Their eyes met yet again. Akin to her flames which burned the luscious greenery, her ruby eyes met his emeralds.
It happened so often in the past few weeks that she had associated his eyes with the familiar sick sense of 'friendship,' but it was now clear he never reciprocated her thoughts.
And now, their eyes met once again as enemies.
Mani's hands alighted in preparation for a sweep attack but one look at his expression stopped her in her tracks. A look of regret, but regret about what? His betrayal, or the fact she got away? Despite his look, he prepared to dodge.
After a second of hesitation, the flames extinguished. She turned around and bolted the other direction. His surprise lasted only a second before he gave chase.
She was not going to outrun a horse anytime soon, but that was something future Mani will deal with because her past self was too stupid to kill him right when she could. She was weaving through the narrower parts of the trees where his horse would have trouble following. Ducking under branches and swerving past tree trunks.
Her hand cupped her ear as she tried to prevent more blood from dripping. The signs of magic overuse were painted clearly on her skin. Burn marks littered her body, mainly her hands, those would heal soon. The veins around her eyes turned darker and bulged slightly. A few cuts here and there, the one that stood out was the cut on her throat.
The throbbing pain in her earlobe where the soldier ripped her earring off is drowned out by adrenaline and her pounding heartbeat.
Mani fished the earring out of her pocket. The soft red glow indicated that it's still functioning.
As the horse galloped closer, it quickly caught up to her in a matter of seconds. Aerendil leapt off the horse and tackled her to the ground. Mani landed on the ground with a thump, knocking the air out of her lungs. Without the attention of its rider, his horse took the opportunity to take off into the trees.
Aerendil pinned her to the ground. His grip was strong, but he's nevertheless breathing heavily. Mani's breathing was labored as she tried to find the breath that was knocked out of her. There's a long moment of pause as the two of them tried to catch their breaths.
After the moment was over, Mani began to squirm and struggle beneath him. Using every ounce of strength left, she tried shoving him off. She mustered enough energy to burn the hands that were pinning her. He winced but didn't budge. His hands immediately started to heal right after her pathetic attempt at burning it off.
"Human, do not struggle," he breathed out.
"Fuck you! Get. Off. Me!" Mani didn't stop struggling.
Her magic was spent, not only that, but her stamina was also non-existent at this point. Aerendil's grip tightened so much that it started to hurt her.
"I said to stop unless you want me to hurt you!" Aerendil yelled. It was demanding and a chill ran through Mani's spine.
She didn't waste her breath arguing. She couldn't give up, but her body started refusing to follow her will. Her bones gave out and she stopped struggling.
"Why?" she whispered, her voice trembling. Her eyes locked onto his own in a silent plea for understanding amid the chaos of this situation. As she lay there, her heart pounded in her chest like a caged bird desperate to escape, and her gasping breaths were eclipsed by his looming presence.
His breaths hit her face; his hair, tousled and disheveled, framed a face that bore the weight of his actions. "I'm sorry," he evaded her question by apologizing. Something he only rarely did, or so she thought. She didn't know who he even was anymore.
"Where will you take me?" Mani tried again with another question. Hoping that he would at least tell her what her fate was.
"I cannot..." he started but trailed off.
"Please." Mani pleaded with him, trying to grasp at any semblance of the friendship she thought they had.
He sighed. "You will be taken to Fejuhn's dungeons."
He and his comrades were taking her to the closest elven region bordering the deserts of Shamir. What was the point of all this?
"You're an elven soldier..." she said, realizing all the signs were there. "I will stop resisting if you just tell me why?! Why would you do this to me? I thought..."
Mani closed her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. The adrenaline was fading; the reality of the situation was hitting her like a brick, but she's not upset about being captured, no, she's upset he would betray her like this.
"It would be better if you did not know."
"Don't you dare give me that bullshit, you son of a bitch! You... You were the one who questioned my intentions; you were the one who doubted me! And yet here you are, being the traitor!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice cracked and trembled.
As all the times he questioned her intentions flashed through her mind, the pieces all came together. He was projecting his own insecurities onto her. He wanted her to be a traitor, a bad person. He wanted a reason to antagonize her so he could make himself feel better.
She cursed herself for being foolish and overlooking all the signs.
He opened his mouth to speak but the sound of approaching horses caught his attention. The source of the noise revealed themselves and out came his sister leading more soldiers to Mani and Aerendil.
"Well done, Aeren. Let us return."
Aerendil glanced at Mani before his gaze returned to his sister. "Understood, sister."
This time, the new batch of soldiers were more competent and prepared. Mani didn't resist at all as she's shackled with anti-magic chains. Even as they shoved her around, even as they mocked her earlier attempt at escape, even as they threw insults at her for burning their fellow soldiers.
She didn't speak, only hopelessly staring at the ground. Aerendil didn't speak further.
As she was lead towards their secret camp, Mani's thousand-yard stare permeated the scene in front of her. Aerendil's sister lead the group on her horse. Aerendil rode beside her but they didn't speak. Several elven soldiers surrounded Mani with one of them holding onto her chains.
They went overboard with the restraining. Two shackles on her wrist, two on her ankles and even one on her neck. All her possessions were confiscated, her rings, earring, weapons and even her shoes were taken.
When they arrived, it looked nothing like a camp. In fact, it looked like a normal part of the forest. It's only when Aerendil and his sister disappeared as they walked into some sort of invisible forcefield then the camp was revealed. As Mani walked through, she was taken aback by the number of soldiers inside. It's not a lot by normal standards, but in this case, they were hiding in enemy territory. Ten soldiers, including the two burned ones, the three escorting her, Aerendil and his sister, and three more tending to the injured soldiers.
The soldiers who were already in the camp looked up when they entered. Their gaze immediately fell on Mani. Everyone went silent. After a few seconds, one of them spoke.
"So that is the one you claim to be royal?" said the freckled one.
"Yes, the mission is accomplished. We will set out once Rune and Wuna are well enough to move." Aerendil's sister replied as she dismounted the horse.
Mani's eyes widen when she heard 'royal.' How did they...
Her eyes instinctually land on Aerendil but he avoided her eyes. She's pulled away by a brunette soldier and thrown into a cage.
Aerendil and his sister disappeared into a tent as the rest of the soldiers relaxed. Two of them were standing guard near her cage.
Mani leaned back in the cage and stared out into the forest. If it weren't for the current circumstances, it would feel like another peaceful afternoon. The ones she used to have, even with Aerendil around.
Mani didn't know how much time had passed but her thoughts were startled when a familiar voice reached her ears.
"We need you to answer some questions, human," Aerendil said, standing on the other side of the small cage.
Mani apathetically turned to him. "No thanks."
"You don't have any choice in the matter, I'm afraid," his sister said as she joined Aerendil and stood by his side.
Mani's eyes flitted to each sibling. They looked almost identical. The only major difference was their attire, his sister donned the golden and green armor while Aerendil was in more normal clothes. Clothes that Mani provided.
"So you will torture information out of me?" Mani said after a moment.
"If we have to," Aerendil replied, and his sister sighed.
"We will not be torturing you, my dear. There is no need to," his sister said, which caused Aerendil to look at her with an expression of puzzlement.
"Ah, right. I have not introduced myself. My name is Elanor. You are Mani, correct?" his sister introduced herself, but Mani didn't answer. The way she spoke was eloquent, it somehow matched Aerendil's speech when he wasn't bickering with Mani.
"Yes, of course, you must be upset. My deepest apologies, but you must understand. We are losing this war. It may be shameful but having you as a trading card will be useful to King Dregg." Elanor continued to speak despite Mani not contributing to the conversation.
Aerendil cut her off before she could continue. "Sister, you talk too much."
Elanor paused and scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "Ah, you are right as always, Aeren. But still, don't you think she deserves an explanation? You must think so too."
Aerendil glanced at Mani but turned away with his eyes closed only a moment later.
"There is nothing to explain."
"Aeren, human or elf, she is still a person."
"I know—"
"Then you must know that the least we could do is provide her a reason for what you did." Elanor interrupted and he huffed.
Elanor seemed like a reasonable person, but Mani wasn't going to make that same mistake again. After all, these elves were conniving bastards who have no empathy.
Elanor ordered the soldiers standing guard to follow her, allowing Aerendil a moment alone with Mani. As much as Mani wanted to cuss him out, the want to not talk to him ever again overpowered the want to berate him. Aerendil stayed quiet as he analyzed her glare.
Aerendil sighed and sat down on the ground. He rested the back of his head on the bars of the cage and stared up at the sunset.
"You must be livid."
"That's an understatement."
He massaged his temples. "That's understandable."
The silence that followed was loud. As always, Mani broke the silence.
"You won't understand," he said.
Mani leaned forward, furious. "I obviously will not understand if you don't explain!" she yelled but calmed down right after, rubbing her face in frustration.
"Don't talk to me like that."
"I'll talk to a traitor however the hell I want."
"I–Tch. You call me a traitor as if we were friends or something."
Mani was about to retort but she couldn't. He just confirmed her suspicions, he never considered her a friend. Her chest tightened at the thought.
"I see," she muttered, failing to hide the tremble in her voice. When she fell silent, Mani slumped backward until her back hit the cage's bars again.
He didn't leave, however. He just sat there in the same position. The silence prolonged out of the realm of comfortability. This time, Mani didn't break the silence like she usually did. He did it instead.
"That symbol. The mark on your back, which is the symbol of the long extinct royal family. Why do you have it?" he said, his face turned slightly toward her.
Mani's face scrunched in confusion. "When did you see it?"
"It doesn't matter when. Answer my question."
"I didn't take you to be some sort of pervert." Mani scoffed and turned away.
Even with that reaction, she still provided an answer knowing it won't satisfy him.
"You're talking about the red spider lily? You orchestrated this whole shebang after seeing my mark? Did it not occur to you that it might be fake?" she questioned him with a tone of disbelief.
"Of course, that isn't all I went on, do you take me for a fool?"
"Of course, I do."
He groaned, frustrated that she wouldn't answer his question yet again. "I did consider the fact it could be fake, but then you showed your eyes. You had the right idea in hiding them. The mark coupled with the eyes was what confirmed it for me. Now answer my damn question," He demanded.
"Apparently, I have it so you can use it as an excuse to—"
"Do not play these stupid games, human."
"Fuck you." She looked out into the camp, observing the soldiers going about their routine. They seemed more relaxed, probably because they could go home soon.
"I don't know how or why I have it but I am trying to find out. I was born with it and that's all I know. That is the truth.'
"Unlike you, I prefer to avoid lying when I can."
"Human, this is serious."
"I know, fuckwad. I'm telling the truth, up to you to believe it or not."
Aerendil's head snapped back toward her, and two glaring stares locked in a moment of psychological battle.
"Now, remember the rules? I answered your question, it's only fair you answer mine." Mani didn't give him a chance to refuse as she immediately continued.
"Why did you do this?"