Three days had elapsed since Gideon embarked on his profound slumber, the process of his Evolution commencing in silence. Within this brief span, the nation of Casimiro underwent a rapid transformation. The cacophonous serenade of avian choruses filtered through the wide-open window of Gideon's chamber, accompanied by the gentle caress of sunlight and zephyrs. The world outside was in perpetual motion, unfurling like the leaves of a grand book.
The once relentless throbbing and pulsating from the cocoon encasing Gideon had finally subsided. An eerie stillness settled in the room, a palpable anticipation hanging in the air. At the apex of this suspense, the cocoon, resembling a fortress of impenetrable obsidian, splintered with a resounding cacophony, yielding to Gideon's emergence. With precision, Gideon unsheathed himself from the cocoon's grasp, his talon-like claws slashing through the last vestiges of his former confinement.