My back still hurts and I depend on Tylenol more than normal, but it's all good. Frankly, that's the least of my problem. I glance at the rumpled piece of paper one last time. Emma Tyson, ninth grade. Trevor Tyson, seventh grade. Lastly, Lizzie Todd and Dana Evans. Those were the only people she conversed with. It makes my work easy.
I smile to myself as the bell jingles and everyone rushes out of the classrooms, heading for their locker. Taking my position, I spot Dana walking out of her classroom and I nod at the principal. She takes a deep breath.
" Ms. Dana?! " her harsh tone cuts through the chattering noise and it dulls to irritating whispers.
She looks over her shoulder, swirls around. " Yes, Principal Wright? "
" Your hair. Change it before coming tomorrow. "
" Before tomorrow? That's impossible. Besides, there's nothing wrong with it. "
The stern woman spins on her heels, nose stuck in the air. " I don't appreciate it's statement, and the dye is just barbaric! "
" Barbaric my ass! I ain't changing nothing! "
Principal Wright's hand curls into a fist and she turns to face Dana again, anger etched on her features. " You dare disobey me young la - "
" Leave her alone. " I come out of hiding and the low whispers stop entirely.
The principal gives me a curt bow. " Mr. Jasher! "
I eye Dana and she's nervously playing with her fingers, gaze locked on her socks. " You shouldn't force a student to change her hairstyle, my father and I don't condone such. There's no rule against braids or dyes, so she's free to wear them. Is that clear? "
She laughs nervously. " Of course. How thoughtless of me. Excuse me, I should go check up on the teachers. " She passes the path cleared out for her by the departing students. I turn to Dana.
" You okay? "
" Y-yeah! Thank you. "
I offer a killer smile. " No biggie. You're that waiter at Creamy Coffee's cafe? "
" Yeah, I help my mom after school. She owns the place. "
" I love that cafe, I go there all the time. Maybe we should hang out sometime, you know, go hiking and stuff? "
She's momentarily stunned, but quickly recovers. " Umm....Sure. I'll let you know when I'm free. "
" Cool. See ya around. "
She nods and races away. I smile at her retreating back. First target is so easy, not to mention gullible.
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