Chereads / Crush to love / Chapter 9 - She must love me

Chapter 9 - She must love me


"Sir Ryan? " a maid called as I dressed up for school.

"What? " I snapped angrily, I need to come up with a plan to make Ivy fall for me, she's my only help in forfeiting this engagement.

"Mrs Williams sent for you, she wants you to come down for breakfast "she said with her head down.

"Am off to school, tell her that" I said, annoyed. I don't have time for her lectures.

"I can't sir, she said you must come for breakfast " emphasizing on the 'must'. She hurriedly walk away.

*F$ck* I groan mentally nd took my backpack nd head downstairs to the dinning room.

"Good morning mum, dad" I greeted nd took my seat.

"Good morning honey, how was your night? " mum said drinking water with a glass cup. Dad look less concerned, he only hummed in response without looking up, the only thing on his head is money as he continue to operate his laptop.

"Fine,,,, I guess" I mumbled, the maid started dishing out my food.

"Hey little brother " Audrey, my big sister said coming inside, she has a towel around her neck nd a bottle of water which is half filled already, I guess she just finished her morning exercise. I ignored her nd concentrated on mum.

"Mum, you sent for me, I'd like you to start telling me why? " I said impatiently.

"Oh,,,,, I just wanna talk about you nd Stacey.... You know, lately, her mum told me you haven't been visiting nd you're being distant" mum said in a calm voice but I know she's angry.

"Mum I have reasons, I.... "

"There's not enough reasons to neglect your fiancee, you need to start building a close relationship between you two, so when the both of you get married, you won't feel distant to each other, now all I want is for you to take her on a date all through this week, starting from today, and get to do some catching on. Am I clear? " she said with finality.

"Yes mum" I said annoyed, there's no point arguing with her, even dad nd Audrey can't.

"Am off to school mum" I mumbled nd stood up.

"Bye pumpkin " Audrey said nd I peck her cheek before going to peck mum's.

"Baby, it's all for your own good" mum said nd I nod in response nd walked away.

"Greet Stacey for me nd tell her come visit when she's less busy" mum yelled before I could open the door. I scoffed inaudibly nd walked out.

F$ck you Stacey.


"Wake up crazy" I heard someone yelled nd yanked the blanket off my body. I yawned sleepily.

"Who the hell did that? " I yelled, using my hand to search for the blanket so I can cover my body again, my eyes was still close.

"Hehehe" the person started laughing nd I wondered what's so funny, but wait, that voice sounds familiar. I stopped searching nd open my eyes slowly nd I saw a girl putting on the same uniform as mine, I shut it back cause of the effect of the sun ray.

"Jocelyn? " I called but no reply. I waited till my eyes adjusted to the light before opening them fully.

"Kaitlyn? " I called but she stood there with hands on her waist nd a crazy smirk on her face.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh" I screamed loudly nd jumped on her. Making the both of us to fall on the floor.

"Surprise " Kaitlyn said as we both stood up with smiles on our faces, we hugged each other again, more tightly this time.

"Oh I missed you so much Kaitlyn " I said after we disengaged.

"Me too, oh you have grown so well, look at the curves" she said checking me out.

"Crazy, between the both of us, who has more curves? Besides we are age mates so don't act like my big sister " I said nd we both laughed. It's true, Kaitlyn has more curves than mine nd we both look alike except she has grey eyes whereas mine is blue, nd her hair his gold nd curly but mine is brown nd straight nd curly at the end.

"So when did you arrive? " I asked as I removed my clothes nd start going to the bathroom nd she followed but stood by the door.

"I came back yesterday but I spent the day at a hotel before coming home very early to surprise you " she giggled.

"Is aunt aware? " I said scrubbing my body with the soapy sponge.

Am stark naked in front of her but we don't mind, when we were kids, we do bathe together before Kaitlyn left for Canada two years ago.

"Yes, she's aware, in fact we planned it " she said, sounding happy.

I finished bathing nd wore my uniform, took my backpack, my phone nd headphone. Kaitlyn also took hers, which I didn't notice was there all along. I applied some lips gloss on my lips, though it's naturally pink. I packed my hair in a ponytail but later decides against it nd let it down.

"Wow, when did you start leaving your hair down, it's always ponytail cause of your long hair nd you only let it down when you are going to concerts, but now we are off to school, so why? " Kaitlyn asked surprised.

"I don't know" I said nd my mind drifted to that day Eston let down my ponytail nd said he loves it that way before the kiss.

"You're blushing, so you have a crush huh? " Kaitlyn said smirking.

"No am not" I said face palming my cheeks, I know she's not gonna let this slide.

"My eyes don't lie Ivy, tell me, who is it? " She said and quicken my space.

"C'mon Ivy, tell me already " she yelled

"My Babies" Aunt called from the dinning table making Kaitlyn to stop bugging me but I know it's not over.

"Aunt " I called nd ran to hug her before kissing her cheeks.

"Mum" Kaitlyn called from behind me nd came to hug aunt too

"Oh aunt, I missed you nd I like the surprise " I said staring at Kaitlyn nd she(Kaitlyn) chuckled.

"I missed the both of you,,,, hope you have being practicing your songs Ivy" Aunt said, giving me a stare. I know that stare.

"Yes, of course " I said laughing nervously.

"Mum we gotta go, we are running late, see you when we get back" Kaitlyn said nd dragged me out.

"What about breakfast? " Aunt yelled after us.

"We'll eat in school mum" Kaitlyn yelled back nd dragged me to the nearest car.

We got in nd the driver drove off.

"We have lots of things to catch up on but let's start with, how is Ocean High School? " she said facing me.

"Ocean High School? Oh you'll love it there, I won't say it's the best school cause I haven't been to other schools but Ocean High is four over five, if I were to rate it, you will meet nice people there too nd Casanovas nd bitches. Oh, have I told you about Jocelyn, my new best friend,,, You'll love her when you meet her..... " we continue chatting as the car drove us to school.



I sat in my office going through some files nd sighing when necessary. My phone rang nd I picked the call.

"Hello" I said into the phone nd continue checking the file.

"Sir I got news about your daughter" the caller said at the other end.

"That's good, come to my office now" I said nd hung up.

After a few minutes there was a knock on the door.

"Come in " I said not looking up.

Philip, my private investigator came in nd sat down on the seat opposite me. And that's when I looked up. I dropped the pen in my hand on the table.

"Mr Lewis " Philip called nd gave a little cough.

"Give me the full details " I said impatiently.

"Your daughter is here, in America... Though she's all grown up, but once you see her you'll recognize her" he said showing me some of her photos.

I smiled, my princess is a big girl now. My Vanessa.

"She stays here alone? " I asked still looking at Vanessa's pictures.

"No, She stays with a woman who lives here, and..... " he said and pause, making me curious.

"And? " I asked curious, taking my eyes from the pictures.

"She goes to school here "

"Which school? What's the name of the school, Philip? "I asked.

"Ocean High School".