Chereads / I lost all my hope / Chapter 1 - I lost all my Hope

I lost all my hope

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Chapter 1 - I lost all my Hope

"Amelia!!" My name rang through the barley field.

Standing up I waved to my mother showing I heard her. "Make sure to head to the market and get some potatoes from Mrs. Langre!" Mom shouted from the cabin steps. "Aright!" I grabbed the now filled bucket of goat's milk and untethered the goat shooing her back to the herd. Once reaching the porch I set the pail to the side for the milk to rest and dusted off my boots. "Is it just potatoes you need?" I asked mom from the window while she stood in the kitchen boiling a thing of rice for dinner. All while carrying my little brother Michael who fed from her breast. Every once in a while he would grab a fistful of mom's blonde hair giggling.

"Yes, just that will do sugar, Make sure to grab plenty okay." I nodded my head humming and stepped away from the window and grabbed my basket for the trip. "I'll be back by nightfall momma!" I called out walking the path off our property. Sticking to the path the brush began to get crowded as I neared my way to the small village ahead. 'Hopefully they don't talk much this time' I thoughtfully wished. Keeping my head low I noticed the gates slowly appearing before me the closer I got.

"Oh?" I looked up and saw a few stalls outside of the gate selling trinkets and beaded necklaces and other cute things. 'Momma won't know If I bought one for myself.' I thought. Approaching the natives stand I noticed an older woman sewing beads together weaving more goods. "What will you have?" she said not looking up. "This blue one please." I pointed to the blue necklace made with shells and beads glimmering in the midday sun. I traded her a handkerchief that I brought just for this occasion. Tucking it away I went to hunt down Ole Miss. Langre.

Knowing that old bat She would more than likely be chatting with the girls of the village on how to get a rich husband like she did. Her tips of the trade as she called it. Boy did that shit annoy me. As I kept walking I managed to get my potatoes and only chat for fifteen minutes with that old woman, five minutes less than last time. Although she annoyed me I felt bad for how she is content with what she chose. Then again I'm the weird one. I Don't want to get married to a rich guy that would more than likely use me for kids. But anytime I bought that up I got laughed at and ignored. My Mom's marriage to my Dad was real although he was a bit off he was still a good father and husband to our family. Then the guards of our old home took him and executed him.

"Attention everyone gather 'round here for an announcement!" Our mayor shouted from the wooden platform. "It's not Sunday momma, what's going on?" a young boy asked his mom as we all gathered in the courtyard. "I'm afraid we have more devil's in our woods! So far we have counted two tribes of them!" The mayor announced. Many people gasped and whispers scattered across our crowd. "People Please! Keep calm! We have already made adjustments to our town just in case! There will be a wall built on the south and west border to help us be safe!" he announced.

"Just remember to be home before dark! And to keep the heart flowing with faith, Remember to have God in your hearts for he will protect us!" the Priest shouted. And with that we prayed and went on our merry ways.

I hurried home since I knew it was just beyond the border of the west so it would be better to take the forest path. Before leaving the village I smelt a fragrant of peonies and mirh. 'Shit! I wasn't quick enough' I cursed. "Ms. Lanarte! What a pleasure to see you today." Lord Katrelle said, smiling his yellow teeth and chubby mouth. "Oh, Excuse me My lord, But I'm afraid talking isn't on the agenda. I must have lots of things to do." I tried walking past the gluttonous man but he of course blocked my way. " Come now Amelia Just a quick word. I have always admired your petite frame and glorious eyes." He eyed me when saying that. To say I had bugs under my skin was a compliment rather than to be seen by this pig. "You have mentioned this many times." I said, still shuffling around him as he stood there along with his two young maids. " Well now that we have been acquainted many times I thought I would personally tell you that my father has agreed to me taking your hand in marriage, We even sent your family a letter just this morning." He chuckled then winked.

"Oh how wonderful, well I must hurry off.!" I scampered away pretending to enjoy this facade of kindness. Once out of the gates away from the view of the town I booked it as quickly as my skirts allowed. 'Please forget to get the mail please forget!' I thought to myself praying desperately. The lord was on my side that's for sure because sure enough the letter was still in the wooden box. Taking it I ran to the edge of the woods by the coop and dug a hole with my bare hands and shredded the damn thing burying it quickly. I walked back, catching my breath, calming myself and walking inside the warm house. "I'm back mom!" I announced. "Oh good, set those in the cupboard please, And go wash up dinner is almost done." Mom said, shooing me away from the kitchen. Hurrying upstairs I rinsed my hands and face of any dirt and changed to houseware. I raced downstairs and helped mom with the table setting while my stepbrothers came in from the fields. "Ah right on time boys." My mom said as she began serving the food. "Thank goodness I'm famished!" Alex said slumping into the chair next to me and Tymothy sat next to him. "Did I get here On time?" James said, stepping into the dinning room from his office. "Yes Dear, it's all ready." My mom gave James a quick kiss and helped Michael while she sat down once everyone of the boys was served.

"Let's begin then." James said we grabbed each other's hands and said grace. Then the sound of forks clunking filled the room. "So Amelia it seems you have a possible suitor." James said calmly. "Oh geez who would want to marry this book worm." Alex chimed in as Tymothy and my mother laughed. I knew who it was and I was pissed that I forgot about grabbing the introduction letter, I only focused on the agreement to meet, letter.

"Who is it dear?" My mother said glaring at the boys for their joke. "Lord Katrelle." he said as he grabbed a paper to read. "Wait the Katrelles? Don't they own the Coastal dock near linsdon?" Timothy said. "Indeed they do which means a promising profit for us." James chuckled. "But didn't they want our land for a long time now?" My mother inquired. "Don't worry about that, what's a little land to make a profit from the docks? I say it's a good trade and besides she is starting to reach that age for planning a marriage yes?" James said as he sipped his wine.

"But it's my dad's land." I whispered. He snapped his eyes at me. "What was that?" he growled out knowing that if I said it again it would be trouble. "Nothing." I said finishing my plate. "Nothing what Amelia?" he said grimely as his eyes peaked over the paper he was reading. "Nothing sir," I said. Alex changed the subject as Mom and I washed the dishes in the bucket in the kitchen. "Melia, don't ever speak to your father like that again, Understood?" she whispered as the men went outside to chop some wood. "But mom it's not his land. It belonged to dad first he worked hard for it, James just strolled in claiming it--" "Enough! If it wasn't for my husband your father might I remind you we would be out of the streets unable to fend off the bankers that would steal the land even if I had the deed. Because of James we are here safe with food and clothes. Be grateful." she said, silencing me.

We finished the chores in silence and I headed to my room to sleep. I was so angry that I threw my white cap against the floor trying not to scream aloud my frustrations. 'Dad would have agreed with me.' I thought. As I laid on the thick mattress. I watched the stars through my window as I drifted to my dreams, a safe haven for me to be my happiest.

Groggily waking up I rinsed my face with the now cold water in the bowl and got dressed to do my chores. 'Hm?' I looked outside, noticing a large carriage parked outside. 'No fucking way that damned creep!' I panicked, grabbing my cap and quickly pinned it in place. Taking my shoes I threw them over my shoulders as I snuck down the stairs keeping close to the wall. "Ah yes! Please sit down." James said, chuckling with the Katrelles. " 'Melia,' ' I turned to see Alex coming in from the back door holding it open for me as he ushered me to leave. While Tymothy held up a basket for me. I quietly grabbed the basket and stepped out the back door as Alex went in to make it seem like he just entered. Closing it abruptly. I dashed quickly to the chicken coop and hid while I put on my boots. "Melia!" 'Crap! She caught me.' I thought I looked up and sure enough she was standing by the coop holding Michael in a wrap and then stopped for a moment. "Corre.'' She said then walked away. A pit hit my stomach knowing my mom let me go. This was something serious for her to use dad's language. I hauled my body over the fence and landed on the leaves and twigs as I hiked it up the trail I knew best.

Normally it would be about half a day the long way but I made adjustments to the trail so I could get there quicker. Along the way I gathered tinder and some wood for when I got to the cabin.

Once I arrived at the clearing I went to the cabin unlocking the door with the key around my neck. "Hopefully it's not too dirty." I said to myself. Prying the old wooden door open I saw the cabin still the way it was left years ago. "All this dust!" I coughed as I began lifting the white sheets and cleaning what I could. Lighting a fire I headed outside to the river to gather some water to boil for a decent bath since it was just me. Once I was finished I took the basket inside and began filling the steel tub in the corner with warm water. Sighing in satisfaction I noticed the cool air coming from outside. "Oh Winter must be coming. I better get more wood just in case." I planned my day out quickly so I could enjoy the tub later. I gathered as much firewood as the daylight would allow me and went back inside before the sun set. Shutting the door I closed the curtains and got undressed getting into the lukewarm tub.

"Grrr!" I jumped at the bellowing growl from outside. "The hell was that?" I Got dried and dressed, grabbing a lantern peeking outside of the door. "Oh my god!" I said Opening the door fully, I charged the coyotes that swarmed on the black dog trying to guard her pup. I managed to kick a few of them off of here and hit the others with a stick making them yelp from the sudden pain. After a while of them trying they soon gave up to find another prey. "You poor things come on." I helped the large black dog up and scooped up her pup, managing to get them in the cabin quickly before anything tried to come after her again. Setting her down and her pup I locked the door and began mending any wound on either of them. "Lucky your mom did a good job! Look at you, you're practically healthy!" I smiled at the pup as I checked him over. I gave him some food while I tended to the mother. So far nothing serious, the coyotes must've showed up a second before me. Once she was good I gave her some food and water in a bowl while they rested and got warm by the fire.

I ended up lying down in the thick cover as the warmth of the fire lulled me to an easy sleep. Morning came as the sunlight peered through the sheer curtains. Stretching, I decided not to change and just get some mushrooms. Grabbing a small basket I unlocked the door letting the mother dog and pup outside to tend to themselves as I grabbed a knife for gathering.

Heading out I walked to the woods edge pushing my way through the brush. I managed to gather a few good sized mushrooms and herbs too.


I ducked down behind a bush in time to see two hunters break through the bushes on the lowland of the mountain. "Ah come on George the dogs must've gone to town maybe someone took them in?" a guy said, sighing. "No they definitely came up here and I'm not leaving 'till I get that pup. I paid good money for that bitch to be bred and I will lose profit if I don't at least have the pup. I might even shoot that bitch for running away with it, no need for that needy cunt if it can't listen." the guy named George said as he held his rifle.

"Well can we look some where else this Isn't our land and we would be arrested if the owner caught us." the younger one said hesitantly. "Ha! You mean the lanartes? Please they don't know where we will be fine. If someone is up here we'll just scare 'em." George said, showing off his rifle. After a while the walk back down the ridges out of sight. Grabbing my things I bolted to the cabin in time to see the mother dog and pup sitting on the porch. Opening the door I helped the mother dog in and the pup as well as I locked the door behind me. I lit the fire in the hearth, getting it hot in the cabin room. Moving a wall curtain revealed a bookcase behind it. I pulled on it, opening the false door behind it and helped the mother dog and her pup down stairs to a room in the small corridor. I gave them some food and left some treats to keep them quiet and shut the door rushing back up stairs and closing the hidden door. Setting everything up I made two of my meals and put wear on the chair and threw some dye on the fire to make the smoke a yellow hue. Sitting down my heart raced knowing they were coming and I had to be not suspicious in order to not get hurt.

"You'll be okay." I said to myself I grabbed a robe intime to hear footsteps approaching the cabin on the south side.

*Knock! Knock*

I unlocked the door, opening it to reveal the men from earlier. "Oh! Um Hello? Who are you?" George asked, confused. "I could ask you the same. What are you doing knocking on a door this late in the evening?" I said back. They looked at each other for a second. "Well forgive me madam, but are you staying here now?" He said stupidly. "You mean Do I live here? Yes I am the owner of this land." I said still watching them squirm knowing if they get caught by an owner they would be arrested for sure. "Oh I see, is your husband home?" he asked abruptly. "Yes he will be soon. Would you like for me to take a message?" I asked. "Oh no never mind thank you madam." they said and walked away to the forest. Shutting the door I locked it and went back to the hidden door shutting it behind me and ran to the hidden room with the dogs. "They are gonna wait so we have to wait for them out okay? Help is coming." I said laying on the mattress with the puppy I smiled at how sweet he was as the mother snuggled my leg taking a nap.

"You know if you were human you wouldn't dare try that if you knew who my dad was." I chuckled watching the candle light warm the room up, "If my dad was alive he would've killed those men like usual keeping me and mom safe from the evil people. Although he became evil in his own way. I used to remember dad coming home with the smell of iron prickling my nose every time he gave me a welcome home hug. He even brought me here a few times to learn his craft as he would claim." I put my hand against a dusty book that dad would write his work in when he would work on his 'Hobby'. "I mean sure he was crazy but he wasn't bad to me and mom ya know. He even cherished my brother Theo." I said to the pup smiling at how he was still playing with his toy as he sat next to me.


Sitting up I heard the door being unlocked as Someone entered the cabin. Footsteps were overhead as the person walked to the hidden door. I Peeked out of my room seeing the firelight peek through the top of the staircase.

"Amelia come along, they are watching and we can't stay. It's too risky." My brother Theo said. "Okay," I helped the dogs into a large basket and covered them with a white blanket and had Theo take it to the wagon outside waiting for me. He locked up the cabin and helped me up on the wagon and he climbed up and snapped the reins and the wagon lurched forward. "Keep your head down at least until we get closer to the house." Theo said calmly. I leaned against him as we rode down the long way around to the house. Sure enough guards were racing to us. "They are still there Clarence Check the brush Half a mile out." Theo said then they zipped up to the cabin as we kept to our path.

After a while we approached the barley fields with my mother in sight waving to us. "Oh god you're okay." Mom said help me off the stilled wagon quickly. "Thank you son, I was worried about her staying out there." She smiled. "Of Course but why didn't you send the boys or James?" he said. "Oh they were busy with work." She lied. I looked at Theo and he glanced at me knowing well how she lied. "Now why don't you come in? I know you need rest after hiking there like you did." Mom said as she held Michael cooing in her arms She led Theo inside as Alex walked over to me smiling. "Hey you Okay I heard you needed to be saved, let me guess a spider was in the cabin?" he chuckled. "No Just some trespassers with guns." I said and walked past him as he stopped laughing.

Walking inside James and Theo sat down for a drink and I walked up stairs in time to hear Theo start his routine. " So tell me why you didn't help her huh?" He said to James. "Oh come now I'm too exhausted for such childish antics." James said as the sound of him shifting through the daily paper rang though. "Childish? Trespassers were on the land and she was by herself. She signaled for help but I arrived to see she was still in the cabin at risk. How is that Childish James? And secondly, why did she get to go out without even a gun?" Theo said.

"Theo honey it wasn't like that." Mom said, trying to calm the situation. "Because it is Childish if she had stayed and met the suitor and did her role she would've been safe. Instead she ran off like a child pouting about her place as a young woman." James said back.

"Young woman? She is only sixteen. And she is a fairer she doesn't need to marry for any reason, Unless you plan to take her dowry?" James coughed a bit and mother gasped. "Theo!" she said. "Now you listen here boy, she is a woman. Her place is to marry and care for children and to obey her husband that I choose anything else is just a part of it. Anything wrong would be her undoing." James spat out. Mom said nothing like usual. "Just be grateful I am caring for her otherwise she would've been a maid for another family. Luckily she is my family and I have a say in what happens." James retorted. I went upstairs and took to my room quietly tearing up laying on my bed. I just remained in tears, keeping myself calm as much as possible. Soon I drifted to sleep after about an hour.

Theo came up at one point to check on me, waking me up to give me some comfort, and he went to bed in the guest room. I slept in since I didn't get to sleep the night before and woke around midday. I got dressed and ran downstairs since I knew I had to pick up more milk today for dinner tonight. "I'm off mom do you need anything?" I said. "Grab some oranges on your way back dear!" she said and with that I went off. I managed to get enough milk from the neighbor's cow by early dusk and luckily she gave me some oranges to save me from heading to town so late. Carrying the goods back I saw Mom planting a few seeds in her smaller garden and Alex and Tymothy harvesting the barley. Going inside I set the milk on the counter for mom and put the oranges in the basket on the dining table and began cleaning up a few things. Looking over I noticed something that made me freeze. Four opened and empty bottles of whiskey lay on the office table in James' study. 'Dammit!' I turned around to leave, but I was too late.


"Agh!" I fell down from the impact knocking my head against the wall as I fell. "Insolent trollop! You're nothing, a nuisance!" James shouted as he began to kick my stomach making me almost puke my breakfast. "How dare you embarrass me in front of a lord! You should have sat here and left with him!" He screamed. "WHAT THE HELL!?!" Theo ran down the stairs to the office tackling James, practically crushing him to the floorboards as mom ran inside along with Alex and Tymothy. "Theo! Stop what you're doing?!" she shrieked. Alex tried to pull his dad away while Tymothy pulled on Theo.

"What am I doing? You didn't hear this drunk beating on Amelia?!" He shouted. Mom looked down for a second. Theo blew up from that alone. "How long has this been happening?!" He ignored James screaming, struggling against his own sons trying to get to me and Theo. "It only happens when she is in trouble Hon--" Mom was interrupted by Theo. Theo didn't know about this at all and I wasn't allowed to write to him or communicate so this was definitely a blow to the heart for him cause it was for me when he saw how weak I was. "This violates all contracts! She is leaving with me today and thats Final!" Theo shouted, grabbing me and hauling me to his wagan outside. "Wait Theo! Don't take her What would the neighbors think?!?" Mom cried. I was crying, more because she cared about that then about me. I feel like a sniffling babe being abandoned all over again.

"The Fucking neighbors? Think about how the town would see you as a mother with her daughter walking around with a bruised face! You're so concerned about your image you dare to ignore your daughter's need for safety, you gold digging bitch!" Theo shouted back. Mom froze for a minute and glared. "You can't take her because the contract states---" "The Contract states that if you are no longer capable to raise Amelia your rights would be voided and Amelia would come into my care as the Next eldest relation to her so keep your fucking mouth shut about that contract you marked out so fuck off! Oh and check on your dear husband I'm sure he will need a replacement to beat on." Theo said to her and lurched that wagon forward as we left.

He was so mad I could feel the heat radiate off of him. "I'm sorry Amelia I didn't know." he said looking straight ahead. I sat there as we approached the town as the night grew on. "I'm gonna grab some food. It's gonna be a long trip here, get some blankets so you can sleep in the back." he said, helping me down. Walking to a few stalls I found one selling blankets and waited for the man to finish the sale with a customer. "Ah, Hello, how can I help you?" he said smiling. "I need a few blankets please" I said paying him the proper amount. "Of Course here you go." He set them in my arms and I walked away but the blankets somewhat blocked my view but I did my best attempt. "Ah!" I bumped into someone and ended up falling.

"Hey!?" The person managed to catch me before I hit the ground, helping me to my feet. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry" The man said as he helped me pick up my blankets from the ground. "No it was my fault I should've paid attention." I said as I grabbed my blankets from him. "Here let me help you miss." he said, grabbing half the stack. "Oh thank you." I said "Where to?" He smiled. "The wagon just over there." He helped carry them to it and apologized again and went along with his day. "Hey 'melia you ready?" Theo said as he approached the wagon with a sack of fruits. Nodding my head he helped me into the wagon and loaded the fruits up and began our day long journey.

"Here I got this for you." Theo handed me a stained metal brush. "But I can't use it now." I said. "Yes you can, you don't need that cap where we are going 'Melia. If you want to, you can get rid of that thing." He chuckled. I took the brush quickly and unpinned the cap, tossing it to the road. It took a minute to get all the pins out. My hair unraveled feeling relieved after years of constantly being pinned up I brushed out all the knots and let it hang past my waist while me and Theo caught up on lost time. "So, Carol doesn't know you'll be living with us, but be prepared for suffocating hugs. She always wanted another girl in the house. She wanted to meet you the most." he laughed. I chewed on an apple smiling. " So where are we going?" I asked. "To Belaru it's where you will live and be safe okay?" Theo asked. I nodded and laied down on the blankets getting warm and fell asleep knowing I was okay.

After a while I woke to sunlight peering through the canopy of green trees above me as the wagon moved under their shade. "Hey Amelia you up? Look at this" Theo called back to me. Sitting up I saw a view that made my heart swell. Glassy blue waters floated in the horizon but a large town. Seagulls called out in the distance high above the chimney smoke from the little homes in the hills to my right as fields of green grass waved at our arrival. Farmers worked as children played in the distance. " Welcome to Belaru 'Melia." Theo said, smiling. We eventually arrived at a shop in town. "I'm gonna take care of some paperwork so you can stay with me or if you want you can look around just don't stray too far okay?" Theo said as he helped me down, I nodded. He walked into the building to tend to business.

Looking around I noticed how different Belaru was to my hometown. It was sunny with bricked buildings and neatened paths. Flowers grew in different spots decorating the large town as vendors cheered about their wares while girls wore fancy dresses and ran around buying little trinkets from them. I walked around seeing odds and ends. I eventually made my way to the dock to see the ocean view. I turned down a large alleyway, but I was interrupted.

"Hey there sugar." A gruff man said as he put his hand on the brick wall blocking me from getting to the docks behind him. "Um excuse me." I said as I tried to walk past him. "Ah!" My wrist was gripped harshly as I was pinned to the wall by him. "Hey, that's no way to greet someone being nice." He said slowly. I glared at him and was about to hit him. "Hey! That's him, Officer! that's the man that stole my money!" 'Huh?' I looked over to see a policeman running at the guy, but the guy ran off as the officer followed suit. The blonde haired man rushed to me helping me off the wall chuckling.

"That was close. I almost thought I wouldnt get the officer here in time. Saw him follow you a block back sorry I didn't stop him from hurting you though." He said looking at my red wrist, His blonde hair spilled from his black hat as it spilled over his shoulder draping over his suit. I took it back then smiled. "It's not a problem, thank you. Good day sir." I said walking away. "Hey! Don't rush. I promise I'm not trying to scare you, but you should probably head home. I'm sure that was stressful for a lady." He said. I stopped and looked at him like he was dumb my patience was worn then with the events and stress I was over. "Look Mister--" "Henry it's henry milady." He is correct. "Look Henry I am fine and I am thankful for your help now if you'll excuse me I want to see the ocean, Good day." I said and turned away heading to the dock. The smell of Ocean water brisked past my nose as the mist of the waves brushed the air above me. I relaxed at the view for a while, smiling.

*Henry's P.o.*

"Look Henry I am fine and I am thankful for your help now if you'll excuse me I want to see the ocean, Good day." The girl said and walked away. "Sire! Forgive me, I lost you." My butler came around the corner talking to me as I watched the girl walk to the dock. "No worries Faustus, By chance do you know that girl?" I asked. He shook his head looking at her as well. "No sire I do not perhaps she is a new arrival?" He said. " Perhaps, well let's go. I hear Lord Laroex has returned to town and I want to seal our deal quickly." I said walking back.

*Amelia's P.o*

I walked back to the wagon in time to see Theo leave the building. "Hey!'Melia were good to go." He smiled then stopped and glared. "Your wrist," he said. "I'm fine! An officer is handling it." I said getting onto the wagon. He didn't say anything as we went to his house. When we arrived I was stunned how big the house was; it was basically a mansion. When we reached the stone steps I saw a woman with black hair run out of the house cheering. She practically tickled my brother, drowning him in kisses and hugs. "HaHa! Oh thank goodness you're home- Oh who is this?" She said looking at me with her arms still wrapped around Theo's arm. "This is my sister Amelia Laroex. She will be living with us from now on." I looked at Theo stunned he used our real dad's name. He nodded telling me it was okay.

"AHH!" Carol squealed in joy and she hugged me in a tight embrace. It was a moment I must've longed for because it was like a picture of her hair fluttering in front of me as her face hugged into my neck and her arms wrapped around me.

It was a moment I must've longed for because it was like a picture of her hair fluttering in front of me as her face hugged into my neck and her arms wrapped around me.

The light peeked in the distance creating an orange and purple hue. "Oh my Are you okay?" Carol asked as she pulled away holding my face. "Huh?" I said snapping from the trace. "'Melia, you're crying, what's wrong?" Theo said as he stood with me and Carol.

Wiping my face surely enough there was residue of the salty liquid on my palms. "I--I'm fine, just some dust." I said but I just kept crying. It was such a cathartic release to me as my heart just wept. "It's okay 'melia you don't have to lie to us. Your home now. This is your home now." Theo said quietly as Carol rubbed my back, handing me a handkerchief to dry my tears. "Come let's get you inside and clean up. I can't wait to get to know you more! My own sister in law. How exciting!" Carol said as she led me inside some maids came out to help Theo with something. Carol led me into a large entry way with marble floors as she raced up the stairs in the center.

"Come along Amelia I am sure you must be tired from your trip." she smiled. She led me down a hallway to a wooden door and pushed it open. It was a large room with a bed in the corner and decor that belonged to a woman. "Theo had this ready incase you ever wanted to visit, but over the years he got worried and busy with his job, But he never gave up waiting.'' She walked over to a rope pulling it and in the area by the large floor to roof window a trail of warm water filled a stone tub. "For now rest is okay. Get washed up and if you want you can join us for some activities. If you're hungry just pull this green rope okay." She smiled then set a soft towel to the side for me and walked out.

"Welcome home Amelia." She said giggling before closing the door. I sighed holding the front of my dress looking around. It was beautiful and well cared for. Taking off my worn work clothes I quickly dipped into the water welcoming a warm bath. Sinking into the water I finally relaxed. I remembered how I wouldn't have been allowed such luxuries because James wanted us to work like dogs then enjoy life. Hell he wouldn't give me a place to bathe; he just told me to go to a creek. I washed off the weeks worth of dirt. "Melia?" Someone said as they entered the room. "What?" I turned and ducked into the water seeing Theo. He came in and grabbed a brush and a little pitcher and pointed and I turned as he began to brush my hair. Giving me a good rinse. He didn't say anything, but I knew this was a sorry for him. After a while he helped me dry off and picked out a dress for me. It was a satin dress with ruffled shoulder straps, it was a deep green with a touch of gold thread bordering the flared skirt that covers my legs. After that Theo left to tend to other things.

I used the towel to dry my hair and I opened the door and walked to the stairway. I walked down the steps hearing chatter. The marble floor felt cool under my bare feet. Luckily the dress pillowed the floor so no one would know. I reached a large room that resembled a grand office with a desk by a large stone fireplace as the wooden walls reached the stained glass ceiling. Theo was at a desk with another man chatting While Carol read a book in the chair nearby.

"Amelia! Please join us, Lord Myers. This is my sister Amelia Laroex." Theo said standing. To my luck the man from before stood with no hat on his head, hair still blonde like corn husk and sharp green eyes. He bowed and greeted me and I ignored him. I sat next to Carol while Theo and Henry chatted about some deal. They ended up making a deal over wood and grains. "Oh good how wonderful, The boys finally finished work. Hey, let's go to the garden for some tea." Carol said, nudging my side. She stood up walking to a door in the back of the house as I followed sure enough maids had set up a table with tea and cookies with chocolates under the gazebo covered with fresh green ivy.

And purple flowers. I sat down with Carol as we chatted and ate the many sweets and enjoyed the cool breeze under the warm sun. Theo and Henry walked around in the garden in the distance while Carol told me the gossip in town. "Oh and don't talk to the Gamisons on the east side in my opinion they are a bit rude to the female kind." She rolled her eyes, chuckling. "But don't be surprised seeing them around. They have been trying to get Theo to sell his land back to the mountains, your fathers land. Good thing Theo doesn't like them." She said, sipping her tea. "Wait why do they want my father's land?" I asked. She looked at me surprised and set down her cup. "You don't know?" She said, I shook my head unsure what she meant. "Sara, please bring me the documents please. On the Laroex land." Carol said to a maid. The maid hurried off and returned with a notebook practically half an inch thick.

Carol took the notebook, opening it showing numbers and info of all kinds. "Your dad basically landed on a Gold nugget of fertile land that can last for years. It has enough lumber, its own water system, it's self-sustained even if a town of maybe thirty people lived there they would live well past their eighties and still be okay on your fathers land. So imagine if a merchant of simple goods got their hands on this they would be practically kings here. And in the old country." Carol said pointing to everything. "So why doesn't Theo use it to be a king?" I asked. She giggled a bit. "Because he knows how much you love that land. Isn't your fathers house on that land?" She asked knowingly. I nodded "I see, but what if I don't want most of that land? It seems like a hassle for him." I looked down, overwhelmed with this information. "Stop, don't be that way, we are your family Amelia. We are not that disgusting trash James, Please know If you want it to be yours nothing is stopping you Amelia. Here we want you to flourish and grow to enjoy your life even as a woman." Carol said, fanning herself with her red fan as she smiled. "Thank you Carol." she giggled again as she snapped her fan closed and jumped up to her feet.

"Oh my goodness the party I almost forgot! Sara gets the maids to set up quickly!" Carol turned to me frantically. "I can't believe I forgot I was throwing a party tonight. Amelia if you'd like you can join us! But forgive me, I have to go tend to the decor and activities." Carol hurried inside with her maid while my maid Terra stood with me as we watched the chaos through the windows of Carol running around the house getting everything ready for the party.

"Milady shall we head inside?" Terra said. I nodded as I got up and we walked back into the now quickly decorated house bustling with maids and butlers attending the home party to come.

*Henry's P.o.v*

"I see well at least the profits will be immediate with this." I said to Theo as we walked in his garden as a courtesy walk. I looked over to the girls chatting in the gazebo far off seeing Amelia. "So, You didn't mention you had a sister Lord Lareox." I said as we walked Theo was a calm man but his father's reputation. Being an absolute psycho murdering people definitely preceded him. And to say I saw his father before doing business with my old boss the resemblance is uncanny. Black soft curled hair laying at the shoulders practically wild. his height was at my neck but even then I am unusually tall. His eyes were brownish red like his sisters.

"Yes well she just came to stay with me under my crest." Theo said as he too watched her. "May I ask why the sudden arrival seems suspicious? Is it because of your mon--" "Lord Myers do not finish that sentence. I understand your family issues can affect the way you can see things, but rest assured that the relationship that my sister and I have is one of the few that is good." Theo interrupted as he snapped his gaze at me. He stood holding his hands behind him. His beard was scruffy, and gave him an abrasive look. "Of Course my apologies." I said. I continued walking, but witnessed Carol running into the house as a maid followed suit. "It seems my Wife forgotten the party preparations again." Theo chuckled. "Oh? Is that a common thing?" I said chuckling. We continued to chat and Theo continued to comment on business and home life.

Yet my focus wasn't on him. I was watching Amelia stand up and proceed to the house to join the chaos inside, it wasn't something unusual about her that drew me in. It was how simple yet bold she was. It was amusing and I was befuddled by how much guts she had. Her hair showed honey curls till she entered her home and disappeared.

"Well I guess I should head home then I'll be back for the party Lord Laroex." I said and left. I got into the carriage to see my butler. "Sire how did the trade go?" Fautus said. "It went well and remember the girl from earlier?" I said. He nodded. "Well she is Lord Laroex's Sister." I said. "Are you sure there was no mention or rumor about this?" Faustus said. "I am sure when I saw them next to each other there was no denying the resemblance. And she definitely shows traits of the old lord and their father." I said.

"Will she be attending the party tonight sire?" Faustus said, raising a brow. "Just have my best suit ready." I said. As we went to my home.

*Amelia's P.o*

I ate some food that was brought to my room and Terra fixed my hair into a long braid and left me to myself. Looking outside I saw the evening come and the moon was high above with its magnanimous skirt of white clouds glittering with stars. Many carriages arrived on our path and lined up as many people started to come in and music began to play. "Maybe I should have some fun." I said to myself. I rang a bell and sure enough Terra arrived within the minute bowing. "Yes milady?" She said as her red hair lit up from the lamp light. Her freckles adorned her sun kissed skin as she smiled. "I want to attend the party, but-" I pointed to the wardrobe I opened showing the many dresses my brother had put in when I arrived. She chuckled and began to help me and rang the bell twice and two more ladies came in to help. They picked out a red gown that had a train of lace that resembled roses. The bodice was corseted and had gold thread that looked like leaves.

They ended up taking the braid down and combing my locks of curls and placed it in a bun and put a simple gold necklace that laid coldly against my collar bone. "You look Lovely milady" Terra and the girls complimented and helped me out of my room and down the stairs to a large door that I missed when I got here. The ladies opened the door and told a butler something and they left. "Lady Laroex, sister of lord Laroex has arrived. He announced to the and a curtain to the side of me opened. It was a damn ballroom that I saw. Many people stood there staring and bowed slightly. Some whispered and others just kept staring. It was weird and then the party continued. I walked down the steps to the dance floor to see Carol laughing with excitement as she ran to me with Theo following. Her gown was a lovely plush pink that made her look younger and her black hair pop out more so. "Oh I'm so happy you joined us Amelia we are going to have so much fun!" She said as she bounced around.

"Indeed I was worried about you 'Melia" Theo said, smiling a rare smile to me. "Thank you." I said. Suddenly people began to approach us making conversation. My brother and Carol would introduce me and then we would continue to have fun as we chatted. After a while Theo and Carol went to dance as I went and got a glass of water. Theo told me I could get a glass of wine, but I thought I would wait a bit.

"Hello there Lady Lanarte." I stood in shock to see Lord Katrelle approach me smiling as sweat formed on his brow. "Excuse me." I said as I tried to walk away. "Now hold on Lady Lanarte." He said as he blocked me from trying to leave. "I believe congrats are in order. Your father agreed to our arrangement." He smiled. I froze as my blood boiled as I gripped my hand into a fist. "But I believe since now you're Lady Laroex I would have to oblige your dowry instead of raising it. I am sure my father won't mind." he grinned. I just reacted and began walking away, but he gripped my side so hard I cried out a bit as he pushed me back.

"Lord David Katrelle," Turning to my side I saw Henry with his Golden locks and green eyes like always. He grabbed my hand lightly as he stepped between Lord Katrelle and I. ''I believe you're overstepping your place." Henry said slowly. "Oh please I am simply discussing things with my fiancé." Lord Katrelle said. "Oh your fiancé? I don't believe Lord Laroex mentioned such." Henry replied. "Because Lord Lanarte approved it, her fath--" " He is not the caretaker nor provider of my sister. So I hope you would do well to not disrespect her anymore." My brother stood behind Lord Katrelle as Carol looked less bubbly. She had a look of anger and death, her blue eyes had shadows I had seen before in my fathers eyes. "You can't tell me that. I was promised by her father Lord Lanarte!" Theo's eyes darkened like dad's and smiled.

"Our father is dead. As you well know, I am her guardian and if you want to marry her you ask me. But I'll save you the trouble. I refuse your offer. I reject you and your affections for my sister and if you ever come here again to hurt my sister I will skin your legs and make you run in a leech infested pond." My brother said quietly as he grinned. "While me and my friends watch the show eating marzipan cookies?" Carol chimed in smiling, all while fanning herself with her silk fan. "Of course maybe we will hold a picnic as we watch the dog run around." Theo smiled at her request.

"Utter rubbish I just wanted the bitches land anyway." Lord katrelle said. I stepped forward and reached around Henry and slapped the piss out of him. "Agh! How dare you!" He shouted. Henry stepped in front of me again grabbing a handkerchief handing it to me while butlers ran behind him forcing the Lord to leave. "Please wipe your hands. I'm afraid that wasn't sanitary." He joked. I wiped my hands to amuse him this one time as Carol and Theo followed the chaos outside to make sure I was safe and others followed to be nosy. "Thank you." I said.

"Not a problem. I honestly hate that guy for all his daddy's money yet no one could afford to give him manners." Henry joked, I laughed a bit in agreement and Henry then offered his hand to me.

"Want to get some air?" I nodded and he put his hands down as we walked out a door and arrived at a garden I didn't recognize. It was like a maze. Henry led the way to an apple tree. We sat down while I breathed in the cool air and I just sat there. Henry picked an apple and cleaned it. Taking a bite. I snatched it and took a bite too. He chuckled as we sat there eating the apple and chatted with each other. "I see I am truly sorry about that." Henry responded to why I came here. "It's alright I am with my brother. I have a family now." I smiled and we listened to the music as the night went on. My face must've shown it. "Hey if you're too tired you can go rest please don't let me keep you Lady Laroex." Henry said. "No I'm fine I promise, and just call me Amelia that whole lady thing is weird to me." I said. He nodded, "Alright then Amelia so tell me how close you are to your brother?" He asked. I sighed knowing he would regret that. "I'm sure you must know my dad. Although he hurt a bunch of people he was a good man. When Theo was born mom said he was a proud man, his prize boy. Then I was born and I was his precious girl. And I somehow ended up like my dad the most." I looked over to see Henry watch me closely.

" And then my dad started to get worse. He also was sick. And not just in the head. I never knew what it was, but I knew it was serious. Theo worked hard when he turned 13 working the farms. My dad worked but still kept to his hobby. And since he didn't want to risk Theo's chance at a future. He thought I would be his prodigy and his hobby's legacy. I was only nine. By the time I turned ten I was an expert at his work. And Theo knew, but he couldn't stop dad from teaching me. So he would help me when I got home. Sometimes not sleeping so I would not be alone at night when I also couldn't. He would get me food to make sure I would eat incase I forgot. When dad died Theo left me to my mother so I would be taken care of, but that didn't go so well." I said looking down. "I still remember screams and Theo just knows even after all this time he can tell." I said. I waited and waited for Henry to leave, but I didn't hear him move.

"Well I guess I owe you an apology. I assumed you came here to take my friend's money when you simply wanted to be with your family. I am sorry." Henry said as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes, smiling. "It's fine I get it you were protecting him. Thank you for that though." grinning, I looked up watching the sky. After a while I laid on the grass wanting to watch the stars and Henry joked about how I was being unladylike. Yet he laid down. He even gave me his jacket so I wouldn't get too cold on the ground. I smelled his cologne and watched the beautiful stars and I just felt safe. And I fell asleep.

I went into my room and headed over to a pitcher and poured cool water into a basin and splashed my face. 'Okay that is weird.' I thought it was giddy. I then sat in a chair by the window while Terra entered my room carrying a tray with snacks and light fruits. "Terra, cancel the Physician. I think I'll be fine once I eat." I said as she set the tray down on a dark wood table near me. She nodded and headed out as I snacked on the delicious food.

I rested for the evening in my room and thought about the kiss for a moment. 'Is it real? Maybe he just wants my land. No, Theo wouldn't let him stay if it was that easy.' I thought as I rolled my eyes.

I sat up and got out of bed and walked to the window seeing carriages again. "I feel like my brother likes parties too often." I joked. And surely enough people started to get out of the carriages. "Hm?" I noticed they were in simple dresses and suits carrying suitcases as they entered the large mansion of ours. I pulled a rope nearby and not a moment later Terra arrived through my door. "Milady?" She said as she stared at me. "What's going on? I thought the ball was tomorrow?" I asked. "Oh Lord Theo decided to hold a hunt as well. For the next coming week. So many ladies and Gentlemen who live too far away will reside here so they can make it." She said smiling. "Oh and madam Sulvane?" I asked. "She left with her Nephew earlier milady." Terra said, smiling. "Oh that's good, well I wanna see the guests I'm curious about." I said and Terra helped me get dressed into a soft blue gown with ruffles at the hemline. It was lacey with sleeves and the collar adorning rose lace on my neck. She fixed my hair to be combed through and down with two white ribbons in my hair. "Shall we put on jewels, miss?" Terra said excitedly. "Sure I think that would be nice." I said.

She put in small diamond earrings that resembled butterflies and a simple chain with one red gem in the middle glittering in the candle light of the night growing upon us. "Shall we match your dress with the shoes?" Terra said, holding up a pair of heels. "No, I don't really want to wear shoes. Maybe they won't notice since the dress is so long." I said. Terra giggled and nodded helping me to my door and opened it as I walked over to the wood railing at the end of the corridor seeing maids running around following the lords and ladies as they were brought to their own rooms. I saw a group of Fifteen wandering about the home. I watched and starred till Carol entered the foya. She greeted everyone with her bright smile and sharp eyes, as she made sure everyone was accounted for. "'Melia." I heard my brother's voice. I turned and smiled as he smiled too, fixing his tie. "Feeling better?" He asked. "Much. So we have guests?" I asked. He sighed for a moment. "Yes. I thought If I held the hunt, People would get our names out more. It was more of a last minute decision. But we got excellent houses residing here. The ball tomorrow won't be as disgusting. Or Running around with filth like the pig from last time." He said smiling. "That's good." I said as I walked over helping him with his cufflinks. "Thank you 'melia. Oh do not to stress over it but I Invited a few ladies over. I thought you could use some friends, For the hunt. If you don't wish to play with them It's fine- `` ''Thank you Theo." I said smiling. He calmed down as his brown eyes turned sharp again and he leaned over kissing my head. "You tell the servants if you need anything okay?" He said caress my hair. "Okay I will." I smiled brightly. He then walked away to the stairs as the group turned and looked up at him.