Following the dismissal of Edward Sullivan, he and his wife, Charlotte Sullivan have been found guilty of slandering company funds and thus since Edward is no more, Charlotte will take the fall and has been given 10 years behind bars.
And now their son, Ethan Sullivan has been found guilty of rape on many counts, kidnapping, and attempted murder and has thus been sentenced to life behind bars and without parole.
I believe society does not need a nuisance like that!
And lastly, Grace Sullivan, this young lad has been found guilty of illegal drug use and murder and has been charged to life behind bars without parole.
Seems that is the end for the great Sulivans.
A 5-minute break and we will be right back.]
Seraphina sat still on the couch.
It didn't feel real.
None of it did.
It was too soon for it to be over.
'I didn't even do much,' she mused to herself.