In the heart of Yanhua, where cherry blossoms painted the landscape in hues of pink, Mei Lin grew up as an orphan. Her life was cloaked in mystery and privilege. A sprawling estate housed her, but the absence of parents had been her only constant companion. Unbeknownst to the world, Mei Lin possessed a unique and extraordinary gift—a gift that she had to hide.
The estate itself was a grand testament to her family's legacy. Majestic cherry blossom trees lined the cobblestone pathways, their petals blanketing the ground like a delicate, fragrant carpet. Hidden within the sprawling gardens were secrets, whispers of a family's illustrious past, and the burden of powers yet unawakened.
From a young age, Mei Lin had been told to conceal her gifts, to blend into the world of mortals despite her extraordinary abilities. Her guardian, Lady Sun, was a stern figure who kept her powers shrouded in secrecy, warning of the consequences that might befall her if they were discovered.
But Mei Lin's heart longed for more. Beneath the facade of a privileged heiress, she yearned for a world beyond the mansion's opulent walls, a world where her powers could be explored and understood.