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Classmates Killing: I Am The Ripper

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"You must have to complete it. This mission is currently one of the main priorities of the organization."

Mr. Lumbert phrased. He gently pressed his thumb to the edge part of cigarette to cease the burning of it. Subsequently, he put it in ash urns.

"I understand that you had a perfect success rate on all assignments the first moment you instigate with us. But this particular task is exceptionally special, failure is not an option."

The middle-aged-looking guy continued.

"You're pretty talkative, old man. Why can't you just straight to the point?" I response while placing down my coffee cup.

He had himself a long deep sigh and stood up to turn his position to a hefty transparent window which innumerable buildings are in the view.

"The organization has managed to infiltrate the university. Sooner or later, we will have the total control of it. That specific academy is where your preys will do their education." Mr. Lumbert stated.

"You heard it right. Preys. As usual you will kill but this time, not only one." He continued.

Intrigued to hear what is this unique mission in which I usually kill only one target, so I asked.

"How many?"

He turned and fixed his gaze on me.


"And all of them are your classmates." Mr. Lumbert noted.

I have been working for this organization for numerous years. At this point, I completely knew what this middle-age guy are telling me.

I will play the role of an impostor against my soon-to-be classmates.

I take a sip of my coffee for a moment.

"And?" I continue asking.

"Everything has been prepared for this mission. Your new personal identity, finance, supplies, all of them. What the organization only needed is your skills, especially your acting and killing skills in which you are remarkably good."

He then step forward to me and gave me one envelope compiled of papers.

I took what is on the inside.

"Those are your target's personal information. Our intelligence did their best effort to obtain those intel so the organization has expectations on the outcome of this operation."

Among these pile of papers, I noticed from one paper where a formal picture of me was attached.

Yohann Miles Marshall

20 years old

November 26, 2003


"That's you. A fresh identity you will resort to the moment you entered that university." He added.

So this piece of paper had the information about my new identity.

As I continue comprehend my new identity his smartphone suddenly rang. He picked it up and answer.

"The upper is calling me. Sorry, I'll fill in the other details on you later or tomorrow."

Mr. Lumbert hurriedly wear his coat and began to walk towards the door as if his life is on the verge of end.

He abruptly stop for a moment and turn back his gaze at me.

"Oh yes please this time,"

The old man let give himself a big sigh.

"Do yourself a favor. Don't let crazy fetish, obsession or whatever was it interfere with your mission. Do you have other questions? Say it already. I don't want the upper to be disappointed." He stated to me.

"Nothing." I replied.

I stand from my seat and turned my back on him.

"That fetish, obsession, or whatever it is you are talking, that is the very reason why we are having this business." My lips began to move stating my inside thoughts.

Ultimately, I kill for a particular reason. Not for money, not for justice, but for my very own satisfaction.

Whenever there's a suffering, my heart throb.

Whenever there's a misery, I feel an amusement.

and whenever I witness a person drowning in agony, I feel pleasure.

That is me, no more no less, that is absolutely me. A person without heart, feelings or they may call me a monster.


I found myself lying above in this king size bed. The sun shines so bright that even the window of the hotel that I am staying ebracing it willingly.

After I fully prepare myself and open the door, one spatial chest guy on my front sight appeared and seems to be wearing a supreme suit. He is wearing a fully black pants and tuxedo. Along with his manly face are the black sunglasses. Your typical informant bodyguard.

"Yohann, your time is up. You should have received a message about the details of your destination." He stated.

An unfamiliar named 'Yohann' caught myself as I hear the statement of the guy. A moment as I realized that I will play the role of Yohann from now on.

"Let me escort you to your destination." The guy wearing black suit asked a favor.

"You don't have to." I replied.

"I can't do that Mr. Yohann. Afterall, that was the order I got from Mr. Lumbert."

"I'm pretty sure you know who I am, right? I can't afford to waste my time for a subject like this. Tell Mr. Lumbert not to baby-sit me."

"Understood, Sir." He replied.

He didn't insist anymore as I started to bring my steps towards the elevator.

A tick of time has passed, a highly spirited blow of wind has grasp my skin along with the continous rustling leaves from the trees. After another wave of breeze proceed, one distinguished, prominent picture of establishment has caught within in front of my eyes.

My university.

A place where I will begin my another highly anticipated killing spree.

A place where my journey for seeking satisfaction continue.

And a place for my own survival.

As I stood embracing the sight of the academy, my phone suddenly rang. I answered and noticed the name of Mr. Lumber on it.

"My informant told me that you already arrived on your university. The moment you got inside, you don't need to worry because everything is already settled by our organization. You will be informed later about some details for it. Generally, they want you to just kill everyone who is in the list." His usual middle-age voice reached my ear.


"You don't have to say anything. For now, I want you to be in your perfect usual condition before you get inside. Basically, clearing your doubts. As I said before, this operation is one of the most top-priorities objective of organization. You have been thoughtfully picked because of your reputation as the one who had the most perfect success rate in terms of perfect murder operation. And last, this maybe the last time I will 'baby-sit' you, so bring your best performance there."

He quickly put down the call already expecting that I will not respond to him.

'This maybe the last time'? I know myself that I don't indulge myself in to questions, but this last statement of him got me a little bit curious.

Anyway, according to him I will get some information once I get in to this university. Those information might be the key to answer everything about this mission.

As I began to proceed towards the huge, imposing gate of university, suddenly, one particular girl who overly talkative caught my hearing attention.

"Yes, Mom! I will do my best here. Honestly, until now, I can't believe that I passed here in my dream university!"


"You're right Mom, it is now up to me-" She continued.

Little did she know that she was caught up talking to her mom, her body stumbled upon me while she was walking causing her cup of milktea pour on my shirt.

"OMG! I'm very sorry! I didn't know you were there!"

Her spectacular, breathtaking face approached near me. Alongside is the expression of apologizing.

She quickly put back her phone to speak to her mom.

"I-I'll call you later mom." She part to her Mom and turn back her gaze on me.

"A-Are you okay?" She expressed her concern on me.

For the sake of my new profile, I must grasp this situation accordingly and play the role of Yohann.

"It's okay." I showed her my gentle smile telling that I am fine.

"Are you sure?" She continued.

I'm the man whose patience is excideengly small. Even though I am cold, heartless tool, I still hate the fact that I have to answer two identical questions.

With my current mission, this trait of mine perhaps might change for a while. I should practice endure it all the time.

"Yes, it's not a problem so don't worry." I stated to her.

Once more, I manifest my reassuring smile to her.

She deeply sigh expressing she can now rest easy. Aftewards, she return her dazzling eyes to me.

"Anyway, are you also a student here in this university?" She then turn her gaze towards the establishment of the university.

Come to think of it, I'm certain she was wearing an academic uniform and probably earlier during her call, she was referring to this university.

"Yes I am. Thankfully I still didn't put my uniform on when you accidentally pour your stuff on me." I stated to her while giggling.

"So don't mind it. I can change inside later." I added.

She happily chuckled.

"Thank you for being a nice man. So, I guess I'll see you later inside?"

I couldn't help but laugh inside as she stated that I am nice man. After all those countless victims I killed, I still get this kind of compliment.

She bid farewell using her hand expression.

Along with her striking lips are the delicate gentle smile.

"I also hope to see you later." I farewell and return back the smile.

As we gave goodbye to each other, the girl let herself forward towards the entrance of university.

I let pass this simple encounter by simple answer, I forward.

A glimpse of hefty, with scholastic gate design of this university are glancing at my sight.

Accompanied by the fresh breeze drifting outside body, I began my step towards the entrance of the university unfeigned.

My pace suddenly cease as I got inside when one lad wearing a same dark tuxedo and pants silently spoke to me as if he was carefully don't want to notice.

"Mr. Yohann, please follow me." He instructed to me.

I completely knew the fact that he is one of our fellow guy from organization.

I didn't have the chance to speak or rather I don't think I'll say anything good for now. Obviously, I should follow him.

The moment I observe this university, I noticed that the size of this place is enormous.

The fountain in front of the gate has its iconic owl statue on the top. It is remarkably befitting making this place exceptionally unique compared to others.

With the presence of group of trees in surrounding areas, the consistent fresh air are drawing in, making my body conditionally invigorating.

It also noticeable that this university only had three buildings. I didn't anticipated different because this is a prestigious academy afterall. I've read in the files that this university only had a limited spot for the most suitable candidates. According to that file, this reputable academy are blended with students who had unimaginable intelligence, students who are academically commendable and students belongs to a prominent wealthy family.

As I continue my observation, it is weird to think that for some reason, the only student I see inside this academy is none other than me. I am hoping for the best explanation from organization later.

All buildings are proportionate to each other. He brought me in the left side building.

A moments later, we are currently in the highest floor of this building. I am alone waiting in front of this white mysterious door. The informant went inside and told me to stand by. Eventually, he came back.

"You may now come in, Mr. Yohann."

I quickly stand up from my seat and goes inside.

One man sitting in front of desk with two people standing besides him unfolded at my sight. He has a slim middle-aged face with a long hair. He fixed his gaze on me and slowly exposed his maniac smile.

"Hello there, Mr. Shi-, I mean Mr. Yohann. You probably don't know me, but I know you a lot. Welcome to Quency University. I am Phobra Limfha, just an ordinary guy from the higher ups." He started.

He then put his two legs above the table and rest his back to his chair.

"From now on, this ordinary guy is the President of Quency University. So, Mr. Yohann, nice to meet you." Phobra continued.

Phobra gestured his arms asking me to take a sit. His smile somehow irritates me. I don't like this guy.

Swarming by many questions about the mission, I still maintained my composure.

"Raymond, give us a coffee." Phobra ordered.

The guy besides him quickly leave us. I began to feel the atmosphere.

"I have been told that I'll get the information when I got inside. So I guess it will be you?" I spoked.

"Hmm, that's right but before we go in to that, I want to ask you a question." - Phobra

"What is it?" I asked.

His maniac eyes solely fixed it to my face.

"Have you ever been betrayed by someone?" - Phobra

A question that put myself in to deeper thoughts. Somehow I was surprised when i got in to thinking 'Is there really someone?'.

I have been working for countless years in the organization as heartless, cruel, cold bastard who just murdered anyone on the list. So hearing that kind of question, it drove me to a thought of 'Did I had someone besides me?'

No, there is no one. I have always been alone.

"Or should I say, do you experience having friends?" He continued to put a sarcastic smile.

What is these questions? Why these questions suddenly bugging me. It's true I didn't expected it but I didn't know it would turn out like this.

During that merciless 'growth training', it taught to us that friends is a describing word to a person who will always hold you back. Friends.. is meaningless. Friends.. don't have purpose. It's atleast as I thought.

"Why these question?" I asked.

"You don't like it? Alright, it's fine. I have also goes in to that growth training." - Phobra.

So he was too. It only implies that this guy in front of me was in the organization for a very long time.

Growth training, huh? What a pleasant memories.

"I don't feel like talking about that, can we just discussed the business here. Tell me everything." I stated.

"Oh maaan, we only just got started. I'm about to ask many questions about you but it seems you are a straightforward worker." - Phobra

"You are boring. I suggest you to stop doing that because it would be one of the foundation in building your fake character. You should entertain your fellow classmates for this mission, you know?" - Phobra

It really means I had to befriend all of them to build this impostor character.

"Shut up. It is not necessary when I'm talking to a same bastard who experienced the same path." I replied.

"That's hella true. You almost reminded me of my times with Mr. Lumbert. Speaking of him, he should be the reason why you are here, right?" - Phobra

"It's just like he said. You are about to kill all of them, one by one, according to the arrangement of names in the list." - Phobra

Questions like

'Why does order matter?'

'Why they are my targets?'

'What did they do to deserve the unfortunate future?'

Asking such questions aren't really my thing. Afterall, I am only emotionless, cold tool.

My job is to kill, nothing less, nothing more.

Why did these questions come to my mind afterall? It is natural, however I nurtured of not giving a f*ck because of that training.

"Infiltrating this prestigious university is hella hard. Everything is not easy. It is just that the organization is so powerful." - Phobra

"When the organization are dealing with this university, one honored, brave, marvelous man step forward. He is a nobody. Everyone in the organization is not expecting that he will do the unimaginable accomplishment." - Phobra

Mr. Phobra is now blindly looking at the ceiling of this room while telling the story.

"Little did they know, they are naive in judging a monster. That ordinary person is the one who cleaned all the mess in the table. The organization in which during that time are struggling to infiltrate and destroy the university.. is now open arms in acknowledging that ordinary guy." - Phobra

"I'm pretty sure you know the saying in the organization. 'The organization is the people itself.' So the achievement of that nobody, is also the achievement of the whole organization. Because of his talented, accurate measure of solving the problem, he became the President of one institution. His heroic actions enlightened the organization's power. " He continued.

He suddenly raised both of his arms with open palm in the above.

"In other words, without Phobra there is no powerful organization!" - Phobra

What a egoistic, deluded guy. Well, I can't argue. He is telling the truth based on my instinct.

"Whoops going back. More importantly, what did that nobody do to get this university in the hands of organization? HE SIMPLY KIDNAPPED THE FOUNDER!" - Phobra

He gave himself a burst of laugh echoing all the way around the room.

I found myself and his underlings in to silence as his laugh was enourmously wrapping the atmosphere.

The hell with this weirdo? I'm now started to have doubt with this guy.

If we think about it, there is a hole in his story. The organization is capable of killing almost anyone. Why the organization didn't just kill the founder?

"Why didn't just kill the founder? Is that what you're thinking, Mr. Yohann?"

An unknown male voice coming from the door approached my hearing sense. The tone of his voice is optimistic and precise, making him your above average person.

"That is not something you want or rather should know about. Do your job as usual, you are only tool to kill."

I noticed a slim guy with comb-over cut features a long section of hair on top of the head that is parted to one side and comb toward the other. He has geometric glasses in his eyes. You can already tell that this guy is smart based on how decent he looks.

"Pardon me. I am Raven." He introduced.

What he said is true afterall. I am a pawn to someone's chess game.

"See how popular you are! Everyone from organization knows you, but not everyone likes you. He acts like that because he is super super strict when it comes to playing his job." - Phobra

"Don't be stupid, Phobra. I just loved.. the organization. I'll do everything to achieve its goals." - Raven

"Anyway! People like him makes our organization functionable and meaningful. You must take him as an example, Yohann boy." - Phobra

"You sure talk a lot huh, like Mr. Lumbert." I stated.

I take a sip on my coffee for a moment.

"So I believe this is the second time I'm telling you this. I have a pretty limited patience, deluded piece of sh*t. Tell me everything about the business." I continued.

"Now, now relax. We're just waiting for Raven to arrived. Give him the files." - Phobra

I opened the envelopes brought by Raven. I already had the files on information about my classmates, I anticipating these files is the last piece of puzzle in this business of mine.

I saw a bunch of paper inside. It was really all about the mission. Some had the details that would help me to achieve this mission.

But the papers that absolutely take my attention is the accurate layout of buildings, the location of arsenal in which the weapons are stored, and the contract agreement.

The last paper, the contract agreement stated that I hereby declare my participation on the mission stated. Just your usual contract agreement. I signed it.

After sorting and reading all the files, this is what I understand.

I should kill the targets on a given specified time.

I should kill the targets based on the order.

Play the role as a Yohann.

I must never be revealed as the killer.

There is probably greater reasons why this particular rules are settled by organization. Among all the missions I had, this is the most different.

This mission is actually weird but who I am to question all the things, I am only heartless, cold tool murderer afterall.

"Your mission started now, Yohann boy. Your dear classmates are waiting for you. Don't let them make a bad impression on you." - Phobra.