Chereads / The Last Prince of Rennaya / Chapter 86 - The Novas of The Shadow Division

Chapter 86 - The Novas of The Shadow Division

Over the skies of Abuja, Tai and Tomi vs Dacaari...

The Nova knew it was all of nothing. He needed to make every strike count and conserve his energy. 'This day was not going to end early.' He thought as the Prince sized him up while checking out his new grey and red Nova suit. When Dacaari was done, he burst out laughing.

"Do none of you humans, wield your own power?" Dacaari asked amazed.

Tai was about to answer, however, just then, the Nigerian Guardian arrived by his side. "I'm here to assist you." The man greeted, as Tai nodded back.

"Be careful, he's dangerous." The Nova advised while Tomi assessed the threat before them.

The Prince was impressed by how they faced him. Intriguing him so much so, that it brought about his playful nature. "A two-on-one... Even so, this isn't enough. Hmm, I don't even want to move from this spot. The view of this city from up here is beautiful, but I'm bored, and if you can't cure my boredom-" He raised his right hand to the side and conjured up a massive fireball, condensed over with telekinetic force. While pointing it towards a crowded part of the city.

"I will just find someone who can." He concluded with an unnerving grin.

Alarmed, Tomi immediately rushed at him, while Tai first tried calling him back, then decided to follow behind him. However moments before they could reach him, Dacaari lifted his other hand and threw forth a wide shockwave, throwing the Guardian back, while the Nova resisted.

Through the force, Tai could see that the man was enjoying this. Two miniature spheres of fire manifested, within his palms, before he smashed them together in front of him.

"Ignite: Chun Huo." The Nova yelled, as a white-hot beam of fire, spiralling light streaks of blue, erupted out of the collision of spheres and jetted towards the Prince.

Instead of fearing for his life, the Prince smiled and dissipated the fireball, then placed both of his hands in front of him, as five large slates of rock and metal, suddenly appeared before him, at his command. Cracks of air lined the slates as they settled in one uniform line before him, and shielded him from the fire. "Solkyr, Marg Eyr!"

Even with each of the slates, covered with telekinetic force, they shattered, before the beam moved on the next, before finally reaching the Prince, who remained facing it without fear. When the Nova stopped his attack to see the man's state, he was furious.

'How much was he holding back?' Tai thought angrily. 'He hadn't even transformed yet.'

Dacaari seemed like an unshatterable wall that he couldn't hope to dent. However, he didn't want to back down. He started preparing another ball of fire in his palm, but before he could finish he watched the Prince deflect a lightning strike, summoned by the Guardian, then the man raised his hand, high above his head and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Solkyr, Kol Olcera."

There was a low rumbling for a moment before a sudden outburst of weapons made out of lava, shot out of the ground like fireworks. Rampaging in all directions on fire, he wrapped them in telekinetic force.

The Nova managed to blow apart a few coming right at him but then hurried to get outta the way, as the heaviest outpour continued from around the Prince. Who stood floating at the center, as it rippled into the city. People screamed and ran for cover, however, there was almost nothing that could shield them from the burning swords, and axes.

Tomi was furious. He kept darting his eyes around quickly, as he tried to intercept as many as he could with volleys of fire before they reached civilians. Then gave up, as his glare settled on Dacaari. "Nova, is there a way to reach him?" He asked Tai, who had just been pushed back close to him.

The Nova looked him over, then took in the scene of the city below. He could tell how angry, the Guardian was, as he was too. He didn't know how he'd feel if it was his city, however, the reality of the threat reaching his home was likely if they couldn't stop them there. It wasn't easy being a Nova and it sometimes felt overwhelming to him.

However, each time he saw the other Novas get stronger and surpass themselves, it would motivate him once again to give it his all. The Nova looked back at Tomi with reaffirmed confidence. "Cover me, I'll make it to him.."

The reddish-orange vein marks coursing along his body glowed harder and pulsed faster, as he began to gather energy. The Prince looked at Tai and wondered with interest, what he was going to do next as the outpour of burning weapons below him, continued to rain down on the city.

A group of the Gen 3 Novas and Nigeria's Anti-Alien task force., rushed in to evacuate people out of the center. Tai's anger continued to skyrocket, due to the Dacaari's smug look as he egged them on.

The Nova covered his eyes with his left hand, as a light flame burst out and covered his eyes. However, they weren't hot, instead as he revealed his technique, the fire had shrunk down into two rotating clear lenses, spinning at high speed.

"Ignite: Eyes of the Monkey King." He said, as he rubbed the last flame on and dropped his hand to his side. The lens looked like transparent glass, with wisps of smoke and sprites of fire connecting the two, complete with a strap around his head, boosting his observational iko.

He got into a battle stance.

After a lot of training, he found his own ways to efficiently make use of his element in combat. 'He isn't a child of Atlas, but he is still strong.' Tai reminded himself, as he cooled his nerves. One moment was all he needed.

The Gaurdian smiled and raised a hand towards him. "Get him." He said, as he raised his hand towards the Nova and manifested him an armour of static electricity, to boost his speed.

"Thanks," Tai replied, then rocketed off towards the Prince. Thousands of projectiles blocked his way, as he sidestepped, dodged and blasted apart each burning attack.

His eyes were working in overtime, as the lenses spun in place and continued to help him see each weapon faster and predict where they were coming from. Which gave him the freedom to focus his other senses on the Prince.

'Twenty meters,' He thought as he drew his new red and silver versillium sword, which Saphyra had specially designed for him. The barrage had become far more intense as he got closer to the center. Yet he continued to parry any that came in his way, without losing sight of Dacaari.

'Ten meters.' 

The Prince, who had been curiously watching his unnatural movements, smiled as he started to brace himself since he had felt something coming.

The Nova switched his sword to his left hand as he gathered fire in his right, burning white-hot, with wisps of blue. "Now Tomi!"

Two strikes of lightning were summoned, both aiming for the same vicinity. With one, the Guardian had struck a burning clump of metal and debris, which he had managed to raise with static electricity into the sky, then moulted it into the shape of a sword, before Tai had set fire to it. It had taken them a tremendous amount of effort to not let Dacaari notice what they were doing, but worth it with what they would achieve.

"Static: Sword of the Stone King." Tomi, yelled, as both the lightning he summoned, and Tai's fire, aided its descent. 

The makeshift burning sword, rocketed down towards the Prince, as he looked up. Surprised by the attempt, but yet nonetheless unimpressed.

There was a loud crack and a deafening explosion when the sword finally reached Dacaari's telekinetic barrier. A cluster of cracks shattered the air around him as smoke, dust and burning debris covered his vicinity. He felt taken lightly by what they had just thrown at him and irritatedly wanted to resume his focus back to the Nova.

"What are they up to?" He asked before quickly raising both of his arms in front of his face while shifting into first gear.

"Ignite: Huǒ Quán!" Tai yelled as his fist burned white-hot, powered by reddish-orange flames, with a dash of blue fire. Then, connected with the Prince's arms, the impact shook the city and sent Dacaari on a collision course to the center.

The Nova and the Guardian rushed there, hoping to see him down, or at the very least injured. However, what they saw instead, was him standing up amongst the rubble with a completely different demeanour.

"Ahhh, That was good. I didn't expect to be surprised like that." He brushed off the dust on his suit and fixed his undone, long brown hair, sprawled over his face. "You humans are different. I'll give you the respect you asked for."

An ominous silence followed his words, as his hair suddenly and slowly flashed completely silver, several times as incredible pressure seemed to begin emanating from him. The very earth beneath them began to shake, while white-lined cracks fizzled in and out of the air around them. Vibrating rapid shocks paralyzed the pair, as they braced an intense circular outburst of fire, flaring from the Prince.

Dacaari grinned as his hair settled into an even mix of brown and silver, while his storm green eyes seemed to rip right through them. Explosions and gunfire, resounded not so far away, as the Prince's Command Spaceship returned to the city's skies, to resume its domain of terror, after having downed several of Beyond's vessels.

Tai and Tomi were perplexed. They knew that the threat level of the mission was high, however, the gap in strength between them and their opponent, was far greater than they nor Saphyra could have anticipated. Although Beyond had been monitoring the Kirosian Sector, ever since Mado and Rael visited the Solar System, there was almost no info they could gather, about the Dark Kings' children.

They had always been off-world, conquering and terraforming planets in the Dark Sector. An area still unfamiliar to the Federation, and seemingly teethed with the unknown.

"Move!" The Nova yelled back at the Gaurdian, startling him from the monster he could not tear his gaze from. Tai hit Tomi with a burst of fire to begin his momentum, while frantically manifesting him a flame dome to shield him as best as he could.

However, there was nothing he could do. As he leaped back and raised his arms, an instant flash of telekinetic force and fire, whipped past him as Dacaari appeared in front of the dome with cracks of shattered air and kicked it, spinning as he did so.

Exposed, Tomi quickly raised his arms to cover his face as he called forth lightning, then exploded it out of himself in a shockwave of electricity, but as he watched the Prince withstand it and continue to kick him once more. He knew he had lost.

His arms shattered first, as his head spun back 180 degrees, before Dacaari struck him down once and for all, from the air. Tai unable to do anything, could only roar back in return as he tried to summon courage. The Guardian had managed to buff him with static electricity and the last of his energy before he passed. He hated being powerless. 'What can I do?' He thought as he raised his fire to his utmost limits. "I'll bring you down no matter what!"

The Prince grinned, then shook his head, as he wrapped his hands in lava, fire and telekinetic force. "No, you won't."

Provoked, the Nova freed himself from all of his doubts. "Ignite: Sun King, Loongscale Battle Robe!" A wild burst of fire, manifested and whipped around his body, then mixed harmoniously with the static electricity, that had been left for him. There wasn't anything left, it was all or nothing.

The Prince reciprocated his charge, resounding a shockwave that rattled his bones along with the sieged city. Yet he yelled and continued to strike, as he tried to find an opening. However, all he could do was watch as Dacaari blocked every one of his strikes as if he were in training, then felt the breeze as he was knocked off his feet, with the Prince's counterattack.

Flying hundreds of meters away, before his opponent reappeared behind him, elbow first as Dacaari locked fists with the other hand to help dig it deeper into his back. Tai gasped as he choked on his air and heard his spine crack. There wasn't a moment to register the pain as the Prince finished off his combo and crashed him out of the sky. 

Every building in their vicinity was levelled, or burning. Tai laid faced down in a crater, in the most intense amount of pain he had ever felt in his life and unable to move. Dacaari's footsteps were close, but his voice reached him even faster.

"You humans are fascinating. I wish I could have faced your Commander, Tobi, but you gave me hope that maybe one of you can give me the battle I've been looking for." Tai could barely see the Prince but could make out the unsatisfied look on his face.

'How many losses was this now?' The Nova thought to himself. ' The child of Atlas, Arcah...The Dai Hito, Tose and now the Kirosian Prince.' His mind descended into defeat, as he lost all hope.

"I... am not a Nova." He finally admitted, as he gripped the dirt beneath his hands desperately, before releasing them, as he completely took in the failure of his duties. 

Dacaari looked him over as a small core of lava manifested and hovered above his palm before he set fire to it. He shook his head, then used telekinetic force to pressurize the burning sphere. "It's not your fault, it's just the weakness of your species. If you were never meant to fly, you shouldn't have."

Tai cursed, as he braced for the end, however he had started to feel a large amount of energy coming from a third party up above them. Volleys of the five elements targeted the prince, forcing him to jump back away from the Nova. Angry, he didn't hesitate though to increase the size and might of his attack, before launching his sphere at his ambushers instead. 

The seven were equipped with all-black stealth suits, similar to the Nova suits, but came along with matching mask-like helmets, hiding their identities. Bands spelling 'Beyond,' etched out on their right arms, while the left had their digits printed in the same font.

Four of the seven had already landed, surrounding Tai in an 'A' - like formation, as they raised their defences. Two of them ignored the situation and began reaching into their packs, for boosters and medicine to treat the Nova. The last, before dropping down behind them, aimed at the Prince's sphere and threw his hands forth.

"Ignite: Static Cannon!"

A concentrated beam of fire, lava and electricity, intercepted the attack with equal might. Blowing back, boulders, dust and terrain as the two parties faced each other. Dacaari was angry, but an inexplainable feeling was beginning to well up within him, after witnessing what the last one had done. 

"Another Blessed Abnormal?... But there was supposed to be no more left on Earth?" His confusion turned to excitement, as he started to raise his energy. He grinned, while adrenaline rushed through his veins and an ominous aura emanated from him, unnerving his guests, before he addressed them. "I wasn't aware that there was another capable defending force on Earth, other than the Guardians or the Novas. I was just about to kill that one. So... who might you all be?"

The one at the forefront with the number '004,' stepped up and cleared her throat. "We are Novas of the Shadow Division. Prince Dacaari of Kiros, for the benefit of the Federation, Beyond has given us the order for your removal."

The Prince started to laugh, loudly. "I just settled here... Remove me from what?" Although he asked the question, he wasn't planning on waiting for a reply. In the next moment, he raised his hands and quickly manifested another miniature Sun within a second, then fired it at the group, unforgiving of their audacity.

However, in the split seconds after, a dense dome manifested from the ground up out of all five elements and shielded the group. Dacaari, again watched perplexed as his attack connected with the dome and caused a devastating explosion. Yet the dome had barely caved apart but was allowed so when the smoke had cleared.

004, who was still standing in the same position, unsheathed her sword and raised her energy, as her comrades did the same. "From this world of course." She replied to his earlier question.

The last one that had landed, had the number 003 etched on his left arm. To the Prince, he was the one he could not seem to tear his eyes off of and had the most aura emanating from him. When he spoke, they all listened.

"Shadows, engage." Seemed to be the words they were waiting for, as the six all shifted into second gear, then leaped at Dacaari, launching an all-out assault. The Prince laughed, as he defended and reciprocated each strike, then teleported whenever they got too close, embracing the challenge.

003 stood by the fallen Nova and began treating him, using his ice abilities. Tai had kept himself awake, confused about what was happening. He had never heard of the Shadow Division, or the fact that there were other Novas, aside from the ones he had been with.

However, the biggest question that bugged his mind was the identity of the Shadow that was treating him. Tai knew that the dome that was raised was only created with a single iko. Which meant it came from the man before him, along with the attack he had first used, who he was only familiar with Tobi and Kiala using. 

'Who was he?' The question wrung through the Nova's mind as he struggled for an answer.

003 started to speak, startling Tai out of his thoughts. "Your spine should be mended back together soon and the booster will help dissipate the pain temporarily."

Tai raised his head, he was shuddering, as the pain started to alleviate. He didn't know what to think anymore. Part of him wanted to fight, but the other half of him was defeated. Yet he still wanted to find out the identity of the familiar person before him. 

He felt as though he had met 003 somewhere before, but couldn't pinpoint where. The iko was familiar, as well as the voice.

The man, continued as Tai started to be able to feel his lower abdomen again. "Nova, you cannot fall. The world still needs you." Citizens of the Federation, watched through the telemonitors and Sarah's World, as the man reached his hand out to Tai, hoping for the Nova to get back up.

"We need you to take down the dragon, in Cameroon. You are the only one left on Earth, that can produce flames, great enough to defeat one." 003 begged him out of desperation, but at the same time, he carried a tone of authority, similar to Tobi.

Tai thought to himself for a moment as he thought of how to respond. He didn't have the strength to fight anymore and was still heavily injured. 'Why do they still believe in me?' He asked himself, as the shame of his defeats washed over him. However, why was he thinking of the Commander at this time? 

He remembered watching Tobi on his debut, in the first Battle of Earth. How he fell, but got back up. He had always wanted to be a hero just like that, but now facing the same moment, he had never felt so naïve. He made peace with himself, that not everyone, gets back up.

Again, 003 shook him out of his thoughts. "Please, without you our land will burn." 

To Tai, part of the man's words seemed to be coming from immediate concern. He took his hand and helped himself up, as the realization started to come to him. Only one person came to mind from that family. The only one that refused to greet the Novas at the funeral.

Even though defeated, he knew he would never concede a fight to anyone else, however, if it was the person he was thinking of, he didn't mind. It even felt right.

He looked the man in, where he thought his eyes would be on his blank-black carbon mask. Almost confirming his iko. It was magnitudes larger than what it was before when he had first seen him, but he almost felt at ease, that one of them was still fighting with them.

"You are just like your brother." He smiled, startling 003 back a little. Wondering if the Nova had figured out his identity. Yet, the Nova didn't press any further. "You have my word, I'll bring it down... Just... don't lose."

The man nodded, then called the Shadows back. "007, take the Nova to the dragon subjugation effort. Then, assist against the Kirosian Generals around the continent." 

007 nodded, then stepped towards Tai, as he let them place a hand on his shoulder. The Nova looked at 003 once more, before 007 shattered the air around them and teleported the both of them towards Cameroon.

003 sighed, then turned towards his remaining comrades. Dacaari had just landed back in the vicinity, with his clothes slightly singed and tattered however the World had not yet seen him this excited. 

"You let the Nova go. As if I'm not going to kill him and all of you here today." He addressed, slightly annoyed by Tai's disappearance.

003, glanced at him as he spoke, but chose to ignore him for now. "Each of you has a list of the Kirosian Generals, invading the continent. Take them all out by the hour."

"Roger." The Shadows all spoke in unison, then simultaneously launched up into the sky and flew off in different directions.

"That was a bad move." The words, the Prince threw at him, had no weight to him, but it did make the Shadow turn around with a different expression.

"But you let them go, after all you just said. Could it be, that you were scared or were you just too tired to fight us all at once?" 003 replied, making Dacaari grin out of anger. 

He didn't want to lose his cool. However, defeating a blessed abnormal would raise his status within Kiros amongst his other half-siblings and potential King Candidates. He couldn't let this chance slip up.

"Don't worry I'll go after all of them, once I'm done with you. Earth is already ours. It's only a matter of time." The Prince brandished his sword, as he started to gather energy.

003 shook his head, then sighed, as violet vein-like marks, streamed across his body, ending his transformation with all five elements, orbiting him in chaos, as he held them back from bursting outward. 

"In the Division, we're not allowed to bring our feelings into the missions we carry out. A zero-tolerance policy..." As the Shadow spoke, Dacaari could feel his body slightly tremble, a way he had only felt when the Dark Kings were angry.

The Shadow drew his sword, behind his back. Beaming up its plasma edge and coating the other with the remaining four elements. He swung it around as he pointed at all the carnage the Prince had left behind. "However, what you've done here is unforgivable!"

Dacaari grinned, relishing his accusations. "Then what? Are you the one that's supposed to stop me?"

A large burst of roho iko, emanated from the both of them, as the tension between them grew. Colliding, and resulting in a shockwave of force, signalling the mark to strike. People of the Federation, though scared and in an array of panic, watched on, wondering the identities of the masked Shadows and what was to come.