Chereads / Percy Jackson: The Child Of War / Chapter 13 - Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 13 - Chapter Thirteen

Three days.

It took three days for the damages to be repaired, training to continue, and everything to go back to normal again.

I was slowly working my way through the process of setting up a barrier every time I was on patrol, but most of my time was dedicated to training the children.

Chiron seemed more jumpy lately and the useless god was gone more often than not.

"The movements are too choppy, when one ends, the other must begin without delay, you won't have time to enter a stance mid-battle."

I remarked, watching Luke's heaving body stagger for today's umpteenth time.

"I still don't get it."

He mumbled, and I just watched him perform again. I could see that he indeed did not get what I was saying, He remained in the end of stances longer, that could be because he was tired but it could also be because he had no talent in the Greek style of sword fighting.

"Alright, take a break, you are about to die on your feet as is."

The blonde looked like he was about to oppose but thought better of it and nodded. I sighed, the irritation of two sleepless nights getting to me again, but with a quick flush of my divinity, it disappeared like it was never there.

"Aren't you tired?"

I tilted my hand to the side, eyeing Thalia as she walked closer, she had no armor, or weapons on her person.

I just shook my head negatively, something would happen soon and I wanted to be awake for it. The gods were pissed at me, some more than others, and they would send someone, most likely my father, to take care of the situation.

If he could see reason, he would survive, if he would not, then the council would need a new god of war, because Athena sure as hell wasn't adequate enough.

After all, there was a reason why Ares led the armies and she remained behind to strategize.

"How can I help you, child?"

She jerked back as if offended and I smirked, amusing myself with her reaction.

"What do you mean "Child"? We are the same age!"

Finally, I snorted and laughed, but even to my ears, it sounded fake. I was trying to distract myself and failing miserably.

Thalia just glared at me and I rolled my eyes at her, my shoulders slumping.

"No, I'm not tired, Thalia, just a bit irritated. Hard times are coming, and I'm just trying to get everyone ready."

She blinked and gave me a weird look.

"Why are you talking like an old man?"

I just sighed, which earned me a hit to the ribs. I resisted the urge to flinch at the pain, the spell that I used not only drained my lifespan, it had devastating effects on the body if it was cast by someone without adequate strength, aka, me.

The worst part was that there was nothing I could but but wait for my would to stabilize and the effects on my body to disappear.

No matter how strong my punches were, I was still twelve, this wasn't a shitty novel where a four-year-old could punch someone and split the planet in half with pure strength.

I used my divinity to be this strong, but even that could do nothing but lessen the side effects.

Shaking my head to snap out of my thoughts, I looked forward again, watching the kids train.

The scene brought back bad memories from countless previous lives, but those were shoved to the back burner the instant they appeared.

"Alright, I'm going to take a break, see you Later sparky."

Ignoring the indignant shout behind me, I walked out of the arena and headed to the Cabins that were repaired cabins.

On the way, I came across some campers that greeted me and I just waved back at them. I was about to reach the cabins when I felt it.

Two divine presences, both familiar. One was the god of wine, which I had known since I was little and the other felt like my siblings.

I sucked in a breath, this was a bad time for this to happen, I thought it would take longer, honestly, but lady luck seems to hate me ever since Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth came to the camp.

My own divinity rose to the challenge, the density of it rivaling the two gods and dominating over them a second later. Looks like they sent my father to discipline me.

A few more, smaller, less dense sources of power made their presence known around the camp. The ones I trained personally responded to my actions with their own.

Sighing and rubbing my temple, I changed my direction to the big house.

Looks like I had to deal with something rather annoying, yet again.

The talk didn't take long, mostly because they also seemed to be heading to me.

Soon enough, they seem to come into view, the familiar figure of Dionysus, holding a diet coke in hand, and another, taller figure wearing a black leather coat, black shirt, and black jeans.

A pair of glasses covered his eyes but I could feel them on me as soon as I was in his field of view.

I hoped we didn't have to fight here, but if a fight did break out, then it would have to be moved.

"Leonardo, you have a visitor."

Dionysus remarked when we were close enough, taking a sip of his diet coke, turning around, and heading back to the big house.

I didn't spare him any attention, keeping my eyes trained on the man who had his hands inside his pockets.

We stared at each other for a moment, keeping eye contact behind his shades and waiting for the other to make the first move.

It came when his divinity seemed to sharpen and clash with mine, a display of power if it was used against anyone else but me. My own divine power encircled a part of his and closed around the offending energy.

The tendril was cut off from the source and instantly absorbed into mine.

"What can I do for you today, Father?"

I could see a smirk trying to tug at his lips but he schooled his expression.

"Zeus demands you be presented in front of the council, Son."


Sorry for the delay, the midterms went horribly, and I don't really feel like breathing ever since, much less writing. But worry not, the next chapter is like... four hundred words in.