Director Wu was now in a dilemma , his suspicion was now 50 percent true but not completely true , so what was he going to do hmm
" Teacher Xu can you please call Miss lan" he decided to seek the help of the homeroom teacher .
Meanwhile in the Teachers office a heated argument was going on ... More if a one sided argument was going to between the teachers and Teacher Lan
" Hmm , I don't think it's true ... How can she score full marks in the test , if I am asked it is practically impossible "
" But we can't deny the fact that Teacher Xu personally scored her scripts ... you won't say that Teacher Xu is mistaken" Teacher Lan immediately defended the teacher that was doubting the possibility of Su Yuoyue scoring full marks ... Honestly speaking she still couldn't believe it but she would tolerate anyone trying to make off remarks about it.
" Teacher Lan , how long will you keep supporting that Su girl ... Give us a break , you are aware that it is impossible for a student like her to get a full marks in theu first try even if they read their books do you understand " The Maths teacher commented .
" That's right , you should not support a student blindly just because she is quiet " another Teacher commented
"Miss Lan I suggest you don't get your slef implicated because of a student that loves sleeping " the physiology teacher warned
For the last few minutes miss Lan had been arguing with her fellow Teacher , who anticipated that Su Yuoyue was cheating ... She had argued to the point her throat was patched .
She was about to drink water when the door opened and Teacher Xu walked in
" Miss lan , the director has called for you"
She dropped the bottle of water , she was holding could it be that the director wanted to expel Su Yuoyue ... That is not fair her Su Yuoyue had always been smart ' despite all the complaint , she walked out of the door.. she was determined to make sure that Su Yuoyue does not leave the school ... She was not sure of how her grade increased suddenly but she was sure of one of and that was 'Su Yuoyue' come not cheat ' her face was gloomy but determined in summary she had a stubborn but nervous expression .
Back in the Teacher office , the teachers seemed to have confirmed that Su Yuoyue had cheated
" I said it was impossible for her to get full marks , hah what she did this time around is outrageous "
" Maybe she really didn't cheat ...if she had cheated , director Wu you have called Su Yuoyue and not her homeroom teacher ... Don't you think "
"That makes sense , maybe that could be the case " this time a neutral teacher spoke up
" I don't think so , maybe Miss lan helped her cheat so the director called her "
Teacher Xu was happily listening to the gossip but could not bear it anymore
" She didn't cheat " his voice was very solemn
" What !!!" Every one was stunned , she didn't cheat that means ... They really did not understand
The entire attention in the room was now drawn to teacher Xu
" How can you be so sure ? " One of the teachers that had recovered from their shock questioned
Infact everyone in the room had the same thought how can you be so sure , they were more than shocked , did the sun set from the East
" Because , she answered one of my trick question and even gave me correction"
" What !!" This time , they were not able to handle the shock and shouted in unison
A student passing by the teacher office at the moment was very scared.
" What happened ... Where were they shouting so much" indeed when the student heard the shout he fell down and right now he was lying on the floor ... Teachers were completely unaware of their crime of making a student fall .
" She answered your trick question and gave you a correction ... That's not right "
The teachers were now in a heated discussion
" Thank God that I have not been able to set my test ... And you "
" I set mine yesterday , and now I am regretting it , why was I not paitent " the teacher was literally crying .
" Oh no , I had also set mine yesterday "
" Humm , what a relief I still have not set my test "
" Me too , I have never been so lucky .. don't worry I will tell you guys her score on my subject!" This Teacher did not even bother to hide it and applied salt to the unlucky teachers wounds .
And right now , the teachers were glaring at him as if he had committed ten henious crime ... The teacher in question just glared back , it not my fault that you set your test early hmph
Okay , you might be wondering why the teachers were behaving so strangely ... I will explain .
Teacher Xu had a bad habit , he liked setting up tricky question but there was a special question that he always asked ... First of all , the question was wrong but looked right .
Secondly , to explain it you had to have a deep comprehension of the topic and also understand the pattern of finding the answer ... Throughout the history of the school only one student had been able to solve it and now Su Yuoyue had also solved it.
The question was so hard that some Teacher find it hard to solve so this was a big deal .
There was even a saying in ones high school , that to be able to solve Teacher Xu question , you had to be question . Because of this question no one was able to score a full marks in Teacher Xu exams and test.
Even Teacher Xu was sulking , he was not happy at all , her explanation was so detailed that he was shocked, she reminded of him ... He was too intelligent and smart but unfortunately Su Yuoyue was not as smart as him ... But what a bummer I thought that I will only lose to him and now her.
So now all the teachers was eager to test how intelligent Su Yuoyue was , as we are all aware ... Teachers love intelligent students , right !
Sorry if you are not that intelligent , but we all know that it is true
But one teacher was even more sad compared to Teacher Xu and that was the P.E teacher , Su Yuoyue had always been a topic among the teachers , first she is very pretty but also very dumb and now she is very smart that she was being compared to him but what was unfortunate was that she had never attended his Class not when she was dumb or now that she is smart.
He recalled something and was happy to bburst their bubbles
" Hehehe , today is Friday ,.I guess you forgot .. really unfortunate right "
It was like a big slap , on their faces , who were very eager to test Su Yuoyue ... But soon remembered that they still had Monday
Again the sharped tongue spoke again .
" At least we are able to test her but unlike some one that can't even test her if they wanted to "
Another teacher spoke up " hah , I already told them that I was going to set up a test , during the night revision class " the maths announced with brimming smiles .
Now the P . E teacher was very sad
Now let's leave these boring teacher and see what is going on the school forum ...After some students posted Su Yuoyue photo on the school forum many students had seen it and now it was a very hot topic .
" Hey ! Does she study in our school "
" Yeah , she is hot right ... She is my classmates "
" Excuse me , which class "
" She is also my classmate , class 12 B "
" Oh my God , why did I not know that such a beautiful girl was studying in our school "
" I had the same question "
" Is she dating anyone , I want to court her"
" Do you think she is willing , I am her classmate , I would have tried to court but... Sorry to say this but she is a walking robot "
" I know her too , even though I am a girl .. I can't help but admire her , but he is right ... She doesn't talk to anyone except the homeroom teacher "
" I don't believe that a person can be that quiet"
" But fuck , she is too beautiful ... I don't mind if she is quiet as long as I can see her face I am very happy "
" Strangely , I think the same "
" Can you people stop being so narrow minded"
" It's said that she is very dumb and is ranked last in her class .. who is still interested cause I am "
" Who cares if she ranked last , I am interested "
" Wife , honey is waiting for you at home "
" Lair, honey the children and I are still waiting , when will you come back "
" For your information , she does not even bother to check the school forum.. hah , so you guys are wasting your time " laughing emoji"
" What ! , She didn't even go to the school forum ... Then how am I going to court her"
" I better not see your shadow in our class"
Okay , let's see the situation in director Wu office
Miss lan walked in nervously ... She didn't even wait a minute before she started
" Director Wu , I promise Su Yuoyue is a very good girl , she could never cheat" she looked at the director and noticed that he was very surprised ... She thought that he didn't believe her , meanwhile the director was about to clear up the misunderstanding but she continued
" I can vouge for Sure Yuoyue , she is a very good kid and comes from a very good family .. she is very friendly and she just needs guidance and she will be one of the most intelligent students in our school ... Please you can not expel her .
Director Wu brows furrowed , did he give the impression that he was going to expel and why would he expel her would that be a loss to the school ... The director noticed that she was about to start speaking again so he quickly stopped her " why would you think that I wanted to expel her and who told you that she cheated"
" That's exactly what I am saying , she didn't cheat, huh you are also aware think she didn't cheat"
" I called Miss lan today so as you can help me control the class when the results comes out .. don't worry the school management will explain the entire situation "
" Director Wu, is that all ... "
" Yes , you can be on your way ... that all " director Wu finally said what he wanted to say .
Teacher Lan was relieved and happy , Su Yuoyue was not going to be expelled , that was a relief , but wait she didn't cheat does that mean that Su Yuoyue was intelligent.
At the moment , she was confused but what was the reason for her pretending to be dumb
I'd ask her later' she made up her mind to ask Su Yuoyue later .
While all this chaos was going on the person responsible for the entire talks and argument had finished her assignments and was sleeping carelessly .