With room for only five more points in my strength, before I would reach my current limit with all my attributes, I only needed to grow by ten more levels. And when taking the slow-down of gaining experience ever since I breached the cap of a hundred levels, I effectively had to gain twenty levels worth of slaughter experience to reach the threshold of my next rebirth.
Or, if one were to look at the situation from the more pragmatic point of view, I could only kill so many before reaching my limits and turning from an asset of the group of elites we were low-key leading with Fay to quite the noisy and unwieldy burden.
Still, it was something I knew I had to go through with anyway. And the only say in the matter that I had, was for when and where it would happen.
Today, deep in the forest, while I'm busy fighting smaller parts of the greater whole of the human army, or tomorrow? Maybe the day after tomorrow?