"It is… fair. Alright, we will go out now. Remember, Kyrie, we go out of this tree by jumping on smaller trees until we can reach the ground safely. Although with your flames… I think you can just fall straight until you reach the ground with no troubles at all."
Gertrud was the first to rise and jump from the top of the biggest tree onto a smaller one, followed by Signe, Magnolia, and Erik. "Alright, let's go then, pal. You said you would be my guide, hadn't you?" With a sassy smile, Kyrie rushed to where the other four jumped and replicated their motions.
Even if his body shouldn't be able to be as fast and strong as theirs because of mass, muscle strength relative to size, and whatnot, these things somehow did not apply, or they did not apply because they were magical; there was no way for someone like him to guess the source of this.