They wander the dark tunnels and derelict underground garages and basements, like ants in an ant nest. "You have been walking all this type in the blizzard, right, mister? Did you have somewhere to stay? I don't think anyone, even as strong as you, can survive months under the hails…"
Although quite long ago, the warm and fuzzy memories of the fairy village bring a warm feeling, the feeling like a second home after everything fell apart, a smile appears on his lips.
The memories of Ingrid, the redhead fairy that taught him the basics of sewing, the hunts with Yraka… "Yes, we had a place to stay. I went out to try and find my friends. They are still out there."
By now they must've found something to help in their journey, a way to protect them from the cold, or to survive through it. 'Who knows? Maybe they are in a super secret military base now.'
Yet, Carol's voice grows cold with doubt and sadness in every word spoken.