I park the van outside, leaving it idling as I swing open the car door, my heart pounding with the fear of making him angry. The warehouse looms before me, a cavernous structure that seems to swallow the night. It's late, but they should be here, at least that's what the work hours had suggested.
As I rush into the warehouse, I push the heavy doors wide open with a forceful shove. The interior is dimly lit, and my eyes scan the vast expanse, revealing rows upon rows of shelves stocked with all sorts of mysterious cargo. The atmosphere is tense, the air thick with the scent of secrecy and danger.
Out of nowhere, a worker seems to materialize right in front of me, a gleaming knife dangerously close to my neck. My heart leaps into my throat, and I manage to stammer out, "I'm one of you, I promise!" My voice trembles with a mix of fear and desperation. The worker, clearly on edge, glances behind him, his eyes searching upward, possibly for a sign from the deputy. It's hard to tell, though, as shadows dance across his face. Suddenly, he pivots, hurling the knife at my feet with astonishing accuracy. The blade pierces through flesh and bone, and I let out an agonized scream as blood gushes from the wound.
In the midst of my pain, a stern voice pierces through the chaos, "Quiet." It must be the Deputy, the one in charge here. "I'm tired of you low-level workers acting like you own the place. Tell me why you barged in." With fear in my eyes and the pain from my wound intensifying, I hastily explain, "Sir! That kid, Oren, who you wanted us to recruit, beat the hell out of all of us! I had to get back to tell you! He's stronger than he was in the video!"
The deputy steps out of the shadows, his presence imposing. He appears to have undergone even more rigorous training, perhaps gaining a few inches in height. The worker takes the opportunity to stomp on the knife, causing a fresh wave of pain to course through my body. This must be his second-in-command, I've never seen him before. The deputy, now standing right in front of me, bends down to meet me at eye level and poses a chilling question, "What do you think we should do now? Should we focus on killing him or continue trying to recruit him?"
I take a moment to ponder the life-altering options laid before me, my eyes cast downward in deep contemplation. Finally, I muster the courage to answer, "Recruiting, sir! He will be a valuable asset..."
I'm the boss's second-in-command, Kul. The boss, known for his ruthlessness, possessed an uncanny strength that seemed to render bullets as mere annoyances. His imposing physical presence, combined with his remarkable resilience, struck fear into anyone who crossed his path. But it wasn't just his physical prowess that kept those around him in line; it was the magnetic force of his personality that compelled obedience.
As I watched in stunned silence, the boss unleashed a devastating punch on the unfortunate worker standing before me. The force of the blow sent the worker hurtling through the air, crashing into the wall with a sickening thud. In an instant, a life was extinguished, the body crumpling to the ground like a discarded puppet. The boss's voice, like a rumble of thunder, broke the eerie silence that had settled over the room. "Wrong move," he growled, his cold gaze fixed on the lifeless form. "Those hero types – you can't recruit them."
Turning away from the grim scene, he pivoted to face me, and I couldn't help but stand rigid, my hands hanging limply at my sides. His steps echoed ominously as he approached, his presence casting a long shadow over me. "Clean this up," he ordered, his voice now a low, ominous murmur. "That Oren kid, huh? I don't have time on my schedule now... we'll take care of him later."
With a resigned sigh, I nodded, my heart heavy with the weight of another day at the office. In this world where power and ruthlessness reigned supreme, there was no room for hesitation or rebellion.
The police told us to lay low for a while, and for me specifically to not get into any fights. Me and Aroha left the school thereafter, the afternoon sun casting long shadows as we walked down to her house. It is said school is closed for the while, as the police closed it down due to escalating tensions. The atmosphere was thick with uncertainty, and the once-familiar schoolyard now felt like a distant memory.
"The police have something planned for me, I just know it," I confided to Aroha, my voice heavy with concern. Hopefully, I thought, I don't get into conflict with them; going against the good guys isn't my style.
As we strolled along, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. I pulled out the book, the same one that had led to all this turmoil. It seemed to hum with a strange energy, and as I flipped through its pages, I felt something glaring at me, an unseen presence lurking in the shadows. I quickly scanned my surroundings, trying to determine if it was an enemy lurking nearby.
Just as the tension threatened to overwhelm me, I heard Aroha's voice break through my thoughts, "You did all that for a quest, didn't you?" I turned to face her, and her expression was a mix of anger and frustration.
"No," I replied honestly, "the quest showed up after I landed the first punch, but yes, I was hoping for a quest to appear." I knew it might not have been the best decision, but the allure of points and power were too strong to resist.
Aroha stopped in her tracks, her gaze dropping to the ground. After a moment of contemplation, she looked up at me and said, "I guess you can't live a normal life after being given this opportunity. I've made up my mind, I'm going to help you in your journey, whatever it may be. I'll see your life through to the end." Her determination shone in her eyes, and it struck me just how much she was willing to change for my sake.
I couldn't help but smile at her, grateful for her unwavering support. I put my arm around her shoulder and said, "I'm not gonna die anytime soon." We shared a laugh, a brief moment of levity in the midst of uncertainty, as I focused on making some desperately needed upgrades to prepare for the challenges ahead.
Book Level: 2
Name: Oren Hashigana
Health: 900 (+300 Max)
Strength: 18 (+7)
Speed: 18 (+7)
Defense: 5%
Soul: 30 (+10 Max)
Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Triple Strike - Attack three times in succession with enhanced speed and strength. 10 soul to use, thirty second cooldown.
(+) Lvl. 1 Cross-Arm Guard - Cross your arms when guarding and mitigate an extra 10% of damage. 1 soul to use, one second cooldown.
Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.
Points: 72
Stats: 97p
Lvl. 1 Stealing Skills - 10% chance of stealing one skill from an opponent you defeat. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. 1250p
Lvl. 1 Critical Hit (Passive) - Every hit you land on an opponent has a 0.003% chance of increasing the potency of the attack by an insane amount. 0 soul to use, one hour cooldown after proc. 450p
Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer - Attack in a downward motion in succession with enhanced strength. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. 200p
Lvl. 1 Rage - Sacrifice your free will and attack anything in your sight for the next minute. In return, your speed is increased by 200%. 50 soul to use, one day cooldown. 1550p
Upgrade Book: 10000p
My body doesn't feel anything from this change. My height and all that don't change anymore; it's just the pure power that changes. I jab, and it creates a wind ripple, causing nearby leaves to rustle and Aroha to tremble. She almost trips, but with a graceful recovery, she regains her balance. Three days ago, I couldn't dream of being this strong. It's a marvel to behold, really. I mean, it makes sense. If your body changed every time you leveled up, some people would be at Godzilla's level, haha!
Me and Aroha continue walking home, the intensity of the worker's attack hanging between us. Although she said some nice words back there, I can tell our relationship isn't as strong as it once was. I've truly caused her pain, and it gnaws at my conscience. I know I need to tell her how I feel.
We finally arrive at our doorstep, and Aroha heads upstairs to her room without a word, her mood evidently somber. She doesn't even want to eat. I call after her, my voice laced with hesitation, "Hey, can I tell you something real quick?" She turns around, her eyes bearing the look of 'if you dare say something bad, I'll kill you.'
I gather my courage and confess, "I don't think I've said it yet, but I love you. There's just something at work here I can't tell you about, and I truly wish I could. I know I haven't done right by you, but I will." Aroha continues heading up the stairs before softly saying, "Thank you." Her door closes, and she heads to bed. It's only like five in the evening, so I know she doesn't actually want to sleep; she just wants to be alone. I respect that, understanding that some wounds take time to heal.
I start cooking downstairs, trying to distract myself and give Aroha the space she needs. In a few minutes, the meal is ready, and as I sit down to eat, that distinct sound appears again, a low hum resonating in the air, a sign that another quest will begin.
Quest 4: Laying Low
After the chaos of these past three days, lay low and
don't get into any trouble for a month.
Lay low for an entire month.
Firm your resolve.
5000 points (1000 extra if recommendations completed)
Lvl. 2 Skill Combination - Able to stack two skills for a heightened soul cost. No soul by itself to use, rather, it is based on the skills you're combining. Two uses before cooldown. One hour cooldown.
Five thousand?! That's more than I've ever gotten at once! I mean, this quest is not just doable, but it feels like the stars have aligned, and the school is conveniently shut down right now. If I complete it, I will not only gain the power I've always dreamed of, but I'll also ascend to a level of class that can only be described as 'the elite'. The very thought of it sends shivers down my spine, firming my resolve with each passing moment.
As I finish my meal, I meticulously clear my plate and discard the leftovers, upholding the principles of a decent and responsible individual. The clang of dishes and the comforting warmth of a freshly cleaned kitchen echo my feelings.
With the kitchen now spotless, I ascend the creaky wooden staircase to my room. Aroha, someone I care about more than my family, hasn't made an appearance downstairs to discuss anything. Her absence only adds to the sadness surrounding her.
Finally, I find myself nestled in the cocoon of my cozy bed, the soft glow of my phone screen illuminating my room. With YouTube videos playing in the background, I allow myself to rest, but my mind continues to race with thoughts of the power I have yet to gain.
A month later...
My boyfriend and I haven't been on good terms lately. I mean, we still love each other, but the tension after that attack is intense. It was a terrifying day, with him basically almost dying, and the memory of that incident still sends shivers down my spine. Despite the fear, we're bound together by an unbreakable connection. He says he has this book that allows him to transcend well-known facts, and it's insane. I believe him, but is he really on a crusade against evil? Maybe not? Doubts nag at the corners of my mind, like wisps of fog on a moonless night.
I talk with him every day, he seems happy, and he hasn't fought like before. Maybe he's genuinely changing for me? Hope flutters in my heart, like a fragile butterfly seeking solace. I muster the strength to get up out of bed and get ready. It's seven, and school is starting again. The police found the place to be safe after so long, but it still feels awkward being back, like stepping into a familiar dream after a long absence.
Finishing my shower, I yell, "Oren, get up! School is beginning again! We can't just wake up at nine anymore!" I walk downstairs and start preparing lunch in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. The kitchen is bathed in soft morning light, casting a warm, comforting glow over everything. I hear Oren get up, but instead of getting ready, he's searching through something, and pretty loudly too. His actions are a puzzle, like pieces from different jigsaws.
He yells, "Be there in a second!" A few minutes later, I've prepared a burrito and chips for Oren, and sushi and vegetables for me. The contrasting meals reflect our individual tastes and preferences. It's funny how he's part Japanese but hates sushi. Alright, lunch is finished! I yell once again, "Oren! Come get your lunch!" Oren walks down and grabs his lunch, his expression unreadable, as if he's carrying a secret with him. "Thank you, Aroha," he says, his voice tinged with an air of mystery.
Is it just me, or does he look different? There's an aura of enigma about him that I can't quite place. He grabs his lunch and heads out the door, his steps echoing with a sense of purpose. Then I hear a noise, the noise Oren says he hears when a quest appears. Something blue shows up on my side, a shimmering anomaly that defies explanation. I squint and view what should only be possible at an altar, and the many questions I have already feel irrelevant.
Hello, Aroha Kekoa! Oren wasn't lying about the book! We're going
to be doing you a favor here! We will bestow you not with the Gift,
but the ability to view stats at will! Here!
We'll show you Oren's stats and skills!
I'm disturbed as I start stuttering, my voice faltering with anxiety, "W-w-wh-" Oren stops moving towards the door, his concerned expression evident as he turns, and asks, "Are you okay?"
I face him, my eyes widening in disbelief, and I see... his stats. Health isn't a stat that altars show, but the rest are documented. They're all insanely high though! His strength, agility, and health are off the charts! This is confirmation to me, Oren isn't normal! What even are these skills?!
Name: Oren Hashigana
Health: 2500
Strength: 25
Speed: 25
Defense: 5%
Soul: 150
Lvl. 2 Skill Combination - Able to stack two skills for a heightened soul cost. No soul by itself to use, rather, it is based on the skills you're combining. Two uses before cooldown, one hour cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Triple Strike - Attack three times in succession with enhanced speed and strength. 10 soul to use, thirty second cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Cross-Arm Guard - Cross your arms when guarding and mitigate an extra 10% of damage. 1 soul to use, one second cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Critical Hit (Passive) - Every hit you land on an opponent has a 0.003% chance of increasing the potency of the attack by an insane amount. 0 soul to use, one hour cooldown after proc.
Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer - Attack in a downward motion in succession with enhanced strength. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.
Lvl. 1 Rage - Sacrifice your free will and attack anything in your sight for the next minute. In return, your speed is increased by 200%. 50 soul to use, one day cooldown.
Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.
Points: 2243