After a little while of walking, everyone arrived back at the city, where they noticed that the villagers were patiently waiting for their returning and were worried about them.
Upon seeing them, everyone rushed to them, wondering what the commotion was about and the goblin that was with them, stepped forward and Zion glanced at him.
He smiled and explained to the villagers, that they were just getting rid of the trespassers, who were trying to take things from them and even threatened to kill them but Zion and the others, helped in getting rid of them.
After hearing what he said, Zion and the others smiled a little, for that was only a part of the truth and he didn't mention the other half with the beast that lived within their land until just a few moments ago.
Everyone thanked Zion as well as the king and Goran for helping to protect their land and wished to repay them in some way.