Gertrud had proven to be a capable teacher and informant. Kyrie couldn't decide if she was teaching him the basics she knew or simply providing information about what lay below the ground.
There was a difference between teaching someone, and simply relaying information.
"As I said, Kyrie, the cave systems we inhabit are far and wide, covering many patches of land… although we've had problems lately." The wolf attempted a sigh, while her friends looked away in shame, actively avoiding his eyes.
This set off a small alarm inside Kyrie's heart. While he just needed to know how to enter the place and see how close it could get him to Wolf Prince and Ouro, understanding the dangers that lay there was essential.
"If I may ask, what are these problems? Depending on their nature and the reward your pack can provide, I can help you out without any strings attached." I scratch your back you scratch mine type of deal.