They spent the night watching series and movies, entertaining them the whole night. Even Allen and himself, who either missed some of it or were not around when other movies were released, got a kick out of them.
It was a breath of fresh air, a taste of normalcy for lives that had long lost it, while Zillia and Maremalle had never experienced it. The beds barely fit all of them, but they managed just fine.
Kyrie had forgotten how nice it was to just lie down, watch TV with people he liked, and not worry about anything else that may have come his way. It was something he forgot after so much time spent in the wilds with no one but himself, or just with the barest minimum for entertainment.
Kyrie was the first to wake up and the first to move after the movie night. He had things to do, like keeping his "phone" a secret, while James handed him a human-made one and went out to the base of the Hunters' Guild.