Chereads / The Last Prince of Rennaya / Chapter 65 - The Messian Village

Chapter 65 - The Messian Village

"Ria why'd you disappear like that?" A voice called out to them from high above.

Tobi looked up, seeing four figures floating above them, but the Sun's gleam made it hard for him, see their faces. Nevertheless he knew he was at their mercy, as their strength was on par with some of the Novas.

"The Elder told me to keep a look out while we hunted, for we may find something unexpected. When I heard a loud explosion, I had to come check it out." Ria explained to them, then glanced back at Tobi. "You, what is your name? Do you speak our language."

Tobi nodded as his suits translator helped him adjust to their speech. "I am Tobi, of Earth. I was accidentally stranded here on this planet. Thank you for saving me."

She smiled, and helped him up. "You're welcome. I have never seen a Rennayan with brown eyes. Are the people of your planet all like you?" She asked as she gave him some bread, from her satchel.

Tobi smiled weakly and accepted it. "I am half Rennayan, but my people are made of many races, with different shades of eyes. I am still a rare case among them."

"That's so cool!" She said, excited to be learning more about him. She looked back up at her friends, who were still glaring at him with caution. "He seems nice, you don't mind if I bring him back to the village?"

They looked him over once more, seeing his injuries and malnourished state. Then the one that spoke up earlier, responded back. "Do as you wish, but if anything happens, it'll be your responsibility."

She smiled at him, as he looked away blushing, then smiled back at Tobi. "I'm Ria by the way." She pointed up at each of her friends introducing them. "The loud one is Kiatin, the bigger one, Jinco, and the shy one is Rani."

"I'm not shy!" Rani exclaimed.

Ria laughed. "Then stop hiding behind Jinco and come say hi."

Rani stayed quiet. Ria gave her a playful smile then turned back once again to Tobi. "Would you like to come to our village? You're not dangerous are you?"

Tobi gave her a smile. "I'm not that type of person. I appreciate the offer, but can I bring one more person with me?"

She looked at him confused as he turned back to the forest and called out. "Sarah!"

On command, the drone dropped down, out of the sky beside him. "She's my companion."

Ria looked the e-drone over. "It's like an


"Wow more Messian's. This is a historical find Tobi!" Sarah exclaimed.

Tobi smiled. "Yes, and they want to take us to their settlement. Wanna dock for sometime until we get there?"

The drone shook left to right, indicating a 'no.' "No, I want to document and record everything I see on this planet. Make sure to top me up when you have enough energy."

Tobi nodded. "Sounds good."

"Incredible it talks! It's been decades since we've seen technology like this." Ria interrupted.

Tobi frowned. "How long have you guys been here?" He knew they couldn't have been native to this planet.

Ria thought about it for a moment, then responded. "We crashed around 80 years ago as children."

Tobi was in shock. He was still skeptical of Acryus's claim of being over 80 years old, but decided to accept that some species were just beyond his understanding.

The one named Jinco called out to them. He seemed to be carrying a large amount of game, telekinetically behind him. "Come on, we have to get going before the Sun sets."

"Alright, alright." Ria replied, then glanced back at Tobi. "You ready to go? We'll have to fly back, teleporting releases a large amount of iko and attracts monsters and animals alike."

Tobi nodded and tried to take a step, but immediately felt nauseous and almost fainted. His strength was fading drastically and it was a miracle he'd been able to stay awake for so long. He'd been fighting his side effects, while gritting his teeth.

She smiled, then raised one hand as he began to float. "Don't worry, I've gotchu."

It took them one hour, before the village was finally in sight, crossing over many territories amounting to the size of a few countries. However, during that time, Tobi couldn't help but feel embarrassed as Kiatin kept sneaking deadly stares at him, while he was being carried telekinetically by Ria.

"Whoa! What a remarkable village!" Sarah exclaimed as they got closer.

The walls were built solidly high like a fortress, with massive bricks, cut out with precision out of clay. There were many portable tents with a large one in the center, similar to the ones Tobi had seen on Caspion. However crude houses made of clay, stone and wood, were more abundant all around the village. He could sense, about over a hundred people were living there.

"This is the fourth village we had had to make. Stampedes from animals migrating, made it hard to find a safe place to live. However as we got older, we were finally able to help the Elder protect our village." Ria explained.

They touched down at the gates as it was telekinetically pulled open and within moments many people rushed to greet them. All stopping short as they saw Tobi and the floating drone.

He could tell from their appearance that they were all Messian's, however there was a minority of mixed people, with blue and purple eyes, indicating some Rennayan heritage. They all wore crude villager clothes, with some wearing jewelry of animal bones and gems.

Seeing the people a little wary, didn't phase Ria at all, as she called out to her fellow villagers. "Everyone! We're back and we've brought lots of food with us!"

Her mood was contagious, bringing back cheers and joy to the people. There were still some people suspicious of Tobi, which she noticed and promptly addressed after the cheers had died down. "And..." She raised her hand towards Tobi, as he continued to observe the crowd. "We finally have our first visitor. His name is Tobi, of Earth, he came from off-world. Let us show him the hospitality of our village, with a great feast!"

From suspicion to joy, the people erupted even louder, looking forward to the feast to come. Then they began to fan out, preparing the village, for a joyous occasion.

A large table was raised near the center of the tent, while several of the younger villagers moulded out chairs. Others went to work skinning and preparing the meat the hunting party had collected. Ria took him to a small hut, that seemed to not have been used in a long time, as he continued to smell aromas of food being prepared in large pots to accommodate the population.

"Sorry it's probably not what you're used to, but it's the only available hut not being used for storage." She said, as he looked around.

The dusty and empty old place was crudely put together and ridden with cobwebs. She gave him some more bread from her satchel and a dried piece of meat before leaving.

"I'll be back with some sheets you can use to sleep, for now, make yourself at home and rest up. I'll call you when it's time to eat." She said as she made her way out of the hut.

Now it was just him and Sarah. Tobi let out a sigh of relief, finally feeling a little safe. However a second later, as he began to chew on his snack, there was a loud knock outside of his hut, as Kiatin walked in.

"Can I help you?" Tobi asked. He didn't really trust the guy and knew Kiatin felt the same.

"Foreigner, let me be clear. I don't trust you nor do I think I ever will, but if you do anything to bring harm to the village or Ria. Know that you will be killed." The intensity of his words, were backed up with a strong outpour of roho iko, meant to bring Tobi down to his knees.

But to his surprise, Tobi stood his ground, releasing an equal amount of pressure to counteract his assertion. They stared each other down, as the walls began to crack.

Then Tobi sighed, releasing his pressure. "Believe me, I don't want to be here, but I appreciate you and your village for accommodating me. You have my word, I will bring no harm to your people. I only wish to find a way back home."

Kiatin scoffed and shook his head as he began to leave. "There is no way off of this planet. You best accept reality as it is."

Tobi watched him walk out then sighed once more, as Sarah bopped around him. "That guy was intense." She said once he was out of earshot.

"I know... let's forget about him. For now, let's make this place more like home."

He placed out his hands as he raised a large bed out of the ground, fixed the cracks in the walls, and reinforced the broken door with a lock for privacy. Then raised a few walls in a corner, to make a bathroom, shower and sink. All with outlets going outside and into the ground.

He laid down on the bed, as Ria came in ten minutes later, to give him fur sheets. She was surprised by the way he designed his little house and asked him to do the same for her later. Which he immediately agreed.

Before long the time of the feast had come, which made him more relieved, as he was still famished. He sat at one of the massive tables with Ria, Rani and Jinco, as the villagers played loud music and danced in the deep of the night.

Lanterns were lit, and hung in every corner as kids and people continued to chatter, while some came to greet him, welcoming him to the village. Kiatin sat with some of the other members of the village, as a woman stood up from the table and began to sing, which Sarah happily recorded.

The whole village seemed through Tobi's eyes, like one large family and while the woman reached the middle of the song, he found himself crying, unknowingly. Ria looked at him, and whispered. "Whatever you've been through, you've been holding it in all this time haven't you?"

He stayed silent, but wiped away his tears. He didn't realize he had been thinking of Osei, Kiala, his family and all of his friends that were on Rennaya with him.

She whispered once more, as he calmed down. "Finish your food. In a bit, we have to go see the Elder."

Thirty minutes later...

Ria walked him to the middle of the camp, towards main tent. It seemed like the most well taken care of part of the village, with a garden of flowers, surrounding it.

As they entered Tobi, could feel incredible pressure, suddenly being unleashed, onto him, causing his heart to race, as if he had just walked into a lion's den. He looked up, seeing an elderly lady, seated in a small throne-like chair in the middle. Her eyes were red, but aged with time. Wrinkles etched her skin, slightly hidden by the white robes she wore, along with a small cane by her side.

He looked to his left, seeing Ria stagger, struggling to stay standing, but refusing to transform. Most likely as to not insult the elder. However he had no such responsibilities. Without hesitation he released back an equal amount of pressure, protecting Ria and himself from the threat in front of them.

In response the old lady began to laugh, but coughed midway as one attendant with her rushed to give her some water. She cleared her throat before she began to speak. "So you're finally here, foreign warrior?"

Tobi frowned, 'what did she mean?' He looked at her dead in the eye. "You've been expecting me?"

"Excuse my introduction, but I was verifying something for myself. My name is Mira, the Elder of this village. You have traveled a long way from home, haven't you, young Tobi?" She asked.

He was a little surprised that she knew his name, but took in a villager may have informed her. Yet something about her seemed more than meets the eye.

"Yes I have and I am trying to find my way back. Our records had taught me that Messian's were one of the most advanced race in our Galaxy at one point. Do you have or know of any spaceships available?" He asked earnestly.

"To what? Go back and face an enemy that nearly killed you? The one that took your brother, your allies and one of your friends?" She asked with contempt.

Tobi staggered back. 'How could she know that?' His voice trembled as he spoke, realizing that she knew more about what had happened then he did. "How... How..." He was unable to complete his words, as hot flashes of the events on Rennaya invaded his vision. Atlas defeating them and his brother's death, blurred his vision with hatred.

"Calm down... I will explain everything. Messian women, typically past the age of giving birth are capable of sending their iko into the future. When it comes back, it is unknown what will be seen, but it costs an unpredictable amount of life out of the user, to gain good results." She took one more sip of her water, as he digested down all the information. Sarah was recording on, quietly as well.

"After I crashed here, with many of the children of the settlement, it took everything I had to keep them alive for 50 years, till they had matured a bit and were capable of fending for themselves. Still, I started to worry about their future, as this planet was not suitable for them to live prosperly in. Which is why I enacted a technique to read the future, as all my attempts to escape the planet, had failed." Tobi and Ria hung on every word she spoke, looking back at her, he could tell this was the first time, she was hearing this side of the story.

Tobi, held up his hand for a moment, wanting to ask a question. She paused and nodded. "Was the settlement near Rennaya?"

Mira nodded in affirmation. "Yes it was, but there were many others on asteroids near the planet."

It was a long shot, but he wanted to ask anyway, for the sake of one of the Nova's newest members. "Did you know of a Messian named Acyrus? Was he on your settlement?"

She shook her head. "I don't think I can recall that name."

He was disappointed, but beside him, he felt Ria begin to shake. "What's wrong?" He asked, worried.

Streams of tears streaked down her cheek. She covered her face as it began to flush red. "He's alive. That's... Acryus was my brother's name. We were separated during the attack."

He smiled. Then turned toward the e-drone. "Sarah, pull up Acryus's training files and show her."

Sarah happily obliged, as she took Ria to a corner to update her on her long lost brother. Tobi smiled once more as they left, then turned back to the Elder. "I'm sorry for interrupting."

"Not at all my dear. Instead, you've given me, yet another reason to trust you." She smiled weakly. He could tell she was completely worn out, and not as strong as she used to be. Deducing that the e first iko release, might've have taken a toll on her.

"I'm sorry but I still have a few more questions before you continue." He asked, politely.

The Elder nodded. "Go ahead."

He was scared to ask this question, but he had to know. "Are my friends still alive?"

Her expression became solemn, yet she continued to answer, as she thought it would be best to ease his mind a bit. "All of them survived, with major wounds, except for one, who fought bravely to keep you all alive. For if that child had escaped, the odds, would never have been in your favor."

Tears started to well up in his eyes. He couldn't protect them. "Who were they?"

"The man that commanded the earth." She replied.

'Kayed.' The name struck him like an unsuspecting blow. The most cheerful and brightest of them, was killed in action. Utter hatred welled up within his heart, he could not forgive himself, but then a memory of Kayed, speaking to him while they were eating made him smile. Making the disgusting feeling he felt, slightly fade away.

The Nova had told him, that if he were to ever fall in battle, to pray for him and go read a chapter of their favorite manga. He was the only one that had caught up with him on over a thousand chapters and enjoyed debating about it every week it came out.

It made him smile brightly, which in turn after seeing his face change, the Elder couldn't help but smile as well. He finally looked up, accepting reality. "And our allies?"

This is when she finally got serious. Taking Tobi a bit back. "Roku Kaieda, as well as all 32 Hashin, one of our galaxies finest warriors, were killed shortly after you fell unconscious." His eyes grew wide with shock, he didn't think that they had come to the planet, but it makes sense since they were all in danger and he was still alive.

She shook her head. "However our Galaxy's greatest loss, was the death of the Great Elder, Akio Rahmanaka."

Tobi's entire body, stopped, but his thoughts resumed. 'No way. There's no way that monster could be killed.' He could not fathom Akio losing to anyone, not even Atlas or Mado. Yet the news was devastating.

Mira continued to speak, interrupting his thoughts. "I had only met him, once as a child. However I knew of his tales. That man single handledly, defeated Lost Ones and Conquerors, to maintain order within this Galaxy. Amongst that he kept Atlas at bay, until age inevitably defeated him."

She looked Tobi deep in his eyes once again. "For him to sacrifice himself and the planet Rennaya, all for your sake, must mean, you are something special, that must be protected. I know the blood of a billion flows within you, but how well do you know yourself, child?"

Tobi shook his head, tearing up once again. "I'm not child, and I never asked for any of this. I'm not worthy of being invested in with the lives of others."

Ria looked up from the videos, concerned for Tobi. However the elder just laughed loudly in his face.

"First of all, child, you are the third youngest in this village, even the children are older than you." That shocked him a little, but he wasn't going to allow such disrespect, as he attempted to speak, but was cut off by another fatally aimed question. "How selfish do you plan to be? Not every great leader, that has come to be asked for great power, however when it was received, they made use of it, to lead their people through the darkness."

Her words had a lot of truth, making it hard for him to think of a comeback. Regardless she didn't wait and continued to rail on him. "What would happen if you weren't chosen? Darkness would win and take over. Atlas would get away with all of his injustices and you would watch your people suffer in agony as you wished for more power. That is the reality of those, that were not in your position." She sighed, as she spat out phlegm in her throat and sipped water.

"If you don't get stronger, than you are now, the enemies you will face and the ones that come after, will bring the same despair back to you. However this time you won't be able to recover. Never question another's sacrifice." She concluded, hoping she got through to him.

Tobi looked at her, he knew she was just trying to rile him up from giving up. However he never planned to anyway, depression only lasted sometime for him in his life, but now wasn't the time to waste time feeling sorry for himself. He sighed, then bowed in the Azurian way. "Then Elder, how can I get stronger."

She put on a smug smile, happy that she got through to him. "Get your Orçao to record this. You'll be acquiring everything, we would need to escape this planet and by then, hopefully you'll, at least be a little bit stronger."