Kyrie decided to work on the sword first before making the crates and boxes to move supplies and other resources he may need. He had gone for far too long without Wolf Prince.
Even if it was a placeholder until they can be reunited again, sword and wielder, it shall do a good job working as a replacement until then. This was why he decided to work on it first; there weren't good bases for a bow, and the rabbits' bones were far too weak to work as a body.
If he wanted to get the job done, a powerful tool was necessary until he could find better and sturdier bones of creatures that could withstand his strength and power. 'Even if it is a crude sword, I will do it regardless.'
Wolf Prince was not conventional in any sense, an atrocity upon sword design convention and metalwork since it expanded from a pipe and gained far too much weight without a clear source or cause. A violation of another law of physics, not that Kyrie cared at this point.