Golem's voice echoed with a profound and ancient timbre, filling the expanse of the pyramid. "Eldrake was indeed unparalleled in his era. Reaching the 5th stage of soul cultivation, Nexus Dominion, he stood alone atop the mountain of cultivators. During his explorations across the vast universe, Eldrake postulated that there might be realms beyond even the 5th stage, but despite his immense power and knowledge, he never found a way to access or even confirm them."
Evan, still awed by the massive surroundings of the pyramid, turned his attention back to the golem, his thirst for knowledge evident in his eyes. The golem continued, "Now, let's delve into the details of the stages you are currently in and aiming for."
"**Awaken Stage**: This is where you currently stand. The name itself denotes the beginning, where the cultivator's soul first 'awakens' to its potential. Here, the abilities you can harness include:
- **Telekinesis**: This grants you the power to manipulate objects without physical contact. The more you hone this skill, the larger the objects you can control.
- **Sensory Amplification**: An essential skill that allows you to perceive beyond your five senses, heightening your awareness of the world around you.
- **Enhanced Intelligence**: As your soul grows, so does your cognitive capacity, allowing faster learning and better understanding of complex concepts.
- **Simple Precognition**: A rudimentary form of future sight. At this stage, it's fleeting and might not always be clear, but with practice, you can foresee minor events seconds before they happen."
Evan nodded, recognizing these abilities from his recent experiences.
Golem proceeded, "Next is the **Resonance Stage**, the one you aspire to reach. As the name suggests, it's all about aligning or 'resonating' with the universe's energies. The abilities here are more advanced and require a deeper understanding of one's soul:
- **Emotion Weave**: This is a subtle yet powerful tool. With it, you can influence the emotions of those around you, be it to calm an agitated mind or incite anger.
- **Soul Echo**: This allows you to project a fragment of your consciousness, useful for scouting areas or communicating without being present physically.
- **Sonic Resonance**: By vibrating your soul at varying frequencies, you can create sound waves that can either defend against threats or act as a weapon.
- **Ethereal Grasp**: A spectral hand extension of your will that can interact with distant objects or beings. It's like telekinesis but on a more advanced level."
Evan listened intently, trying to commit everything to memory. "The journey of soul cultivation is vast and intricate," the golem concluded. "These stages are just the beginning. As you proceed, you will unlock deeper mysteries and powers of the universe, but always remember the foundation, for it will guide you in your most challenging moments."
The golem's ancient eyes watched Evan's reaction closely. "The four tests tailored for the Awaken Stage are designed to push cultivators to their very limits. If you think your journey so far has been demanding, these tests are on an entirely different level."
Evan took a deep breath, absorbing the weight of the golem's words. He had felt fairly accomplished after successfully navigating the forest, but now it seemed there was still much to learn and master.
"Your battle in the forest was commendable," the golem said. "However, based on my observations, I'd estimate that you stand less than a 20 percent chance of successfully passing even the first test."
Evan's determination was palpable. "I understand the odds," he replied, "but I'm not here to back down from a challenge."
The golem nodded in approval. "Your determination is admirable. But you must remember that while challenges are there to be faced, one must also recognize when the time is right. There is no shame in preparation and patience."
Evan considered this, the weight of the golem's words causing him to ponder his next steps.
The golem continued, "Every test allows for two attempts, but they also come with an age limitation. The tests for the Awaken Stage require a soul age of under 80 years. Beyond that, the soul is considered too mature for these foundational challenges."
Evan, curious about this new concept, asked, "What do you mean by 'soul age'?"
The golem gestured towards a unique-looking apparatus standing nearby, a device shimmering with ethereal blue energy. "Your soul age," he began, "is the span of time from the moment your soul was formed to the present. It isn't tied to your physical age but rather the age of your essence, your spirit."
Evan approached the apparatus cautiously. "And this will tell me my soul age?"
"Yes," the golem affirmed. "Just place your hand on its surface."
Evan did as instructed, and a soft glow emanated from where his hand touched the device. Within moments, intricate patterns formed, and a number displayed clearly: 10.5.
"You are 10.5 soul years old," the golem stated. "Youthful and with immense potential. With the right guidance and training, there's much you can achieve."
Evan nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you for this insight. I'll keep it in mind as I continue on my journey of cultivation."
The golem smiled, a gesture that seemed out of place on its stony face, but it radiated warmth and wisdom. "Always remember, Evan, it's not about how fast you grow, but how well you grow."
The 'Codex of the Soul Meadow' described the nature and properties of the Soul Meadow in intricate detail. It began with an assertion that most cultivators had difficulty grasping: the Soul Meadow was an entirely separate plane from the material world. Though connected in myriad ways, they functioned on different principles and were governed by distinct laws.
"The Soul Meadow," Evan read aloud, "is not just a spiritual realm; it is the very essence of life, consciousness, and existence. It is where souls reside, grow, and cultivate their powers. Unlike the material world, which is bound by physical laws, the Soul Meadow is more malleable, shaped by thoughts, feelings, and the very essence of souls themselves."
As he continued, Evan discovered more about the relationship between the two planes. The Soul Meadow, though seemingly infinite, was intrinsically linked to the material plane.
The time differential was also explained. "Time in the Soul Meadow flows differently than in the material plane. Due to the heightened sensitivity and reactivity of souls, what feels like days or even weeks in the Soul Meadow could be mere moments in the physical world. This time dilation allows souls to cultivate and evolve at an accelerated rate compared to their physical counterparts. Thus, a cultivator can spend what feels like years in deep meditation within the Soul Meadow, while only moments pass in the material world."
Evan pondered over this revelation. It meant that while he was in the Soul Meadow, the outside world moved at a pace fifty times faster. This realization was both a boon and a challenge. While it gave him ample time to cultivate and grow, it also meant that events in the material world could unfold rapidly, potentially leaving him out of sync with his surroundings.
"This time dilation," the text continued, "is due to the innate properties of souls. Souls, being non-physical entities, can process information, emotions, and experiences much faster than physical bodies. This inherent speed allows souls to cultivate, learn, and grow at an accelerated rate. As a result, time, as perceived by souls, slows down relative to the physical plane."
Evan took a deep breath, absorbing the weight of the information. The Soul Meadow wasn't just a place; it was an entirely different reality, one where the rules of time and space were vastly different from what he knew. This knowledge added another layer of complexity to his cultivation journey, but Evan was determined to use it to his advantage.