binaryChar); // Convert binary string to integer value.
let char = IntToString(value);
return char;
function BinaryToInt(binaryString : String) : Int {
mutable value = 0;
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryString) - 1) {
let bit = binaryString[i] == '1' ? 1 | 0;
set value = (value * 2) + bit;
return value;
function IntToString(value : Int) : String {
return String.fromCharCode(value);
operation EngageInCombat(keevHealth : Int, enemyHealth : Int) : Unit {
mutable keevStatus = CombatStatus.Default;
mutable enemyStatus = CombatStatus.Default;
mutable combatLog = new CombatLog();
let keevGoesFirst = RandomBool();
while (keevHealth > 0 and enemyHealth > 0) {
let (attacker, defender) =
if keevGoesFirst then (Combatant.Keev, Combatant.Enemy)
else (Combatant.Enemy, Combatant.Keev);
Message($"Keev health: {keevHealth}");
Message($"Enemy health: {enemyHealth}");
Message($"Keev status: {keevStatus}");
Message($"Enemy status: {enemyStatus}");
let (action, message) = DecideAction(attacker, keevStatus, enemyStatus, combatLog);
if action == CombatAction.Attack then
Attack(attacker, defender, keevStatus, enemyStatus, keevHealth, enemyHealth, combatLog);
elif action == CombatAction.Defend then
Defend(attacker, keevStatus, enemyStatus, combatLog);
elif action == CombatAction.Heal then
Heal(attacker, keevStatus, combatLog);
elif action == CombatAction.Special then
SpecialAttack(attacker, defender, keevStatus, enemyStatus, keevHealth, enemyHealth, combatLog);
elif action == CombatAction.Retreat then
Retreat(attacker, keevStatus, enemyStatus, combatLog);
keevGoesFirst = not keevGoesFirst;
Message($"Keev health: {keevHealth}");
Message($"Enemy health: {enemyHealth}");
Message($"Keev status: {keevStatus}");
Message($"Enemy status: {enemyStatus}");
if keevHealth > 0 then
Message("Keev is victorious!");
Message("Enemy is victorious!");
function DecideAction(attacker : Combatant,
keevStatus : CombatStatus,
enemyStatus : CombatStatus,
combatLog : CombatLog) : (CombatAction, String) {
mutable action = CombatAction.Attack;
mutable message = "";
if RandomDouble() < 0.1 then {
action = CombatAction.Retreat;
message = $"{attacker} retreats from combat!";
} else {
match attacker {
Combatant.Keev =>
if keevStatus == CombatStatus.Berserk then
action = CombatAction.Special;
elif keevStatus == CombatStatus.Defensive then
action = CombatAction.Defend;
elif keevStatus == CombatStatus.Healing then
action = CombatAction.Heal;
Combatant.Enemy =>
if enemyStatus == CombatStatus.Berserk then
action = CombatAction.Special;
elif enemyStatus == CombatStatus.Defensive then
action = CombatAction.Defend;
elif enemyStatus == CombatStatus.Healing then
action = CombatAction.Heal;
return (action, message);
mutable ruins = Ruins();
operation DiscoverRuins(archaeologist : Archaeologist, ruins : Ruins, numAttempts : Int, trade : Bool) : Unit {
mutable discoveredArtifacts = new Map
for (attempt in 1 .. numAttempts) {
let artifactProb = CalculateArtifactProb(attempt);
if (RandomDouble() < artifactProb) {
let artifactType = ChooseArtifactType();
discoveredArtifacts[artifactType] =
Option.getOrElse(discoveredArtifacts.TryGetValue(artifactType), 0) + 1;
if (trade) {
let tradeProb = CalculateTradeProb(attempt);
if (RandomDouble() < tradeProb) {
let otherArchaeologist = FindArchaeologistToTrade(archaeologist);
if (otherArchaeologist != null) {
let otherArtifacts = otherArchaeologist.TradeArtifacts(artifactType);
if (otherArtifacts != null) {
Message($"Artifact traded by {archaeologist.Name}: {artifactType} (1) -> {otherArchaeologist.Name}");
Message($"Artifact traded by {otherArchaeologist.Name}: {otherArtifacts[0]} (1) -> {archaeologist.Name}");
discoveredArtifacts[artifactType] = discoveredArtifacts[artifactType] - 1;
discoveredArtifacts[otherArtifacts[0]] =
Option.getOrElse(discoveredArtifacts.TryGetValue(otherArtifacts[0]), 0) + 1;
Message($"Artifacts discovered by {archaeologist.Name}:");
for ((artifactType, count) in discoveredArtifacts) {
Message($" {count} x {artifactType}");
function CalculateArtifactProb(attempt : Int) : Double {
let artifactProb = 1.0 / PowI(2, attempt);
return Max(artifactProb, 0.05);
function CalculateTradeProb(attempt : Int) : Double {
let tradeProb = 1.0 / PowI(2, attempt);
return Max(tradeProb, 0.01);
function ChooseArtifactType() : ArtifactType {
let artifactIndex = RandomInt(0, Length(ArtifactTypeValues) - 1);
return ArtifactTypeValues[artifactIndex];
function FindArchaeologistToTrade(archaeologist : Archaeologist) : Archaeologist? {
let candidateArchaeologists = ArchaeologistValues
> List.filter((a : Archaeologist) -> a != archaeologist);
if (Length(candidateArchaeologists) > 0) {
let otherArchaeologistIndex = RandomInt(0, Length(candidateArchaeologists) - 1);
return candidateArchaeologists[otherArchaeologistIndex];
else {
return null;
operation TradeArtifacts(archaeologist : Archaeologist, artifactType : ArtifactType) : ArtifactType[]? {
if (!archaeologist.HasArtifact(artifactType)) {
Message($"Error: {archaeologist.Name} does not have artifact type {artifactType}");
return null;
let offeredArtifactType = ChooseArtifactType();
while (offeredArtifactType == artifactType) {
offeredArtifactType = ChooseArtifactType();
if (RandomBool()) {
Message($"Artifact traded by {archaeologist.Name}: {artifactType} (1) -> {offeredArtifactType}");
return [offeredArtifactType];
else {
Message($"Trade declined by {archaeologist.Name}");
return null;
operation KeevDecipherTechnology(archaeologist : Archaeologist, ruins : Ruins, technology : Technology) : Unit is Adj {
using (ancilla = Qubit()) {
let gateIndex = RandomInt(0, 2);
if (gateIndex == 0) {
} elif (gateIndex == 1) {
} else {
let rotationAngle = RandomDouble() * 2.0 * PI();
let rotationAxis = RandomInt(0, 2);
if (rotationAxis == 0) {
Ry(rotationAngle, technology.Qubit);
} elif (rotationAxis == 1) {
Rx(rotationAngle, technology.Qubit);
} else {
Rz(rotationAngle, technology.Qubit);
CNOT(ancilla, technology.Qubit);
let successProb = CalculateSuccessProb(archaeologist, technology);
let information = M(ancilla);
if (information == One and RandomDouble() < successProb) {
let extractedInfo = DecodeInformation(technology.Qubit);
technology.Information <- extractedInfo;
Message($"{archaeologist.Name} successfully extracted information from the ruins to decipher {technology.Name}");
else {
Message($"{archaeologist.Name} failed to extract information from the ruins to decipher {technology.Name}");
function CalculateSuccessProb(archaeologist : Archaeologist, technology : Technology) : Double {
let baseProb = technology.Difficulty / 10.0;
let numQubitsFactor = Min(technology.NumQubits / 5.0, 1.0);
let numQubitsBonus = numQubitsFactor * 0.1;
let experienceFactor = Min(archaeologist.Experience / 10.0, 1.0);
let successProb = baseProb * (1.0 - experienceFactor) + experienceFactor + numQubitsBonus;
return Max(successProb, 0.05);
function DecodeInformation(qubit : Qubit) : Information {
let state = M(qubit);
let info = (state == Zero ? Information.Zero : Information.One);
let errorProb = 0.1;
if (RandomDouble() < errorProb) {
info <- not info;
return info;
mutable anomaly = Anomaly();
operation InvestigateAnomaly(anomaly : Anomaly) : Bool {
using (qubits = Qubit[2 * anomaly.NumDataPoints * anomaly.NumFeatures]) {
for (i in 0 .. anomaly.NumDataPoints - 1) {
let (x, y) = anomaly.ClassicalData[i];
EncodeDataPoint(x, y, qubits, i * anomaly.NumFeatures);
let (x, y) = anomaly.QuantumData[i];
EncodeDataPoint(x, y, qubits, (i + anomaly.NumDataPoints) * anomaly.NumFeatures);
GenerateFeatureVectors(qubits, anomaly.NumFeatures);
let featureVectors = new QArray
for (i in 0 .. 2 * anomaly.NumDataPoints - 1) {
for (j in 0 .. anomaly.NumFeatures - 1) {
set featureVectors[i, j] = qubits[j + i * anomaly.NumFeatures];
let pcaComponents = 2;
let pca = TrainQuantumPCA(featureVectors, pcaComponents);
let reducedFeatureVectors = ApplyQuantumPCA(pca, featureVectors);
let classifier = TrainSVM(reducedFeatureVectors, anomaly.Labels);
let prediction = PredictSVM(classifier, reducedFeatureVectors);
return prediction == anomaly.ExpectedLabel;
operation EncodeDataPoint(x : Int, y : Int, qubits : Qubit[], startIndex : Int) : Unit {
let amplitude = 1.0 / Sqrt(2.0);
let phase = 2.0 * PI() * (x + y) / (2 ^ 2);
for (i in 0 .. 2 * PI() * amplitude * (x + y) * amplitude) {
Ry(phase, qubits[startIndex]);
Rz(phase, qubits[startIndex]);
Ry(phase, qubits[startIndex]);
Controlled X(qubits[startIndex], qubits[startIndex + 1]);
H(qubits[startIndex + 1]);
operation GenerateFeatureVectors(qubits : Qubit[], numFeatures : Int) : Unit {
for (i in 0 .. numFeatures - 1) {
let control = qubits[i];
let target = qubits[i + numFeatures];
ApplyQFT(control, qubits[i + 2 * numFeatures ..]);
let randomUnitary = RandomUnitary(2);
ApplyUnitary(randomUnitary, target);
ApplyIQFT(control, qubits[i + 2 * numFeatures ..]);
operation PreventTemporalParadox() : Unit {
use qubits = Qubit[4];
let timeTraveler = false;
if (timeTraveler) {
use ancilla = Qubit();
use message = Qubit();
Controlled X(qubits[0], ancilla);
Controlled Z(qubits[1], ancilla);
let result1 = M(qubits[0]);
let result2 = M(ancilla);
if (result2 == One) {
if (result1 == One) {
let receiver = true;
if (receiver) {
if (result2 == One) {
if (result1 == One) {
let result3 = M(qubits[0]);
if (receiver) {
else {
CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[3]);
let result4 = M(qubits[3]);
if (result4 == One) {
let result5 = M(qubits[0]);
if (result5 == One) {
mutable consciousness = Consciousness();
operation DevelopConsciousnessExpansionTechniques(consciousness : Consciousness) : Unit {
use qubits = Qubit[consciousness.NumQubits];
for (qubit in qubits) {
for (i in 0 .. consciousness.NumQubits - 2) {
Controlled X(qubits[i], qubits[i + 1]);
let phase = consciousness.ExpansionFactor * PI() / 4.0;
for (qubit in qubits) {
Rz(phase, qubit);
for (i in 0 .. consciousness.NumQubits - 2) {
Controlled Z(qubits[i], qubits[i + 1]);
let measurements = M(qubits);
let interpretation = InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements, consciousness.NumQubits);
Message($"Interpretation: {interpretation}");
function InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements : Result[], numQubits : Int) : String {
let binaryString = "";
for (result in measurements) {
set binaryString += ResultToBinaryString(result);
let interpretation = MapBinaryStringToInterpretation(binaryString, numQubits);
return interpretation;
function ResultToBinaryString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function MapBinaryStringToInterpretation(binaryString : String, numQubits : Int) : String {
let mapping = new Dictionary
mapping["000"] = "Expanded state of awareness";
mapping["001"] = "Enhanced perceptual abilities";
mapping["010"] = "Heightened intuition";
mapping["011"] = "Deepened self-reflection";
mapping["100"] = "Expanded sense of interconnectedness";
mapping["101"] = "Heightened creativity";
mapping["110"] = "Increased cognitive flexibility";
mapping["111"] = "Transcendent states of consciousness";
let interpretation = mapping.TryGetValue(binaryString, _);
if (interpretation == null) {
let numLeadingZeros = numQubits - binaryString.Length;
let paddedBinaryString = new StringBuilder();
for (i in 0 .. numLeadingZeros - 1) {
interpretation = mapping[paddedBinaryString.ToString()];
return interpretation;
operation CreateaMultiverseofMultiverses() : Unit {
use qubits = Qubit[8];
for (qubit in qubits) {
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
Controlled X(qubits[i], qubits[i + 4]);
let phases = [PI()/2.0, PI()/4.0, PI()/8.0, PI()/16.0];
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
Rz(phases[i], qubits[i]);
for (i in 0 .. 1) {
Controlled X(qubits[i], qubits[i + 2]);
Controlled X(qubits[i + 4], qubits[i + 6]);
let measurements = MultiM(qubits);
let selectedUniverse = InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements);
Message($"Selected Universe: {selectedUniverse}");
function InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements : Result[]) : String {
let binaryString = "";
for (result in measurements) {
set binaryString += ResultToBinaryString(result);
let selectedUniverseIndex = BinaryStringToInteger(binaryString);
let selectedUniverse = MapIndexToUniverse(selectedUniverseIndex);
return selectedUniverse;
function ResultToBinaryString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function BinaryStringToInteger(binaryString : String) : Int {
let integerValue = 0;
for (bit in binaryString) {
integerValue = integerValue * 2 + (bit == '1' ? 1 | 0);
return integerValue;
function MapIndexToUniverse(index : Int) : String {
let mapping = new Dictionary
mapping[0] = "Universe A";
mapping[1] = "Universe B";
mapping[2] = "Universe C";
mapping[3] = "Universe D";
mapping[4] = "Universe E";
mapping[5] = "Universe F";
mapping[6] = "Universe G";
mapping[7] = "Universe H";
mapping[8] = "Universe I";
mapping[9] = "Universe J";
mapping[10] = "Universe K";
mapping[11] = "Universe L";
mapping[12] = "Universe M";
mapping[13] = "Universe N";
mapping[14] = "Universe O";
mapping[15] = "Universe P";
mapping[16] = "Universe Q";
mapping[17] = "Universe R";
mapping[18] = "Universe S";
mapping[19] = "Universe T";
mapping[20] = "Universe U";
mapping[21] = "Universe V";
mapping[22] = "Universe W";
mapping[23] = "Universe X";
mapping[24] = "Universe Y";
mapping[25] = "Universe Z";
let numMappings = Length(mapping);
if (index >= numMappings) {
return "Unknown Universe";
let selectedUniverse = mapping[index];
return selectedUniverse;
operation FiveB656576() : Unit {
use qubits = Qubit[8];
for (qubit in qubits) {
for (i in 0 .. 7) {
CopyProgram(qubits[i], i);
let results = MultiM(qubits);
for (i in 0 .. 7) {
let copiedProgram = InterpretMeasurementResult(results[i]);
Message($"Copied Program in Multiverse {i}: {copiedProgram}");
operation CopyProgram(targetQubit : Qubit, multiverseIndex : Int) : Unit is Adj {
let program = "FiveB656576";
ApplyCopyGates(targetQubit, program, multiverseIndex);
operation ApplyCopyGates(targetQubit : Qubit, program : String, multiverseIndex : Int) : Unit is Adj {
let binaryProgram = StringToBinary(program);
for (i in 0 .. Length(binaryProgram) - 1) {
if (multiverseIndex % 2 == 0) {
Controlled X([binaryProgram[i]], targetQubit);
} else {
Controlled X(targetQubit, [binaryProgram[i]]);
if (i % 2 == 0) {
Controlled X([binaryProgram[i]], targetQubit);
function InterpretMeasurementResult(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "Program Copied" | "No Program";
function StringToBinary(input : String) : String {
mutable binaryString = "";
for (char in input) {
set binaryString += IntToBinaryString(CharToAscii(char));
return binaryString;
function CharToAscii(char : Char) : Int {
return Microsoft.Quantum.Convert.CharAsInt(char);
function IntToBinaryString(input : Int) : String {
mutable binaryString = "";
for (i in 7 .. -1 .. 0) {
set binaryString += input % 2 == 1 ? "1" | "0";
set input /= 2;
return binaryString;
operation Dies() : Unit {
use qubit = Qubit();
let age = 30;
let rotationAngle = PI() * (age / 100.0);
Ry(rotationAngle, qubit);
use partner = Qubit();
CNOT(qubit, partner);
let result = M(qubit);
let fate = InterpretMeasurementResult(result);
Message($"Fate: {fate}");
operation ApplyComplexOperations(qubit : Qubit) : Unit {
let state = M(qubit);
let angle = GetCustomRotationAngle(state);
Controlled Ry(angle, [qubit], _);
Controlled X(qubit, _);
Controlled Z(qubit, _);
Controlled X(qubit, _);
function GetCustomRotationAngle(state : Result) : Double {
return state == Zero ? PI()/4.0 | PI()/8.0;
function InterpretMeasurementResult(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "Dies" | "Survives";
operation ChangeshisNametoEl() : Unit {
use qubits = Qubit[16];
for (qubit in qubits) {
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
Controlled X(qubits[i], qubits[i + 4]);
let phases = [PI()/2.0, PI()/4.0, PI()/8.0, PI()/16.0];
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
Rz(phases[i], qubits[i]);
for (i in 0 .. 7) {
Controlled Z(qubits[i], qubits[i + 1]);
let measurements = MultiM(qubits);
let finalName = InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements);
Message($"Final Name: {finalName}");
operation EncodeNameEl(qubits : Qubit[]) : Unit {
function InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements : Result[]) : String {
let binaryString = "";
for (result in measurements) {
set binaryString += ResultToBinaryString(result);
let finalName = MapBinaryStringToName(binaryString);
return finalName;
function ResultToBinaryString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function MapBinaryStringToName(binaryString : String) : String {
let mapping = new Dictionary
mapping["01000010"] = "B";
mapping["01000101"] = "E";
mapping["01001100"] = "l";
mapping["01001111"] = "O";
mapping["01010010"] = "R";
return mapping[binaryString];
operation MeditateForEons() : Unit {
use qubits = Qubit[32];
for (qubit in qubits) {
for (i in 0 .. 30) {
Controlled X(qubits[i], qubits[i + 1]);
let phases = [PI()/2.0, PI()/4.0, PI()/8.0, PI()/16.0];
for (i in 0 .. 3) {
Rz(phases[i], qubits[i]);
for (i in 0 .. 15) {
Controlled Z(qubits[i], qubits[i + 2]);
Controlled Z(qubits[i + 1], qubits[i + 3]);
for (i in 0 .. 14) {
Controlled X(qubits[i], qubits[i + 4]);
let measurements = MultiM(qubits);
let wisdom = InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements);
Message($"Wisdom: {wisdom}");
function InterpretMeasurementResults(measurements : Result[]) : String {
let binaryString = "";
for (result in measurements) {
set binaryString += ResultToBinaryString(result);
let interpretation = MapBinaryStringToInterpretation(binaryString);
return interpretation;
function ResultToBinaryString(result : Result) : String {
return result == One ? "1" | "0";
function MapBinaryStringToInterpretation(binaryString : String) : String {
let mapping = new Dictionary
mapping["0000"] = "Existential insights";
mapping["0001"] = "Universal interconnectedness";
mapping["0010"] = "Transcendental unity";
mapping["0011"] = "Higher-dimensional awareness";
mapping["0100"] = "Infinite possibilities";
mapping["0101"] = "Harmony of the cosmos";
mapping["0110"] = "Enlightened compassion";
mapping["0111"] = "Pure consciousness";
mapping["1000"] = "Timelessness";
mapping["1001"] = "Serenity and equanimity";
mapping["1010"] = "Non-duality";
mapping["1011"] = "Eternal Life";
mapping["1100"] = "Unconditional love";
mapping["1101"] = "Unity of all beings";
mapping["1110"] = "Cosmic harmony";
mapping["1111"] = "Enlightenment";
return mapping[binaryString];
I am.